Pavetta canescens - Wikispecies
Taxonavigation: Gentianales |
Classification System: APG IV
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Rubiaceae
Subfamilia: Dialypetalanthoideae
Tribus: Pavetteae
Genus: Pavetta
Subgenus: P. subg. Pavetta
Species: Pavetta canescens
Pavetta canescens DC., Prodr. 4: 492 (1830)
- Replaced synonym
- Pavetta tomentosa A.Rich., Mém. Fam. Rubiac. (Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, 5: 181: 1834) 101 (1830), nom. illeg., non Roxb. ex Sm. (1814)
- Homotypic
- Heterotypic
- Pavetta flammea K.Schum., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 28(1): 83 (1899); not accepted by Bremekamp (1934) [cited as Pavetta canescens]
- Typus: Pogge 1107 (in flower, November 1881; B).
- Type locality: Gebiet der Baschilange [= Region of Bena Lulua, i.e. Southern DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO]. Bei [= Near] Mukenge.
- Pavetta sanguinolenta R.D.Good, J. Bot. 64 (Suppl. 2): 25 (1926); not accepted by Bremekamp (1934), Figueiredo (2008) [cited as Pavetta canescens]
- Typus: J. Gossweiler 2537 (in flower, [27] January [1907]; Holotypus: BM [cf. BM000903430(JSTOR), 'Type']; Isotypus: COI [COI00005364(JSTOR)]).
- Type locality: Angola. The præsidium of the Fte. P. Amelia, Cubango, Ganguellos.
- Pavetta flammea K.Schum., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 28(1): 83 (1899); not accepted by Bremekamp (1934) [cited as Pavetta canescens]
- De Candolle, A.P. 1830. Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis, sive enumeratio contracta ordinum, generum, specierumque plantarum huc usque cognitarum, juxta methodi naturalis normas digesta. Pars 4: Sistens Calyciflorarum ordines X. 683 pp. Treuttel et Würtz, Parisiis [Paris]. BHL Reference page.
Additional references
- Kuntze, O. 1891. Revisio generum plantarum vascularium omnium atque cellularium multarum secundum leges nomenclaturae internationales cum enumeratione plantarum exoticarum in itinere mundi collectarum. Pars I. Pp. I–CLV, 1–374. Arthur Felix, Leipzig [etc.] BHL Reference page.
- Schumann, K. 1899. Rubiaceae africanae. Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 28(1): 55–113. BHL Reference page.
- Good, R.D. 1926. Mr John Gossweiler's plants from Angola and Portuguese Congo. Journal of Botany 64(Suppl. 2): 1–43. Reference page.
- Bremekamp, C.E.B. 1934. A monograph of the genus Pavetta L. Repertorium specierum novarum regni vegetabilis 37(1–13): 1–208. Biblioteca Digital Reference page. [see pages 174–175.]
- Figueiredo, E. 2008. The Rubiaceae of Angola. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 156(4): 537–638. DOI: 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2007.00750.x
Reference page. [see page 577.]
- Govaerts, R. et al. 2023. Pavetta canescens in Kew Science Plants of the World Online. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published online. Accessed: 2023 March 19. Reference page.