Solanum arcanum - Wikispecies
Taxonavigation: Solanales |
Classification System: APG IV
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Solanaceae
Subfamilia: Solanoideae
Tribus: Solaneae
Genus: Solanum
Subgenus: S. subg. Potatoe
Sectio: S. sect. Lycopersicon
Species: Solanum arcanum
Solanum arcanum Peralta (2005:429)
- Holotype: Hutchison & Wright 5449 (USM)
- Type locality: Peru. Amazonas: western base of the Cerros Calla Calla, 9km E of Balsas on road to Leimebamba, 1340 m,30 May 1964.
(After Peralta & al., 2008:112)
- Lycopersicon peruvianum var. humifusum C.H.Muller (1940:19)
- Holotype: Blood & Tremelling 142 (US-40370, US)
- Type location: Peru. Cajamarca: between San Juanand Magdalena, 23 Dec 1937.
- Muller, C.H. (1940). A revision of the genus Lycopersicon. Misc. Publ. U.S.D.A. 382. 29pp. gBooks. Reference page.
- Peralta, I.E., S. Knapp, and D.M. Spooner. (2005). "New species of wild tomatoes (Solanum section Lycopersicon: Solanaceae) from northern Peru". Syst. Bot. 30(2):424–434. hdl: 10113/2616 (open access). DOI: 10.1600/0363644054223657. JSTOR.
- Peralta, I.E., Spooner, D.M. & Knapp, S. 2008. Taxonomy of Wild Tomatoes and Their Relatives (Solanum sect. Lycopersicoides, sect. Juglandifolia, sect. Lycopersicon; Solanaceae). Systematic Botany Monographs 84: 1–186. ISBN 978-0-912861-84-5. JSTOR
. PDF. Reference page.
- USDA, ARS, Germplasm Resources Information Network. Solanum arcanum in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service. Accessed: 09-Oct-10.