
Template:Hooker, 1846 - Wikispecies

The template can also be used for separate contributions and pages authored by W.J. Hooker in this volume. In this case use as {{Hooker, 1846|1|2}}

  • the first one (optional): title of contribution.
  • the third one (optional): number from URL of page at BHL, e.g. "434546" will produce a link to http://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/434546

So for example, {{Hooker, 1846|Tab. 4271. ''Scutellaria ventenatii''|434749}} will produce the following reference:

  • Hooker, W.J. 1846. Tab. 4271. Scutellaria ventenatii. In Curtis’s botanical magazine, comprising the plants of the Royal Gardens of Kew, and of other botanical establishments in Great Britain; with suitable descriptions; and a supplement of botanical and horticultural information. Vol. LXXII [= Vol. II of the third series.] Reeve, Brothers, London. BHL Reference page