Датотека:DT fusion rxnrate.svg — Википедија
Оригинална датотека (SVG датотека, номинално 360 × 324 пиксела, величина: 12 kB)
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Датум/време | Минијатура | Димензије | Корисник | Коментар | |
тренутна | 01:15, 12. децембар 2005. | ![]() | 360 × 324 (12 kB) | Dstrozzi~commonswiki | Logarithmic plot of the deuteron-triton fusion reaction rate <σv>, for Maxwellian ion velocity distributions with the same temperature. Created on 11 December 2005 by David Strozzi using Matlab. The curve is a spline interpolation through the data |
23:01, 10. децембар 2005. | ![]() | 270 × 234 (12 kB) | Dstrozzi~commonswiki | Logarithmic plot of the deuteron-triton fusion reaction rate <σv>, for Maxwellian ion velocity distributions with the same temperature. Created on 10 December 2005 by David Strozzi using Matlab. The curve is a spline interpolation through the data | |
21:19, 10. децембар 2005. | ![]() | 270 × 3 (12 kB) | Dstrozzi~commonswiki | Logarithmic plot of the deuteron-triton fusion reaction rate <σv>, for Maxwellian ion velocity distributions with the same temperature. Created on 10 December 2005 by David Strozzi using Matlab. The curve is a spline interpolation through the data | |
20:52, 10. децембар 2005. | ![]() | 270 × 3 (12 kB) | Dstrozzi~commonswiki | Logarithmic plot of the deuteron-triton fusion reaction rate <σv>, for Maxwellian ion velocity distributions with the same temperature. Created on 10 December 2005 by David Strozzi using Matlab. The curve is a spline interpolation through the data | |
08:24, 10. децембар 2005. | ![]() | 512 × 333 (12 kB) | Dstrozzi~commonswiki | Logarithmic plot of the deuteron-triton fusion reaction rate <v>, for Maxwellian ion velocity distributions with the same temperature. Created on 9 December 2005 by David Strozzi using Matlab. The curve is a spline interpolation through the data points i |
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Назив слике | Matlab Figure Converted by PLOT2SVG written by Juerg Schwizer |