- ️Fri Mar 26 1999
"I've been through combat from one side of the galaxy to the other. No-one knows more about revolutions than I do."
- Blackman(src)
Judicator Blackman is a protoss mercenary and the leader of Blackman's Reavers.
A Judicator, Blackman claims to have travelled from one side of the galaxy to the other, and be knowledgeable of revolutions. By the aftermath of the Brood War, he was leading a mercenary unit, noted for its use of War Reavers. He offered his services to the Terran Dominion to help deal with the New Trinidad Pirates.
Game Unit[]
The high templar selects a unit, creating two duplicates of it. Hallucinations appear with a blue tint to the creating and controlling player, while all other players will see them as duplicates of the original. Hallucinations do not inflict damage when they "attack", may not cast spells, or produce units (important for hallucinated carriers and reavers), and take double damage from all attacks. Hallucinations last for a limited time and automatically disappear when hit by spells (eg. EMP shockwave, Mind Control).
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Acquisition | ||||||
The high templar can create a storm of raw psychic energy. This is achieved by one closing their mind to the outside world, sending out psychic "ripples" that are disruptive to other lifeforms.
Inflicts total 112 damage to all units within a target area over 3 seconds (14 damage in 8-frames intervals, starting from the 16th frame after cast, resulting in 8 damage instances over 64 frames).
The storm does not harm structures or units within bunkers. Psionic storm ignores armor and armor types.
It does not prevent units from moving into or out of the affected area. Only one storm may affect an area at a time; overlapping storms does not increase damage output.
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Acquisition | ||||||
- +2 cumulative bonus per attack per level for zealots and dragoons.
- +3 cumulative bonus per attack per level for dark templar and archons.
Acquisition | ||||||||||||||
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
- +1 bonus to armor per level for probes, zealots, dragoons, reavers, high templar, dark templar, archons, and dark archons.
Acquisition | ||||||||||||||
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
- +1 armor bonus to shields per level for all units and structures.
Acquisition | ||||||||||||||
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
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Selected | Confirming order |
Repeatedly selected | |
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1999-03-26. StarCraft. Vivendi Games. Mission: Mercenaries (in English). Map Archives: Mercenaries. StarCraft Compendium Map Archives.
Hero: General Martin (Siege tank) Hero: "Unholy" Tara (Ghost) Hero: Judicator Blackman (High templar) Hero: Master Dabiri (Dark templar) Hero: Lord Zyrkhan (Zealot) Hero: Gilson the Evil (Guardian) Hero: Wise Old Torrasque (Ultralisk) |