Countdown is the eighth and final protoss mission of Episode IV of StarCraft: Brood War.
With the Uraj and Khalis secure on Shakuras, Matriarch Raszagal ordered the two crystals taken to the xel'naga temple. With the two crystals, the protoss could activate the temple and tap into its energies to scour the zerg from Shakuras. Zeratul carried the Khalis, while Artanis carried the Uraj.
The protoss pushed the zerg defenders back and secured the two crystals in the temple. While Artanis and Zeratul worked to channel the temple's energies, the Executor was tasked with defending it from the zerg. Though the zerg assault was heavy, the temple held long enough for Artanis and Zeratul to succeed in their task.[1] The temple released a massive blast of energy across Shakuras, destroying all zerg but leaving the protoss unharmed. For a brief moment in the planet's history, the clouds parted and the dark templar beheld a sunrise.[2]
The player starts with two bases, one headed by Artanis and the other by Zeratul. Note that only Artanis' base has a vespene geyser, so the player should begin mining it immediately. Zeratul's base will primarily be attacked by air drops from the north, so the player should build several Photon Cannons here and wall them off to hold off the zerg. Artanis' bases will mostly be attacked over the bridge, though zerg may also come from the east.
There are no expansions that the player can take without some degree of fighting, although the two expansions close to the Xel'Naga temple may be the simplest. Lurkers are found at every resource area, so observers are required. Alternatively, the player may tech straight to Dark Archons and research Mind Control, to capture an Overlord to provide the detector. Zeratul and Artanis can together take out the minimal defenses around the temple, and while Zeratul is vulnerable to Lurker attacks while visible to a Spore Colony, with Artanis taking out Sunken Colonies to keep the heavy damage off of Zeratul it is possible to "finesse" for the Lurker to un-burrow and attempt to re-position itself when Zeratul is visible to a Spore Colony but out of range of the Lurker. With just two units to micro-manage, this strategy is viable, although the player should be careful to avoid sending either hero over the white beacon, which will prematurely take the units out of the game to start channeling the final sequence. With the temple expansions secured, the player can begin taking in a substantial amount of resources which will last a very long time.
While not necessary, if the player desires a long game and to make the final phase easier the path is to crush the red zerg, and possibly the brown and orange zerg as well. The next logical expansion is to the northwest of Artanis's base. A medium force of upgraded zealots and dragoons can destroy the base, but with substantial resource flows form the temple area the player can tech straight to Carriers while continuing to use Artanis and Zeratul for defense and shaping operations. A force of eight or more Carriers is sufficient to take this smaller of the two red bases. While building up the force, the player can use Artanis to fly around red's other base and snipe the three quartets of Scourge that are initially placed over the red Zerg's eastern base. His missile attack is damaging enough to one-shot a single Scourge unit, and he can fly in and out quickly enough to avoid getting hit by the suicide attacks of its partners. Other Scourge around the orange and brown bases should be taken out using Hallucinations of Artanis made by at least one High Templar. These units will not be replaced if kiled, although the primary response to a Carrier attack is to spawn more Scourge, the bane of these protoss capital ships. An escort wing of at least six Corsairs, if tightly packed, can defeat Scourge before they can close to perform their suicide attack. However, additional hallucinations can also be used to counter spawned Scourge and the smaller base will be overrun quickly.
When taking red's base, it can be advantageous to also send a Dark Archon to capture a Drone, which can immediately morph into a hatchery at the site. Once either of red's bases is destroyed, the other base will attempt to send Overlords carrying Drones to re-establish it, which makes an easy means for capturing both or even gaining additional Drones and supply units. Photon Cannons are more versatile and quickly erectable than zerg base defenses, and can be built outside the area that the creep will spread to. With a zerg force, the player can then capture one of each of the various zerg units to obtain all ability upgrades for free, and Guardians and Devourers will be ideal units to crush other zerg bases while the carriers providing support or defending the player's home turf. These zerg flyers will not prompt the production of more Scourge like Carrier raids, and with the static Scourge defenses sapped by Artanis or his hallucinations, the game comes down to enemy Hydralisks and clearing the heavy static defenses of brown and orange. It is tedious but not complicated.
Until the player begins channeling the Xel'Naga temple, the brown and orange zerg will attack primarily with Hydralisks and Zerglings as well as small groups of Mutalisks. Once the player brings Zeratul and Artanis to the temple, the orange and brown zerg forces become much more aggressive for the rest of the mission, as will any remaining forces of the red zerg. As such, the player has ample time to build up forces that will eliminate all of the zerg from the map without the risk of getting into high-tech "end game" battles with their units. However, if the player wishes the intended experience of a hybrid "territory battle / survive for a time limit" mission, the brown and orange zerg can be left to their own devices while the player focuses his reinforcements at the temple. Dense Photon Cannons are advisable, as are several Corsairs ready with disruption web, Dark Archons with Maelstrom, High Templar with Psionic Storm, and whatever other forces the player can muster. All units should be upgraded to the maximum levels. If running at full production capacity, the brown and orange zerg will likely destroy the player's other bases; the temple grounds will supply enough resources to allow such losses, and the player can rebuild their base at the temple.
When the two protoss commanders enter the temple, the countdown begins to defend it. The zerg will send large numbers of air units and massed Overlords to drop ground-based zerg on the temple. The player's Corsairs can quickly destroy the aerial zerg and nullify the ability of the ground-based zerg to attack, and when fighting over Photon Cannons they will be able to hold off the zerg. If the player is being overwhelmed, the Dark Archon can use Maelstrom to freeze them in place, and a High Templar's Psionic Storm will do heavy damage to packed units while stunned. If the player's defense holds until the timer ends, the mission is won.
If the player eliminates all of the zerg before beginning the titular countdown, he or she may prefer to grab a coffee or catch up on email while the timer progresses. Checking social media sites during this time is not advisable, as such things did not exist when Starcraft debuted and might sour the experience.
- While it's not an exact 1-for-1 replica, the top right corner of the map that consists of the xel'naga temple and a large orange zerg island is the same map layout as the one seen in Episode IV's third mission, "Legacy of the Xel'Naga."
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