
  • ️Wed May 22 2019
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This article or section contains information derived from Co-op Missions, and should not be considered part of the official StarCraft storyline.

"I mean, look what I did with my Mecha Swarm. I upgraded them with my own special blend of energy called...egonergy."

Egonergy is a specialized type of energy used by Egon Stetmann to power his Mecha Swarm. After his terrazine mining operation on Bel'Shir during the End War, Stetmann created the energy field to power the enhanced weapons and shields of his swarm. In order to spread this energy, Stetmann created a network of satellites named stetellites which could send out a field of egonergy in a "stetzone."

These stetellites network could also configure the type of egonergy they produce. The Fun Accelerator for Speedy Transportation (F.A.S.T.) Configuration increased the speed of those inside it, while the Health Uptick Generating System (H.U.G.S.) Configuration healed allies under its power. The Just-In-Time Uninterruptable Input for Charging Egonergy (J.U.I.C.E.) Configuration recharged the energy and egonergy of allied units under it. Gary can overcharge the stetellites to increase the potency of the egonergy they released. When in his Super Gary form, he can spawn his own egonergy field around himself temporarily.[1]

Game Effect[]

Egonergy is one of the core mechanics of Stetmann. Stetmann can deploy stetellites that produce egonergy, and switch between a FAST (movement speed), HUGS (healing), or JUICE (energy regeneration) configuration. While it mostly effects Stetmann's army, a weaker version of the buff effects the ally. This can also increase worker movement speed for both Stetmann and his ally, albeit a small amount. Spreading egonergy fields and knowing what egonergy configuration works in what situation is key to mastering Stetmann.[1]

FAST Config Icon

Fun Accelerator for Speedy Transportation (F.A.S.T.) Configuration

Stetzones grant Stetmann's units 100% increased movement speed. Allied units gain 50% increased movement speed.

Hotkey CTRL + X
Cooldown 1 seconds

Mastery: +2% movement speed on Stetmann units and +1% movement speed on allied units per Stetzone Bonuses mastery point. Up to a maximum 160% movement speed on Stetmann units and 80% movement speed on allied units.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available

HUGS Config Icon

Health Uptick Generating System (H.U.G.S.) Configuration

Stetzones grant Stetmann's units 10 life regeneration per second. Allied units gain 5 life regeneration per second.

Hotkey CTRL + C
Cooldown 1 seconds

Mastery: +0.2 hp per second on Stetmann units and +0.1 hp per second on allied units per Stetzone Bonuses mastery point. Up to a maximum 16 hp per second on Stetmann units and 8 hp per second on allied units.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available

JUICE Config Icon

Just-in-time Uninterruptable Input for Charging Egonergy (J.U.I.C.E.) Configuration

Stetzones grant Stetmann's units 5 Egonergy regeneration per second. Allied units gain 2.5 energy regeneration per second.

Hotkey CTRL + V
Cooldown 1 seconds

Mastery: +0.1 Egonergy per second on Stetmann units and +0.05 energy per second on allied units per Stetzone Bonuses mastery point. Up to a maximum 8 Egonergy per second on Stetmann units and 4 energy per second on allied units.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Stetmann Level 2

StetelliteOvercharge Coop Game1

Stetellite Overcharge

Overcharges a target Stetellite, allowing it to actively grant bonuses to nearby units depending on the current Stetzone configuration. Overcharge effect lasts for 30 seconds.

  • F.A.S.T. Overload grants 20% increased attack speed for 45 seconds.
  • H.U.G.S. Overload grants a shield that absorbs 60 damage for 45 seconds.
  • J.U.I.C.E. Overload regenerates 60 Egonergy and energy over 45 seconds.
Hotkey C
Duration 30 (Overcharge) seconds
45 (Overload) seconds
Cooldown 45 seconds
Mastery: -0.45 seconds per Gary Ability Cooldown mastery point. Down to a minimum 31.5 seconds

GaryZone Coop Game1


Generates a Stetzone around Super Gary (radius 12) for 30 seconds.

Hotkey E
Duration 30 seconds
Cooldown 120 seconds
Mastery: -1.2 seconds per Gary Ability Cooldown mastery point. Down to a minimum 84 seconds


Egonergy was created as a placeholder name during the "second pass" of Stetmann. It was kept as the final name to show Stetmann's lack of creativity when it comes to naming his inventions.[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Blizzard Entertainment. Co-op Missions. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Stetmann (in English). 2018.
  2. 2019-05-22. Twitch Rivals: StarCraft II. Accessed 2019-06-01.