Impaler colony
- ️Tue Mar 12 2013
The impaler colony is an antiquated zerg structure created by the Overmind millennia before the Great War. Its successor was the now-defunct sunken colony. Attacking with subterranean tentacles, its attacks are slow, but do incredible damage. At least three impaler colonies survived on Marek V.[1]
Plot branch : Sarah Kerrigan chooses to evolve the hydralisk
During the Second Great War, Ryloth's Brood came under assault by the Terran Dominion's Prometheus Company. Sarah Kerrigan sent hydralisks to obtain the essence of the impaler colonies, which was used to allow the hydralisks to morph into impalers and destroy the terran forces.
Plot branch ends here
Game Unit[]
Three impaler colonies are encountered in the hydralisk evolution mission. The impaler colony's tentacle attacks are identified as a crosshair, and when emerging damage nearby units. Moving units away from the crosshair before the tentacle emerges will avoid damage. When the three impaler colonies are killed and their essence collected, the hydralisks unlock the ability to morph into impalers and the mission continues.
- ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Heart of the Swarm, Hydralisk Evolution (in English). 2013-03-12.
Zerg Units and Structures of StarCraft II | ||
Versus Terrestrial units Spawned units
Basic buildings Automated defenses Advanced buildings Transition units Others Campaign and Terrestrial units Aeropsace units Buildings Automated defenses Variant units
Command Strains Core Strains Terrestrial Specialist Strains Terrestrial
Spawned Strains Infested fauna Infested vehicles Structural Strains Basic |