Mecha hydralisk

  • ️Thu Aug 15 2019

"And I added missile launchers to my mecha hydralisks!"

MechaHydralisk Coop Art1

A mecha hydralisk

The mecha hydralisk is a Mecha Swarm replication of the hydralisk created by Egon Stetmann to guard his sacred home of Bel'Shir. They were controlled via technopathy.[1]

AlliedCommanders SC2-LotV Art1

This article or section contains information derived from Co-op Missions, and should not be considered part of the official StarCraft storyline.

These constructs served Stetmann during the End War against Amon. These hydralisks can be equipped with Erudition missiles, and augmented to increase their movement speed.[2]

Game Unit[]

The mecha hydralisk is the ranged attacker for Egon Stetmann in Co-op Missions. They serve as Stetmann's primary anti-air, especially with the Eruditon Missile upgrade, which can deal heavy damage to air units. They can double the damage of their anti-air attacks using the Juiced Up ability. However, this requires energy to use.

Mecha hydralisks can be "recycled" when they die, which will respawn additional mecha hydralisks.[2]


JuicePayload Coop Game1

Juiced Up Payload

Doubles the anti-air damage of this unit. Drains 10 Egonergy per attack.

Hotkey F (on)
G (off)
Cost 10 Energy
Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.

MorphMechaLurker Coop Game1

Anti-ground ambusher. Has a spine attack that damages all enemy units in its line of fire. Can use Tunnel of TERROR Algorithm and Focused Strike Algorithm. Can attack ground units. Must burrow to attack.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Stetmann Level 6
Hotkey E
Cost 50 Minerals

70 (with Oil Baron) Minerals
100 Vespene gas
1 Control

Required Mecha lurker den



Buries the unit underground. Burrowed unit are unable to move or attack, but they cannot be seen without detection.

Hotkey R
Cost 2 (burrow)seconds
1 (unburrow) seconds
Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.

TheBestOil Coop Game1

The Best Oil

When a Mecha Hydralisk kill the enemy unit, it gains 10% increased attack speed and regenerates an additional 1 life per second for 30 seconds. Can stack up to 20 times.



Duration 30 seconds

Up to a maximum 20 HP regeneration and 0.28 attack speed.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Oil Baron prestige


HydralicAugment Coop Game1

Hydra-lic Augments

Increases the movement speed of Mecha Hydralisks by 50%.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Mecha hydralisk den/Mecha lurker den
Hotkey A
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 60seconds

EruditionMissile Coop Game1

Erudition Missile Launchers

Allows the Mecha Hydralisk to replace its anti-air Needle Spine weapon with a more powerful Erudition Missile armament.


Contrary to the description, the Erudition Missile Launcher provides an additional anti-air attack without replacing the basic one. This allows Mecha Hydralisks to attack air units simultaneously with Mecha Needle Spines and Erudition Missile Launchers.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Mecha hydralisk den/Mecha lurker den
Hotkey C
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 90seconds

TyrTargeting Coop Game1

Tyr-Class Targeting System

Increases the Mecha Hydralisk's anti-air weapon range by 3.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Stetmann Level 8
Purchased from Mecha hydralisk den/Mecha lurker den
Hotkey F
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 90seconds
Required - Mecha hive
- Erudition Missile Launchers upgrade

Recycle Coop Game1


When this unit is destroyed near an active Stetellite, Gary, or Super Gary, it will drop 1 remnant of its unit type.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Stetmann Level 9.


  1. Robert Brooks (w), Carlos Rodríguez (i) and Andrew Dalhouse (c). (August 15, 2019). StarCraft II: This Sacred Land: Part 1. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: This Sacred Land: Part 1 Accessed 2019-08-15.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Blizzard Entertainment. Co-op Missions. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Egon Stetmann (in English). 2018.






