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This article or section contains information derived from Co-op Missions, and should not be considered part of the official StarCraft storyline.

Nux is a terran spectre who later took up mercenary work.


After the fall of Project Shadowblade, spectres became a rare sight in the Koprulu sector. Nux's memories became a haze, but he sometimes had nightmares involving Moebius Corps, dark voices, and something about the end of the world. However, the terrazine always soothed him.

In a theoretical timeline where Tychus Findlay survived the Second Great War, Nux was recruited into Tychus's new Heaven's Devils to fight in the End War against Amon's Forces.[1]

Game Unit[]

Nux is an elite spectre outlaw that Tychus can recruit in Co-op Missions. He can use an ultrasonic pulse ability that does area-of-effect damage in a small area, which pairs well with Tychus's ability to pull enemies into a small area with his upgraded Shredder Grenade. Unlike the base spectre unit, Nux cannot cloak.


UltrasonicPulse Coop Game1

Ultrasonic Pulse

Fires pulses of ultrasonic energy that last 6 seconds, causing 20 damage per second (summary 120) to enemy units in the target area (within a radius of 2). Does not damage friendly units. Holds up to 3 charges. Multiple Ultrasonic Pulses can stack.

Technical Recruiter: Reduces the Ultrasonic Pulse cooldown by 35%.

Hotkey Varies (W, E, R or T)
Range 10
Duration 6 seconds
Cooldown 30 seconds
20 (with Technical Recruiter) seconds


Better Off Alone

When Nux is beyond the vision range of all other Outlaws, he deals 30% more damage for each Outlaw recruited and takes 50% less damage.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Lone Wolf prestige.

Two Outlaws (60% Damage)

Effect AGR-17 Gauss Rifle
Basic: 48
Level 1: 52.8
Level 2: 57.6
Level 3: 62.4
Level 4: 67.2
Level 5: 72
Ultrasonic Pulse
Basic: 32 per second (summary 192 (384 with Crystalline Amplifiers))
T4 Cloudburst Shells: 48 per second (summary 288 (576 with Crystalline Amplifiers))

Three Outlaws (90% Damage)

Effect AGR-17 Gauss Rifle
Basic: 57
Level 1: 62.7
Level 2: 68.4
Level 3: 74.1
Level 4: 79.8
Level 5: 85.5
Ultrasonic Pulse
Basic: 38 per second (summary 228 (456 with Crystalline Amplifiers))
T4 Cloudburst Shells: 57 per second (summary 342 (684 with Crystalline Amplifiers))

Four Outlaws (120% Damage)

Effect AGR-17 Gauss Rifle
Basic: 66
Level 1: 72.6
Level 2: 79.2
Level 3: 85.8
Level 4: 92.4
Level 5: 99
Ultrasonic Pulse
Basic: 44 per second (summary 264 (528 with Crystalline Amplifiers))
T4 Cloudburst Shells: 66 per second (summary 396 (792 with Crystalline Amplifiers))

Five Outlaws (150% Damage)

Effect AGR-17 Gauss Rifle
Basic: 75
Level 1: 82.5
Level 2: 90
Level 3: 97.5
Level 4: 105
Level 5: 112.5
Ultrasonic Pulse
Basic: 50 per second (summary 300 (600 with Crystalline Amplifiers))
T4 Cloudburst Shells: 75 per second (summary 450 (900 with Crystalline Amplifiers))


T4Cloudburst Coop Game1

T4 Cloudburst Shells

Increases the damage of Ultrasonic Pulse by 50% (deals 30 damage per second, summary 180 for 6 seconds).

Lone Wolf: Increases the T4 Cloudburst Shells cost by 25%.

Purchased from Fixers' safehouse
Hotkey A


Cost 700 Minerals
875 (with Lone Wolf) Minerals
250 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
312 (with Lone Wolf) Vespene gas
Required Recruit Nux.
Cost 600 Minerals
750 (with Lone Wolf) Minerals
150 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
187 (with Lone Wolf) Vespene gas
Required Recruit Nux.

UltrasonicBooster Coop Game1

Ultrasonic Booster

Increases the radius of Ultrasonic Pulse by 50%.

Lone Wolf: Increases the Ultrasonic Booster cost by 25%.

Hotkey S


Cost 700 Minerals
875 (with Lone Wolf) Minerals
250 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
312 (with Lone Wolf) Vespene gas
Required Recruit Nux.
Cost 600 Minerals
750 (with Lone Wolf) Minerals
150 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
187 (with Lone Wolf) Vespene gas
Required Recruit Nux.

CrystallineAmplifiers Coop Game1

Crystalline Amplifiers

Increases the duration of Ultrasonic Pulse by 100% (deals summary 240 damage (360 with T4 Cloudburst Shells) for 12 seconds).

Lone Wolf: Increases the Crystalline Amplifiers cost by 25%.

Purchased from Fixers' safehouse
Hotkey D


Cost 700 Minerals
875 (with Lone Wolf) Minerals
250 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
312 (with Lone Wolf) Vespene gas
Required Recruit Nux.
Cost 600 Minerals
750 (with Lone Wolf) Minerals
150 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
187 (with Lone Wolf) Vespene gas
Required Recruit Nux.

N3Networking Coop Game1

N3 Networking

All nearby Outlaws have their primary ability charge-up times and cooldowns decreased by 20%.

Lone Wolf: N3 Networking is unavailable.



Range 10
Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Tychus Level 12.
Purchased from Fixers' safehouse
Hotkey F
Cost 1200 Minerals 400 Vespene gas
Required Buy all previous Gears for Nux.

FlashforceGDM Coop Game1

Flashforce GDM Visor

Provides Vega, Nux, and Lt. Nikara with Detection, allowing them to see cloaked and burrowed enemy units.


Mastery: +0.5% sight and detection range per Tri-Outlaw Research Improvement mastery point. Up to a maximum +15% sight and detection range

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available
Purchased from Engineering bay
Hotkey C
Cost 75 Minerals 75 Vespene gas 120seconds
Effect Sight and Detection Range: 10
Mastery: +0.05 sight and detection range per Tri-Outlaw Research Improvement mastery point. Up to a maximum 11.5

TychusOutlawWeapons Coop Game1

Outlaw Weapons

Increases the attack damage of Tychus and his Outlaws.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Level 1-3 – Initially available.
Level 4-5 – Reach Tychus Level 13.
Purchased from Engineering bay
Hotkey E

Level 1

Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 120seconds
Effect Damage: 33

Level 2

Cost 175 Minerals 175 Vespene gas 140seconds
Effect Damage: 36

Level 3

Cost 250 Minerals 250 Vespene gas 160seconds
Effect Damage: 39

Level 4

Cost 325 Minerals 325 Vespene gas 180seconds
Effect Damage: 42

Level 5

Cost 400 Minerals 400 Vespene gas 200seconds
Effect Damage: 45

TychusOutlawArmor Coop Game1

Outlaw Life and Armor

Increases the armor of Tychus and his Outlaws and increases their life by 10%.

(Affects SCVs)



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Level 1-3 – Initially available.
Level 4-5 – Reach Tychus Level 13.
Purchased from Engineering bay
Hotkey A

Level 1

Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 120seconds
Effect Hit points: 550
Armor: 1

Level 2

Cost 175 Minerals 175 Vespene gas 140seconds
Effect Hit points: 600
Armor: 2

Level 3

Cost 250 Minerals 250 Vespene gas 160seconds
Effect Hit points: 650
Armor: 3

Level 4

Cost 325 Minerals 325 Vespene gas 180seconds
Effect Hit points: 700
Armor: 4

Level 5

Cost 400 Minerals 400 Vespene gas 200seconds
Effect Hit points: 750
Armor: 5


In early builds of Tychus's outlaws in Co-op Missions, Nux was based around the mage class from World of Warcraft, having lower health but a number of area-of-effect abilities.[2]


Nux's bio is a possible reference to Samwise Gamgee as portrayed in the film adaption of Fellowship of the Ring. Upon being caught evesdropping by Gandalf, Sam utters "I heard a good deal about a ring...and a Dark Lord...And something about the end of the world."


  1. Blizzard Entertainment. Co-op Missions. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Tychus (in English). 2018.
  2. 2018-26-08, StarCraft 2: THE FUTURE OF CO-OP! (Developer Interview). YouTube, accessed on 2018-08-26.




