Lab 01 (Hyperion)

  • ️Sat Aug 30 2014

The lab at the beginning of the game

Lab 01 (also known as Research Lab 1) is a science laboratory aboard Hyperion. It was used during Mengsk's Uprising by Doctor Helek Branamoor to study zerg bioforms using the lab's incubator.[1] Under Raynor's Raiders, the lab became operational at the start of the Second Great War. Egon Stetmann studied alien technology in the lab to provide new munitions for Raynor's Raiders. Esoteric items were also stored there.[2]

Game Effect[]

The lab is unlocked after playing a total of five missions in Wings of Liberty (including the Mar Sara arc).




The lab at the middle end of the game

The research trees unlock additional units and upgrades. Progression up the zerg tree is through accumulating zerg research points in missions, with protoss research points being applied to the protoss tree. Collecting points and advancing up the trees are a type of quest.

A visual indication of how far research has progressed is available on the left side of the library. It is present in the form of two tubes, one each for protoss and zerg research. Clicking on either of these accesses Stetmann's research log.

Points are applied to the tree cumulatively; points are not expended like credits. A tree level is unlocked for every five points accumulated. Each level has two upgrades/unit options, but only one may be chosen. An option must be chosen at each level for the tree to progress.

Once a tree has reached 25 points there are no further upgrades or units. For each research point the player earns after reaching 25, accessing the research console will reward them with 10,000 credits per extra point from the Moebius Foundation.


5 research points[]

Attack upgrades improve attack cooldown of affected units by 5% per level.

These self-replicating ultra capacitors reduce the reload time of weapons and systems. Now each of the weapon upgrades at the armory and engineering bay increases attack speed by 5% in addition to increasing damage.

Campaign Acquisition
Acquired from Hyperion laboratory for 5 protoss research points


SC2 Lab VanPlating Icon

Vanadium Plating

Armor upgrades increase health of affected units by 5% per level.[3]

We have created a new lightweight alloy called vanadium. Vanadium diffuses weapon impacts much more efficiently than traditional armor plating, and it better preserves the life of our units. Now each of the armor upgrades in the armory and engineering bay increases unit life by 5% in addition to increasing armor.

Campaign Acquisition
Acquired from Hyperion laboratory for 5 protoss research points


10 research points[]

SC2 Lab Orbital Depot Icon

Orbital Depot

An SCV drops a fully constructed supply depot instantly.

We can now call down supply depots straight from orbit due to our new understanding of protoss architecture. Key point joints have been added to the supply depot's structure, allowing the supply depot to survive the violent turbulence of breaking through an atmosphere. Now an SCV simply has to place a beacon, and the crew on the Hyperion will handle the rest. [3]

Campaign Acquisition
Acquired from Hyperion laboratory for 10 protoss research points


SC2 Lab MicroFilter Icon

Micro Filtering

Increases the rate SCVs and Automated Refinery harvest vespene gas from refineries by 25% (to 5).

Combining terran and protoss filtering technologies allows our refineries and automated refineries to reclaim a higher amount of vespene gas in its purest form.[3]

Campaign Acquisition
Acquired from Hyperion laboratory for 15 protoss research points


15 research points[]

SC2 Lab Auto Refinery Icon

Automated Refinery

Refineries do not need SCVs to operate.[3]

We have adapted protoss warp technology to transport gas canisters straight from the refinery to the command center, eliminating the need for SCVs to carry them back. Why the protoss have never thought to transport vespene in this fashion is a mystery. Perhaps they lack terran creativity and pragmatism, or possibly their primitive superstitions forbid the practice.

Campaign Acquisition
Acquired from Hyperion laboratory for 15 protoss research points


Command centers and planetary fortresses can build two SCVs at the same time.[3]

We now have the ability to train two SCVs simultaneously, allowing our early mineral and vespene production to ramp up twice as quickly. This breakthrough, made possibly by recent insights into protoss containment fields, should help us get a stronger foothold early in future missions.

Campaign Acquisition
Acquired from Hyperion laboratory for 15 protoss research points


20 research points[]

Unlocks the raven for production.[3]

The raven is an unmanned surveillance drone that can detect cloaked and burrowed enemy units. The raven can also serve as a combat engineer by placing auto-turrets and point defense drones and firing seeker missiles in strategically vital locations.

Campaign Acquisition
Acquired from Hyperion laboratory for 20 protoss research points


Unlocks the science vessel for production.[3]

We have created a unique version of the science vessel that can perform hull repairs on friendly mechanical units. This version of the science vessel can also irradiate individual targets and detect cloaked and burrowed enemy units.

Campaign Acquisition
Acquired from Hyperion laboratory for 20 protoss research points


25 research points[]

Combines the tech lab and reactor into one add-on.[3]

Protoss plasma shields have finally given us the ability to fit the tech lab and the reactor into a single structure add-on. This new add-on, known as the tech reactor, replaces the old tech lab and reactor add-ons, and allows us to train two of any unit type simultaneously.

Campaign Acquisition
Acquired from Hyperion laboratory for 25 protoss research points


SC2 Lab Orb Strike Icon

Orbital Strike

New barracks units arrive at the rally point by drop pod.

We have developed a new low-cost drop-pod that lets us send our infantry units straight from the Hyperion to the barracks' rally point. This technological marvel gives us the ability to reinforce instantly when far from our main base and to surprise the enemy from above. [3]

Campaign Acquisition
Acquired from Hyperion laboratory for 25 protoss research points



5 research points[]

Adds an automated turret to bunkers.[4]

We have developed an automated turret that comes standard with all bunkers. This turret, which is based on our studies of spore crawlers, adds extra firepower to manned bunkers and also allows unmanned bunkers to contribute to base defense.

Campaign Acquisition
Acquired from Hyperion laboratory for 5 zerg research points


SC2 Lab FortBunker Icon

Fortified Bunker

Adds 150 HP to bunkers.

This improved bunker design, inspired by the ultralisk exoskeleton, attaches a hardened carapace to the top of the bunker. This carapace dramatically increases the amount of punishment that a bunker can absorb.[4]

Campaign Acquisition
Acquired from Hyperion laboratory for 5 zerg research points


10 research points[]

Enables command centers and orbital commands to transform into a planetary fortress.[4]

We can now outfit the command center with the twin Ibiks cannon and additional structure plating. Please note that this upgrade, nicknamed the planetary fortress, must be triggered after the command center has been built. Also note that a command center that has been upgraded to a planetary fortress can no longer lift off because the added weight is too much for the command center's atlas boosters.

Campaign Acquisition
Acquired from Hyperion laboratory for 10 zerg research points


Unlocks the perdition turret for production.[4]

This turret fires a deadly wall of flame that is ideal for holding off large waves of enemy units. The turret also conceals itself beneath the ground when out of combat, luring unsuspecting enemies into its field of fire. The zerg's ability to burrow has allowed them to massacre countless terran soldiers in deadly ambushes. The new perdition turret should help even the score.

Campaign Acquisition
Acquired from Hyperion laboratory for 10 zerg research points


15 research points[]

Unlocks the predator for production.[4]

The predator is equipped with an electrified discharge field. This field activates each time the predator strikes an enemy in combat, doing heavy damage to all nearby enemy units. This makes the predator a devastatingly effective counter to large grounds of enemy units.

Campaign Acquisition
Acquired from Hyperion laboratory for 15 zerg research points


Unlocks the Hercules for production.[5]

We have retrofitted the Hercules-class cargo ship for use on the battlefield. This massive transport can carry entire armies and unload them at record speeds. The hercules will also ejected survival pods if shot down. Ejected occupants will sustain damage, but most would agree that injury is preferable to death.

Campaign Acquisition
Acquired from Hyperion laboratory for 15 zerg research points


20 research points[]

Increase starting energy of all units by 100. Increase maximum energy of all units by 100.[4]

This reactor has a larger energy reserve on startup and can hold a much larger charge. Now our specialist units can use their abilities the moment they hit the battlefield, and they can store more energy when idle for long periods of time. All "Specialists units" use energy: such as the medic, ghost, spectre, thor, wraith, banshee, raven, science vessel and battlecruiser.

Campaign Acquisition
Acquired from Hyperion laboratory for 20 zerg research points


Damaged mechanical units recover hit points when out of combat, at a rate of 0.6015 each second.[4]

Our ship and vehicle hulls are now made from a material called Regenerative Bio-Steel. This material uses internal nanobots to slowly repair any damage the hull sustains. While this regeneration process is much slower than conventional SCV repairs, it can be the difference between life and death if no SCVs are available.

Campaign Acquisition
Acquired from Hyperion laboratory for 20 zerg research points


25 research points[]

Unlocks the hive mind emulator for production.[4]

This emulator can mimic the signals of the now-deceased Overmind and bring individual zerg units under our permanent control. Heroic units are immune.

Each conversion taxes the battery heavily, though, so a long recharge may be required before the next target can be controlled.

Campaign Acquisition
Acquired from Hyperion laboratory for 25 zerg research points


Unlocks the psi disrupter for production.[4]

Studied conducted by the United Earth Directorate have shown that concentrated dose of sigma radiation can slow zerg movement and reaction speeds by as much as 50%. The psi disrupter has been developed to constantly emit sigma rays in a large area of effect, making it an essential base defense when facing a large zerg force.

Campaign Acquisition
Acquired from Hyperion laboratory for 25 zerg research points


Other items[]

Ihan crystal[]

The crystal is acquired after the mission, "The Dig". Using the crystal accesses the protoss mini-campaign featuring Zeratul and his quest for the prophecy.


At an earlier point in development, the player would be tasked to retrieve specific samples of zerg biology and protoss technology for Stetmann to derive upgrades from. Cut lines for these upgrades still exist in the map editor. One such upgrade would increase the armor of all vehicles via research on resonant kinetic fields.[6]


There are a total of 21 protoss research points and 17 zerg research points in all normal missions, plus an additional 3 of either depending on if the player completes Safe Haven or Haven's Fall. Zeratul's mission chains adds an extra 11 and 13 points, respectively, and the secret mission adds 4 and 3. This makes for a total of 39/33 or 36/36 (depending on the Haven Choice) total possible research points.



Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty - Armory Upgrades, Cantina Mercenaries & Laboratory Researches


  1. Neilson, Micky (December 18, 2000). StarCraft: Uprising. Simon & Schuster (Pocket Star). ISBN 978-0743-41898-0 (eBook).
  2. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Laboratory (in English). 2010.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Protoss research (in English). 2010.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Zerg research (in English). 2010.
  5. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Zerg research tree (in English). 2010.
  6. 2014-08-30, Unused HoTS Story Elements. StarCraft Legacy, accessed on 2014-08-31
  7. Zero. 09/08/17. July 20, 2009 Wings of Liberty Single Player Info. StarCraft Legacy. Last accessed: 09/08/17.


Campaign Mechanics