Shadow Guard

  • ️Tue Nov 10 2015

"I am Shadow Guard, I am the shield of twilight!"

The Shadow Guard are a group of Nerazim warriors.


The backbone of the Shadow Guard are the centurion zealots. At least some of the centurions joined the Golden Armada during the Reclamation of Aiur and served aboard the Spear of Adun.[1] A number of dark templar also serve in the Shadow Guard. When Amon's zerg invaded Shakuras, the Shadow Guard took part in its defense, and experienced heavy losses.[2]

The Shadow Guard are divided into legions, with exactly one hundred centurions assigned to each legion.[3]

Game Unit[]

Vorazun can summon dark templar Shadow Guard in Co-op Missions.

The Shadow Guard dark templar are fully upgraded dark templar with increased stats, and timed life lasting 60 seconds. They can be deployed anywhere as a quick response to unexpected attacks by ground forces. They are also useful for quickly clearing out the rocks that block expansions.[4]


ShadowFury SC2-LotV Icon1

Shadow Fury

Rapidly teleport around target area, striking enemies for 20 (+15 vs light) damage up to five times. Can be set to autocast. Cannot target cloaked enemies without detection.

Hotkey E
Range 5
Cooldown 15 seconds
Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available

VoidStasis SC2-LotV Icon1

Void Stasis

Places target unit or structure in stasis for 10 seconds, disabling the unit for the duration of the effect. Units and structures in stasis cannot be attacked or affected by abilities. Can be set to autocast, in which case the unit will only seal enemy detectors.

Can target structures or ground units.

Withering Siphon: Void Stasis affects Heroic units and causes enemy units to lose 20 hit points per second, up to a maximum of 200. This effect cannot kill.

Hotkey V
Range 8
Duration 10 seconds
Cooldown 15 seconds
Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available



The user instantly teleports a short distance away.

Hotkey B
Range 8
Cooldown 8 seconds
Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available

SC2 ProGrndWeap

Protoss Ground Weapons

Increases the attack damage of protoss ground units.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Forge
Hotkey G

Level 1

Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 160seconds
Effect Damage

Basic: 90

With Withering Siphon: 67.5

Level 2

Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 190seconds
Required Twilight council
Effect Damage

Basic: 95

With Withering Siphon: 71.25

Level 3

Cost 200 Minerals 200 Vespene gas 220seconds
Required Twilight council
Effect Damage

Basic: 100

With Withering Siphon: 75

SC2 ProGrndArm

Protoss Ground Armor

Increases the armor of protoss ground units.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Forge
Hotkey A

Level 1

Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 160seconds
Effect Armor: 2

Level 2

Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 190seconds
Required Twilight council
Effect Armor: 3

Level 3

Cost 200 Minerals 200 Vespene gas 220seconds
Required Twilight council
Effect Armor: 4

SC2 ProShields

Protoss Plasma Shields

Increases the shield armor of all protoss units and structures.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Forge
Hotkey A

Level 1

Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 160seconds
Effect Shield armor: 1

Level 2

Cost 175 Minerals 175 Vespene gas 190seconds
Required Twilight council
Effect Shield armor: 2

Level 3

Cost 250 Minerals 250 Vespene gas 220seconds
Required Twilight council
Effect Shield armor: 3


  1. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. War Council interface (in English). 2015-11-10.
  2. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Cutscene prior to Amon's Reach (in English). 2015-11-10.
  3. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Centurion unit quote (in English). 2015-11-10.
  4. Blizzard Entertainment. Co-op Missions. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Vorazun (in English). 2018.



