
  • ️Sun Mar 31 2013

"Swarmling strain: hatches quickly. Three from single egg. Overwhelms foes."

The swarmling is a variant strain of the zergling that appears in StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm.

Game Unit[]

The swarmlings are able to spawn in groups of three and morphs almost instantly (two seconds). This allows the player to amass a huge army of swarmlings quickly.

The swarmling still take 0.5 control per swarmling, or 1.5 per cocoon.[1]

Swarmlings can be very handy if the player wishes to amass a large number of banelings in a short amount of time, and at slightly less cost per zergling. Their short hatching time is useful for times when the player's base is attacked while the main army is away: defenders can be made in seconds.

Heart of the Swarm[]

"They're everywhere!"
"Then shoot everywhere!"

It becomes available with the raptor after completing either Shoot the Messenger or Fire in the Sky.

During Kerrigan's resurgence, Abathur discovered the swarmling strain in a feral zerg brood on the planet Astrid III. The brood's hatcheries developed the means to reduce the complexity in Zz'gash dune runner core thus allowing the production of the swarmling. The simple sequences allow three swarmlings to hatch from a single egg with an almost nonexistent gestation period. However the dorsal projection of the dune runner has resurfaced in the swarmlings.[2][3]

Legacy of the Void[]

Swarmlings are available in the final StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void Epilogue mission "Amon's Fall".[4]

Co-op Missions[]

Zagara's zerglings automatically upgrade to the swarmling strain when she reaches Level 12. Unlike the campaign, Zagara's swarmlings use the Leviathan Brood skin.

Upgrades and Abilities[]

BanelingMorph SC2 Icon1

Baneling Morph

Transforms a swarmling into a baneling, a glowing green creature with a suicide attack.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Hotkey E
Cost 22 Minerals 14 Vespene gas 10seconds
Required Baneling nest


Splitterling Morph

Transforms a swarmling into a splitterling, a glowing purple spiked creature with a suicide attack that creates baneling spawns when killed.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Zagara Level 14.
Hotkey E
Cost 22 Minerals 14 Vespene gas 10seconds
Required Baneling nest



Buries the unit underground. Burrowed unit are unable to move or attack, but they cannot be seen without detection.

Hotkey R
Cost 2 (burrow)seconds
1 (unburrow) seconds
Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.

ZagaraZerglingEvasion SC2 Icon


Swarmlings can evade the enemy attacks with a chance of 1.5% per each Zergling Evasion mastery point.


Mastery: +1.5% evade chance per Zergling Evasion mastery point. Up to a maximum 45% evade chance

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Zergling Evasion Mastery.

MetabolicBoost SC2 Zergling

Metabolic Boost

Increases Zerglings movement speed by 60%.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Spawning pool
Hotkey M
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 60seconds

AdrenalGlands SC2 Game1

Adrenal Overload

Increases Zerglings attack speed by 40%.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Spawning pool
Hotkey A
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 60seconds
Required Hive

Shredding Claws SC2-LotV Icon

Shredding Claws

Zergling attacks reduce the target's armor to 0 for 10 seconds.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Zagara Level 6.
Purchased from Spawning pool
Hotkey R
Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 90seconds
Required Hive

SC2 HardenedCarapace Icon

Hardened Carapace

Increases maximum Zergling HP by 10.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Zagara Level 6
Purchased from Spawning pool
Hotkey C
Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 90seconds
Required Lair/Hive

SC2 ZergMeleeWeap

Zerg Ground Attacks

Increases the attack damage of zerg ground units.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Evolution chamber
Hotkey M

Level 1

Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 160seconds
Effect Damage: 6

Level 2

Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 190seconds
Required Lair/Hive
Effect Damage: 7

Level 3

Cost 200 Minerals 200 Vespene gas 220seconds
Required Hive
Effect Damage: 8

SC2 ZergGrndCara

Zerg Ground Carapace

Increases the armor of zerg ground units.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Evolution chamber
Hotkey M

Level 1

Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 160seconds
Effect Armor: 1

Level 2

Cost 175 Minerals 175 Vespene gas 190seconds
Required Lair/Hive
Effect Armor: 2

Level 3

Cost 250 Minerals 250 Vespene gas 220seconds
Required Hive
Effect Armor: 3


The swarmling used the model of the raptor in development.[5]


  • The swarmling figurine was available as part of the zergling plastic "army men" set.[6]


  1. Blizzard Entertainment. Forums. Accessed 2013-03-31.
  2. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Heart of the Swarm, Zergling Evolution (in English). 2013-03-12.
  3. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Evolution pit units (in English). 2013.
  4. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Into the Void, Amon's Fall (in English). 2015-11-10.
  5. Blizzard Entertainment. 2011-05-27 StarCraft II Heart of the Swarm Campaign Preview. YouTube. Accessed 2013-03-29.
  6. 2017-07-08, Starcraft II Bag O' Zerglings 1:32 Scale Collector Army Men Figures., accessed on 2017-07-08.

Zerg Units and Structures of StarCraft II


Campaign and
Co-op Missions
units and structures

Variant units



Specialist Strains