Tech reactor

The tech reactor is an add-on structure in StarCraft II. It is only available in the single-player campaigns and Co-op Missions.


Tech reactors were developed by Raynor's Raiders scientist Egon Stetmann after doing extensive research on protoss plasma shields. The results of his research allowed the reactor and tech lab to be combined into one facility, allowing for the functionality of both add-ons.[1]

The Terran Dominion eventually acquired the research to use tech reactors, as did the terran race as a whole. By 2506, the tech reactor was used almost exclusively over the previous two add-ons.

Game Structure[]

Wings of Liberty[]

Tech reactors are acquired in Hyperion's lab in Wings of Liberty for twenty-five protoss research points and are the alternative to the drop research.[1] This allows two of any unit to be built at once, including units that would normally require a tech lab, and grants access to upgrades that would be found in tech labs. After acquisition, all starting tech labs and reactors in subsequent missions are replaced by tech reactors. Tech labs and reactors may no longer be built.

Depending on playstyle and strategy, being able to mass tech lab units, such as Marauders, Siege tanks, Battlecruisers, and Thors, at an increased rate may prove preferable to being able to spawn infantry anywhere on the map with the Orbital Strike upgrade. Orbital Strike only affects the barracks, meaning that units deployed through it may be out of range of your Factory and Starport support units if done so very far forward, while the tech reactor upgrade affects all three production buildings, while also streamlining Lift Off building swaps by removing the need to construct separate add-ons.

In missions where there is a significant AI Terran presence, their tech reactors can be stolen by destroying the building attached to it, be it enemy or ally, and then attaching your own to them. This also applies in Nova Covert Ops. Note that, unlike in StarCraft 1, add-ons don't become neutral when the connected building is destroyed, so units must be watched since they may auto-target and destroy it.

Upgrades and Abilities[]

FireSuppression SC2 DevGame1

All structures repair themselves to 50% life. All structure fires are automatically put out.

This all-in-one safety system automatically dispatches robotic drones to put out any fires and perform basic repairs on damaged structures. Although these drones are effective at doing basic repairs, they do not have a strong enough AI to perform the more delicate repairs needed to restore a structure past half life.[2]

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Complete 12 missions.
Acquired from Hyperion armory for $90,000

SC2 Lab Tech Reactor Icon

Combines the tech lab and reactor into one add-on.[1]

Protoss plasma shields have finally given us the ability to fit the tech lab and the reactor into a single structure add-on. This new add-on, known as the tech reactor, replaces the old tech lab and reactor add-ons, and allows us to train two of any unit type simultaneously.

Campaign Acquisition
Acquired from Hyperion laboratory for 25 protoss research points

Left 2 Die[]

In "Left 2 Die," Raynor's Raiders can buy tech reactors for 100 biomass points.[3]

Co-op Missions[]

In Co-op Missions, Swann is able to build tech reactors once he reaches Level 10. Swann can also convert allied or enemy tech labs and reactors into tech reactors by landing his factories and starports next to them. Raynor can attach his production buildings on Swann's tech reactors and use them. If Swann lands his structures on Raynor's add-ons, they will automatically be transformed into tech reactors.

Swann Upgrades[]


InfernalPreigniter SC2 Game1

Infernal Pre-Igniter

Increases the damage of the hellion and hellbat by 10 against light units.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Tech lab/tech reactor attached to factory
Hotkey I
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 60seconds

InfernalPlating SC2-LotV Icon1

Infernal Plating

Hellions and hellbats gain +2 armor.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Tech lab/tech reactor attached to factory
Hotkey H
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 60seconds

MultiLockWeapons SC2 Icon1

Multi-Lock Weapons System

Goliaths can attack ground and air units simultaneously.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Swann Level 7
Purchased from Tech lab/tech reactor attached to factory
Hotkey L
Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 90seconds


330mm Cannons

Allows thors to use the 330mm Cannons ability, stunning all units in a small area and dealing 500 damage in a larger area over time.

Hotkey C
Range 10
Duration 3 seconds
Cooldown 60 seconds
Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Swann Level 7
Purchased from Tech lab/tech reactor attached to factory
Hotkey C
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 60seconds
Required Armory

MagFieldAccelerator SC2 Icon1

Mag-Field Accelerator

Increases the damage of the cyclones Lock-On by 100%.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Swann Level 7
Purchased from Tech lab/tech reactor attached to factory
Hotkey O
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 100seconds
Required Armory

MaelstromRounds SC2-LotV Icon1

Maelstrom Rounds

Increases siege tanks damage to primary targets in siege mode by 40.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Tech lab/tech reactor attached to factory
Hotkey M
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 60seconds

TargetingOptics SC2-LotV Icon1

Targeting Optics

Increases cyclones Lock-on range by 3.




Does not increase Lock-on range as intended (bug).

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Tech lab/tech reactor attached to factory
Hotkey R
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 60seconds
Required Armory

AresSystem SC2 Icon1

Ares-Class Targeting System

Increases Goliaths air attack range by 3 and ground attack range by 1.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Tech lab/tech reactor attached to factory
Hotkey E
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 60seconds

DisplacementField SC2 Icon

Displacement Field

Wraiths evade 20% of incoming attacks and move 20% faster when cloaked.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Swann Level 13.
Purchased from Tech lab/tech reactor attached to starport
Hotkey B
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 60seconds

ImprovedNanoRepair SC2 Icon

Improved Nano-Repair

The science vessels Nano-Repair no longer costs energy.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Tech lab/tech reactor attached to starport
Hotkey C
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 60seconds

PulseAmplifier SC2 Icon

Pulse Amplifier

While the Wraith is moving, the damage of its Gemini Missiles is increased by 100% and the damage of its Burst Lasers is increased by 300%.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Tech lab/tech reactor attached to starport
Hotkey C
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 60seconds

BuildingArmor SC2 Game1

Structure Armor

All structures gain +2 armor.

Grease Monkey: All turrets gain +4 armor.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Engineering bay
Hotkey B
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 60seconds

FireSupression SC2 Icon

Fire Supression Systems

All buildings will initiate auto-repairs when below 50% health, repairing them back to 50% health (restore 15 hit points per second).



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Swann Level 11
Purchased from Engineering bay
Hotkey F
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 60seconds

Raynor Upgrades[]

Raynor cannot construct tech reactors, but when allied with Swann, he can use his ally's tech reactors on his production structures. If Swann lands a structure under his control on Raynor's reactors and tech labs, they will automatically become tech reactors.



Combat Shield

Marines gain +10 maximum HP.

Backwater Marshall: Marines gain +20 maximum HP.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Tech lab attached to barracks
Hotkey C
Cost 100 Minerals 100 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
Mastery: -2 Minerals -2 TerranVespene SC2 Game1 per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a maximum 40 Minerals 40 Vespene gas
Effect Hit points: 55 (110 with Backwater Marshall)

IncineratorGauntlets SC2-LotV Icon1

Incinerator Gauntlets

Increases firebats attack radius by 40%.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Raynor Level 4.
Purchased from Tech lab attached to barracks
Hotkey G
Cost 50 Minerals 50 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
Mastery: -1 Minerals -1 TerranVespene SC2 Game1 per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a maximum 20 Minerals 20 Vespene gas
Effect Attack Length: 4.4
Attack Width: 1

JuggernautPlating SC2-LotV Icon1

Juggernaut Plating

Increases firebats base armor by 2 and base HP by 100.

Backwater Marshall: Increases firebats base HP by 200.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Raynor Level 4
Purchased from Tech lab attached to barracks
Hotkey C
Cost 100 Minerals 100 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
Mastery: -2 Minerals -2 TerranVespene SC2 Game1 per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a maximum 40 Minerals 40 Vespene gas
Effect Hit Points: 200 (400 with Backwatter Marshall)
Armor: 3

CerberusMine SC2-LotV Icon1

Cerberus Mine

Increases the detonation and trigger radius of spider mines by 33%.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Raynor Level 9.
Purchased from Tech lab attached to factory
Hotkey C
Cost 100 Minerals
Mastery: -2 Minerals per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a minimum 40 Minerals
100 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
Mastery: -2 TerranVespene SC2 Game1 per Research Resource Cost: mastery point. Down to a minimum 40 Vespene gas

AdvancedSiegeTech SC2-LotV Icon1

Advanced Siege Tech

Reduces the transformation time of siege mode. Siege tanks gain +3 armor in siege mode.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Raynor Level 9.
Purchased from Tech lab attached to factory
Hotkey S
Cost 150 Minerals
Mastery: -3 Minerals per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a minimum 60 Minerals
150 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
Mastery: -3 TerranVespene SC2 Game1 per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a minimum 60 Vespene gas

RipwaveMissiles SC2-LotV Icon1

Ripwave Missiles

Upgrades the viking's air attack to deal splash damage (splash range 1.2).



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Raynor Level 13
Purchased from Tech lab attached to starport
Hotkey R
Cost 150 Minerals
Mastery: -3 Minerals per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a minimum 60 Minerals
150 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
Mastery: -3 TerranVespene SC2 Game1 per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a minimum 60 Vespene gas

PhobosSystem SC2-LotV Icon1

Phobos Weapons System

Increases viking's air attack range by 2 and ground attack range by 1.



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Tech lab attached to starport
Hotkey B
Cost 100 Minerals
Mastery: -2 Minerals per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a minimum 40 Minerals
100 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
Mastery: -2 TerranVespene SC2 Game1 per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a minimum 40 Vespene gas

ShockwaveMissiles SC2-LotV Icon1

Shockwave Missile Battery

Upgrade the banshee's attack to fire missiles in a line, dealing splash damage (within a range 2 behind a target).



Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Raynor Level 13.
Purchased from Tech lab attached to starport
Cost 150 Minerals
Mastery: -3 Minerals per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a minimum 60 Minerals
150 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
Mastery: -3 TerranVespene SC2 Game1 per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a minimum 60 Vespene gas


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Protoss research (in English). 2010.
  2. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Armory upgrades (in English). 2010.
  3. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II. (Activision Blizzard) Map: Left 2 Die (in English). 2011.

Terran Units and Structures of StarCraft II


Campaign and
Co-op Missions
Units and Structures

  • Tech reactor