Void chasm

  • ️Fri Sep 23 2022

Void chasms are NPC structures in StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void.[2]

Game Unit[]

Void chasms appear in the final mission "Amon's Fall". Amon's forces will continually spawn from them. Attacking them will cause more void shades to spawn, along with constructs. When their health is depleted, chasms will temporarily shut down. They cannot, however, be permanently destroyed. As the mission continues, void chasms will appear across the map and in larger numbers. They can be seen before they finish forming, but cannot be attacked.

Based on its abilities list, it can spawn Banshees, Battlecruisers, Colossi, Ghosts, Hydralisks, Marines, Mutalisks, Overseers, Stalkers, Ultralisks, Void rays, Zealots and Zerglings.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 StarCraft II Map Editor. Campaign Map: Amon's Fall. Accessed on 2022-09-23.
  2. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II. Mission: Legacy of the Void, Amon's Fall. (in English). 2015-11-10.


