Zergling Round-Up

"Hey Billy Bob! I betcha' I can round up 25 Zerglings before you can."

- Jimmy(src)

Zergling Round-Up is a scenario-based multiplayer map for StarCraft. It supports four players.


Jimmy bets Billy Bob that he can round-up 25 zerglings before he can. Billy Bob agrees to the challenge, promising to buy Jimmy a keg of beer if he wins. Appearing annoyed, Sarah Kerrigan then urges the player to press the start button.

Game Map[]

Each player gets an invincible firebat which they use to drive zerglings towards their beacon, which transports zerglings into a holding cell. The first to reach 25 zerglings win.


A very similar map, Round-Up, appeared in StarCraft 64.


StarCraft. Vivendi Games. Mission: Zergling Round-Up (in English). 1998

StarCraft Multiplayer Maps
