
Caiman here. No problems.

Caiman is an Androssian lieutenant who appears as one of two overseers of the Area 6 fleets in Star Fox 64, and who plays a larger role in Zero.


Like several other Venomians, Caiman appeared to be a lizard, but hence his name he was specifically a Caiman, a small type of crocodilian. He wore a helmet, with the insignia of Andross on the front. His eyes are oval-shaped.


Caiman was generally relaxed at first, until the ambush of Star Fox made him jumpy in tone. He exclaims every report with intense shock at how the fleets were unable to hold Star Fox back.


As one of the most powerful and intelligent of Andross's followers who had been promoted to positions of leadership in Andross's military machine, Caiman was a high-ranking officer in Venom Army, given a commanding position of the Venomian fleet that protected the Area 6 Defense Zone, answering to a horn helmeted superior Commanding officer.

In the games[]

Star Fox 64 logo

He was originally a member of an unnamed Venomian squadron of Viper fighters on patrol around Area 6 before one of his comrades was shot down by Falco Lombardi, prompting him to declare emergency maneuvers. He later regroups with his commanding superior, informing him whenever Star Fox broke through a line of the Venomian defense. Because Star Fox were a small quick group backed up by the Great Fox's power laser cannons, Caiman was not able to prevent their flight path until the commander ordered the deployment of the Gorgon space station.

It is unknown what became of Caiman because he did not report on the Communications Channel after wailing that the last line was breached. If he survived the battle and remained loyal to Andross, he may have been involved in Andrew Oikonny's rebellion.


Caiman returns in "Zero", where he is present in more than one mission. During the second phase on Corneria when attacking General Pepper's tower, Caiman orders a retreat after 10 ships are shot down. Caiman also protests Pigma's calling a retreat citing that this wasn't part of the deal, and is himself forced to order a retreat both due to this as well as 30 of his ships being shot down at Area 3. Finally, he later commands the Aquarosa at Corneria, thinking he has Fox beat. After Fox destroyed his vessel, he expressed disbelief that Fox could beat him aquatically as well, before lamenting that he'll never live this action down. Fox, while flying away, then replies that Caiman's got that right just as the Aquarosa blows up and sinks to the bottom of the sea, presumably killing Caiman.

However, Caiman's choice of words after he is defeated imply he's at least confident in surviving, as to "not be able to live [something] down" means an inability to stop feeling embarrassed about something one has done, and requires the person to be alive in order to feel embarrassment. With this in mind, Caiman might have had an ejector seat built into the ship.


Caimen's dialogue was performed by the following:


English Japanese Hepburn English translation
Caiman here. No problems. こちら、カイマン。異常ないっスよ! Kochira, Kaiman. Ijou naissu yo! This is Caiman. Everything's doing good!
Do you copy? Emergency maneuvers! えーい! 緊急配備につけ!! Ei! Kinkyuu haibi ni tsuke!! Huh! Put it on emergency maneuvers!
Not yet, sir! いや、まだです! Iya, mada desu! No, not yet!
They've broken through the first line! 第1防衛ライン突破されました! Dai ichi bouei rain toppa saremashita! The first line of defense was breached!
They're through the second line! 第2防衛ラインも突破されました! Dai ni bouei rain mo toppa saremashita! The second line of defense was breached!
The last line has been breached! 最終防衛ラインも突破されました! Saishuu bouei rain mo toppa saremashita The last line of defense was breached!


Caiman of Area 6, out on patrol with a squadron of Vipers.

Caiman of Area 6, out on patrol with a squadron of Vipers.

Caiman reporting that Star Fox broke through the first line.

Caiman reporting that Star Fox broke through the first line.

Caiman reporting that Star Fox broke through the second line.

Caiman reporting that Star Fox broke through the second line.

Caiman reporting that Star Fox broke through the last line.

Caiman reporting that Star Fox broke through the last line.

Caiman, as he appears in Star Fox 64 3D.

Caiman, as he appears in Star Fox 64 3D.

Caiman commanding the Aquarosa.

Caiman commanding the Aquarosa.

Caiman lamenting that he will never live his defeat down.

Caiman lamenting that he will never live his defeat down.


Leaders |-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-|
Soldiers VenomianRuffian
Air Force Invader IInvader IIInvader IIITripodButterflyScout PodGranga FighterBolse FighterWeb ShipsBomberKiller BeesShogun WarriorShogun TrooperDragonFlip BotsFirebirdsBorzoiCanineBanditTriangleMorasVenom FighterVenom Space FighterRock GunnerStar WarriorViper
Ground Force Venom TankGarudaDesert CrawlerDesert RoverHop BotRascosTitanian Automated Defense TurretThe Forever TrainCannon CarLiquid Fuel CarrierDefense Tower
Aquatic Force Patrol BoatsSki BotsVenomian TankerRadar Buoy
Artillery MissileCopperheadMoleNinjinPlanetary missileSmall MissilesSpy EyeSX LaserSX Space MinesBolse Laser CannonBolse Shield ReactorLand MineUmbra-class Defense StationDimension Transport SystemGigarillaChiritori
Battleships Dorisby-class BattleshipGrazan-class CarrierHarlock-class FrigateZeram-class CruiserSaruzinGranbySalvadora
Lieutenants Granga's MechAttack CarrierShogunMeteo CrusherSaucererSpyborgSarumarineMechbethGorgonRobot AndrossAndrosaAquarosa
Bases VenomArea 6BolseMacbeth Weapons Factory
Others Atomic BaseAstropolisBlade BarrierDancing InsectorDestructorGalactic RiderGreat CommanderMetal SmasherPhantronProfessor HangerSlot MachineSpinning CoreHerbert
Corneria Defense ForceHusky SquadronBulldog Squadron
Bosses SaucererBacoon VulcainSarumarineGoras Bolse's Core Golemech
Enemy Air Force Bomber FirebirdsBorzoi FighterCanine Star WarriorViper Harlock-class FrigateZeram-class Cruiser
Enemy Ground Force Desert CrawlerDesert RoverRascosTitanian Automated Defense TurretCannon CarLiquid Fuel CarrierDefense Tower
Enemy Marine Force Patrol BoatsVenomian TankerRadar Buoy
Enemy Artillery Small MissilesNinjin MissilesSpy EyeSX LaserSX Space MinesBolse Laser CannonBolse Shield ReactorLand MineUmbra-class Defense StationBlockerPillarsStone ColumnMonument
Enemy Wildlife GoresTroikasZ-GullsZ-SerpentsKaniClamAquas SquidStarfishGiant Spindly FishAngler FishSculpinsGaroasTodora (Star Fox 64)CactiAsteroidLava BombsSolar ProminencesOreAquas Ruins
Corneria (City) • MeteoSector YFichina (Base) • Katina (Base) • AquasSector XSolarZonessTitaniaMacbeth (Factory) • Sector ZBolseArea 6Venom
Game Modes Training ModeVersus ModeLylat (language)
Navigation Plot (64)Missions (64)Gallery (64)Videos (64)Script (64)Gallery (3D)Videos (3D)Script (3D)
Bosses AndrosaReactorAquarosaStar Wolf (Wolfen) • Cosmic DodoraScrapwormCopperhead missileSalvadoraMonarch DodoraMother StriderStar Wolf (Hunter) • Attack CarrierGigarillaAndross
Enemies Alpaca TankAndromatterAttacker lAttacker llAttacker lllBlue BirdBlue TankBionics lBionics llButterfly FighterChiritoriChiritori MissileColbyCommanderCrab TankDodora EggDolphinDorisby-class BattleshipDragon lDragon llFlinchwormFlip BotsGamma OffGamma OnGarudaGranbyGreen TankHoming MissileInvader IInvader II FighterInvader IIIKiller BeesMambo lMambo llMantaMole MissilesMono-RoaderRed BirdRed TankRoly PolySalamanderSawsharkScrappywormSnaptrapStingerStriderSubmaraiderTrivoltVenom Fighter lVenom Fighter llVenom Fighter lllVenom TankZoness Shark
CorneriaSector αArea 3ZonessAsteroid FieldSector βTitaniaSector γFichinaFortunaSector ΩVenom
Navigation PlotMissionsGalleryVideosScript
Guard Bosses Hi-Ho KingQueen ClucktronInfernal Joker
Guard Enemies Hi-HoATK UnitDishruptorKOF unit • Tank • AbductronPausemoClucktron • FAN Unit • BOO Unit • BIO Unit • MAG Unit • Nabbot • Big-GCloack-RGreen tankShieldtron
Guard Locations Corneria • Corneria Precious Metals Ltd.Grippia
Guard Navigation GalleryVideosScript