Fox McCloud

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We're Star Fox!

Fox McCloud is an anthropomorphic red fox and the main protagonist of the Star Fox series. He is sometimes referred to by the name of Star Fox, especially by his many enemies. He is additionally an expert Arwing pilot, combatant, adventurer and the leader of the Star Fox team. Fox is the only son of James McCloud, who educated him throughout his childhood to never give up, with a keen interest from James's best friend Peppy Hare. When Fox was a cadet at the Cornerian Defense Army Academy, he heard the news that his father, James, had met a violent end at the hands of the twisted genius, Andross, his archenemy. The senior McCloud had been betrayed by his own wingman, Pigma Dengar (who soon became a member of the Star Wolf team) and delivered into a deadly trap from which there was seemingly no escape. Only James's wingman, Peppy Hare, managed escape with his life in his badly damaged fighter as the only survivor of the original Star Fox Team to inform Fox of what happened to his father. As per James's last wishes, Peppy insisted that the young Fox should take on the leadership of the group and form a new team of pilots. Thrust into the leadership role that he wasn't prepared for, Fox recruited the hot-tempered Falco Lombardi and the mechanical genius Slippy Toad to make up the new Star Fox Team. For a price, this crack group will fight against any threat to the Cornerian star system. Although it may appear that the Star Fox Team is motivated only by financial gain, Fox and the rest of the team will only accept missions that serve to uphold justice.


Fox was born on Papetoon, but raised on Corneria by his father James, and a family friend, Peppy, who both always taught Fox to never give up and trust his instincts. He exhibited exceptional aerial skills and even ground-based combat skills at a young age and joined the Cornerian Flight Academy along with his friends Slippy Toad, Bill Grey and possibly Falco Lombardi.

Five years after the evil mad scientist Andross was arrested, tried for treason and exiled to the outlandish planet Venom, General Pepper had received worrying reports from Corneria's observation station about signs of bio-weaponry activity, and sent James McCloud and his Star Fox team on a recon mission on Venom to investigate, but James and Peppy were betrayed by their fellow pilot Pigma and gave them to his new master, Andross. Peppy soon barely managed to escape captivity, but James was never seen again and was presumed to have been killed by Andross, with apparent rumored assistance from Wolf O'Donnell.

Peppy returned from the incident as the sole survivor to apprise Fox of his father's fate. After the failed mission, the Star Fox team was disbanded. Emotionally apprehended by the bad news, Fox dropped out of the Academy in order to avenge his father's death, but couldn't bring himself to believe that his father was truly gone. Peppy took Fox under his wing and became his mentor. Together, they composed a new Star Fox team two years later, and Fox recruited Falco and Slippy to the team, inheriting his father's Great Fox, ROB 64 and the great financial debt. Even though Peppy was older than all the other Star Fox Team members, he declined the leadership role and insisted that the younger Fox McCloud take over the team after Fox's father, James McCloud apparently made this his last wish. Feeling guilty about sending James to his doom, General Pepper also took it upon himself to manage Fox's future career. Fox knew that Bill would join Star Fox if he was asked to but didn't want to pull Bill into this troubles.

Names in Other Languages[]

Language Name
Japanese フォックス・マクラウド (Fokkusu Makuraudo)
Chinese 火狐・麥克勞德 (Huǒhú Màikèláodé)
Korean 폭스 맥클라우드 (Pogseu Maegkeullaudeu)
Russian Фокс МакКлауд (Foks MakKlaud)


Others Free-As-A-BirdMarcusSlippy's sonPeppy's granddaughterFara Phoenix
Armoured ArwingLight Arwing
Other Vehicles Roadmaster
Main Characters |-||-||-||-||-|
CorneriaAsteroidBlack HoleOut of This DimensionSector XSpace ArmadaTitaniaFortunaMeteorSector YSector ZMacbethVenom
Navigation PlotMissionsGalleryVideosScript
Corneria Defense ForceHusky SquadronBulldog Squadron
Bosses SaucererBacoon VulcainSarumarineGoras Bolse's Core Golemech
Enemy Air Force Bomber FirebirdsBorzoi FighterCanine Star WarriorViper Harlock-class FrigateZeram-class Cruiser
Enemy Ground Force Desert CrawlerDesert RoverRascosTitanian Automated Defense TurretCannon CarLiquid Fuel CarrierDefense Tower
Enemy Marine Force Patrol BoatsVenomian TankerRadar Buoy
Enemy Artillery Small MissilesNinjin MissilesSpy EyeSX LaserSX Space MinesBolse Laser CannonBolse Shield ReactorLand MineUmbra-class Defense StationBlockerPillarsStone ColumnMonument
Enemy Wildlife GoresTroikasZ-GullsZ-SerpentsKaniClamAquas SquidStarfishGiant Spindly FishAngler FishSculpinsGaroasTodora (Star Fox 64)CactiAsteroidLava BombsSolar ProminencesOreAquas Ruins
Corneria (City) • MeteoSector YFichina (Base) • Katina (Base) • AquasSector XSolarZonessTitaniaMacbeth (Factory) • Sector ZBolseArea 6Venom
Game Modes Training ModeVersus ModeLylat (language)
Navigation Plot (64)Missions (64)Gallery (64)Videos (64)Script (64)Gallery (3D)Videos (3D)Script (3D)
Characters ' •
Enemies SniplukSnaplakPeeperSpore Pod
Special Items
Environment Basket Scarab WellsSpellStone SealFuel Barrel Generator
Navigation PlotGalleryVideosScript
Main Characters Tricky
Self-destruct program 1-Up Barrier Sphere Special FlagMedal Hit Point
Corneria Defense Force Dog Soldiers
Bosses Oikonny's flagshipWinged AparoidAparoid ShipStar Wolf (Wolf, Leon and Panther) • Cylindrical AparoidAparoid PigmaAparoid MissileAparoid Queen
Venomian FighterRock GunnerStar WarriorVenomian Stealth BomberOikonny's flagshipVenomian BattlecruiserVenomian CarrierSargasso BattleshipWinged Prototype
Oikonny Ground Force Venomian Assault MechVenomian Heavy Assault MechVenomian Light TankVenomian Heavy TankTransfer gateway
Aparoid Air Force Aparoid Flyer | Beetle Aparoid | Mothlike Aparoid | Aparoid Assault Ship | Radar jammer | Aparoid Spinner | Kamikaze Aparoid | Morphing Ship Aparoid | Crystalline Aparoid | Stringy Aparoid | Bloated Aparoid | Glowing Sac Aparoid | Tri-winged Aparoid | Y-shape Aparoid | Electric Sphere Aparoid
Aparoid Ground Force Aparoid Crawler | Aparoid Minitank | Purple Aparoid | Aparoid Hatcher | Spherical Tank Aparoid | Aparoid Roller | Aparoid Targeting Laser | Aparoid Gunner | Anti-aircraft Aparoid | Aparoid Growth | Force Field Generator Aparoid | Aparoid Turret | Blue Orb Aparoid | Swirling Aparoid | Silver Aparoid | Aparoid Larvae
Locations TitaniaZoness
Game Modes ArwingLandmasterPilotVersus Mode
Navigation PlotMissionsGalleryVideosScript
Supporting Characters Vivian HareGeneral PepperMarcusSlippy's sonPeppy's granddaughter
Bosses ZaZanga 9SplitterDevil SharkOctopodBiobrainStar Wolf (Wolf, Panther and Leon) • Death CrabPigma DengarSolar SatelliteKiller BeeDune WormMonarch DodoraGrunnerArrow HeadAnglar Emperor
Enemies Anglar StarfishElite FighterAnglar MissileAnglar Mothership
Navigation PlotMissionsGalleryVideosScript
Bosses AndrosaReactorAquarosaStar Wolf (Wolfen) • Cosmic DodoraScrapwormCopperhead missileSalvadoraMonarch DodoraMother StriderStar Wolf (Hunter) • Attack CarrierGigarillaAndross
Enemies Alpaca TankAndromatterAttacker lAttacker llAttacker lllBlue BirdBlue TankBionics lBionics llButterfly FighterChiritoriChiritori MissileColbyCommanderCrab TankDodora EggDolphinDorisby-class BattleshipDragon lDragon llFlinchwormFlip BotsGamma OffGamma OnGarudaGranbyGreen TankHoming MissileInvader IInvader II FighterInvader IIIKiller BeesMambo lMambo llMantaMole MissilesMono-RoaderRed BirdRed TankRoly PolySalamanderSawsharkScrappywormSnaptrapStingerStriderSubmaraiderTrivoltVenom Fighter lVenom Fighter llVenom Fighter lllVenom TankZoness Shark
CorneriaSector αArea 3ZonessAsteroid FieldSector βTitaniaSector γFichinaFortunaSector ΩVenom
Navigation PlotMissionsGalleryVideosScript
Guard Bosses Hi-Ho KingQueen ClucktronInfernal Joker
Guard Enemies Hi-HoATK UnitDishruptorKOF unit • Tank • AbductronPausemoClucktron • FAN Unit • BOO Unit • BIO Unit • MAG Unit • Nabbot • Big-GCloack-RGreen tankShieldtron
Guard Locations Corneria • Corneria Precious Metals Ltd.Grippia
Guard Navigation GalleryVideosScript
ArwingArmoured ArwingLight Arwing
Bosses Mirage DragonTektronHunter FantronSpace BladeAlgyPigmaLeonWolfAndross
Enemies Moth GliderPlanet MissileNight FangHal BirdSkull ToadSky KickerSpread MissileBrain SpoilerSpiral KiteCannon BomberPrison BowTurtle MissileStation MissileThe SpinnersMetal Boomerang
CorneriaSatellite Defense PlatformTitaniaMeteorFortunaMacbethVenomEladardCannon BetrayerSecret BaseAstropolis
Navigation PlotMissionsGalleryVideosScript