Spinning Core

The Spinning Core is the boss of the planet Macbeth in the original Star Fox game. It is similar in appearance to the Atomic Base boss in Space Armada and Sector Z, but much bigger.


When first encountered, it starts spinning slowly and shows four plasma launchers that must be destroyed. When there are only two left, it starts to spin faster and the top opens up, showing eight parts, and the remaining launchers will start to fire missiles. Once all of the launchers on the outside of the boss are destroyed, it will jump into the air and flip over. It will try to land on the Arwing, making the only way to avoid it is to hit the brakes. When it lands, it will reveal its "core" in the center of the eight opened parts. This is its weak point. It will spin slowly for a short amount of time, then the eight parts lift off the ground, making the core easier to hit. Once the eight parts are off the ground, the core starts to fire lasers wildly and four metal balls will appear and start to spin around the core, moving further away over time, then four new ones will appear and will repeat. The metal balls cannot be destroyed, making them very difficult to avoid. If they collide with the Arwing, they will cause severe damage. When the boss's health is reduced to ten percent, all of the eight parts will detach, leaving only the top and core. Once the core is destroyed, all that is left will be the top, which will self-destruct after a couple of seconds.


The Spinning Core's final phase

The Spinning Core's final phase

The Spinning Core after landing

The Spinning Core after landing

The Spinning Core's top opened up

The Spinning Core's top opened up

The Spinning Core's First Appearance

The Spinning Core's First Appearance

Names in Other Languages[]

Language Name
Japanese (スピニングコア)


Leaders |-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-|
Soldiers VenomianRuffian
Air Force Invader IInvader IIInvader IIITripodButterflyScout PodGranga FighterBolse FighterWeb ShipsBomberKiller BeesShogun WarriorShogun TrooperDragonFlip BotsFirebirdsBorzoiCanineBanditTriangleMorasVenom FighterVenom Space FighterRock GunnerStar WarriorViper
Ground Force Venom TankGarudaDesert CrawlerDesert RoverHop BotRascosTitanian Automated Defense TurretThe Forever TrainCannon CarLiquid Fuel CarrierDefense Tower
Aquatic Force Patrol BoatsSki BotsVenomian TankerRadar Buoy
Artillery MissileCopperheadMoleNinjinPlanetary missileSmall MissilesSpy EyeSX LaserSX Space MinesBolse Laser CannonBolse Shield ReactorLand MineUmbra-class Defense StationDimension Transport SystemGigarillaChiritori
Battleships Dorisby-class BattleshipGrazan-class CarrierHarlock-class FrigateZeram-class CruiserSaruzinGranbySalvadora
Lieutenants Granga's MechAttack CarrierShogunMeteo CrusherSaucererSpyborgSarumarineMechbethGorgonRobot AndrossAndrosaAquarosa
Bases VenomArea 6BolseMacbeth Weapons Factory
Others Atomic BaseAstropolisBlade BarrierDancing InsectorDestructorGalactic RiderGreat CommanderMetal SmasherPhantronProfessor HangerSlot MachineSpinning CoreHerbert
Main Characters |-||-||-||-||-|
CorneriaAsteroidBlack HoleOut of This DimensionSector XSpace ArmadaTitaniaFortunaMeteorSector YSector ZMacbethVenom
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