Battle near Dorin
During the Clone Wars,[2] in 21 BBY,[3] a battle took place near[2] the planet[5] Dorin between Galactic Republic starfighter squadrons led by Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano, and Confederacy of Independent Systems military units[2] commanded by the Kaleesh Separatist Supreme Commander, General Grievous. Grievous's attack was to distract Republic forces from traveling to the planet Geonosis, which the Republic had learned was the site of a new droid factory.[1]
The Republic starfighter squadrons were able to rout Grievous's forces,[2] which in turn led to the loss of at least 131 Separatist units.[4] Following their successes at Dorin, Skywalker and his Padawan arrived at Geonosis in order to participate in the Republic's second invasion of the world.[2]
Behind the scenes[]
The battle near Dorin was first indirectly mentioned in "Landing at Point Rain,"[2] the fifth episode of the second season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series, which aired on November 4, 2009.[6] In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the Battle of Dorin was introduced in an article published on on November 3, 2009.[7] The battle later made its full first appearance and received its name in Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures, a video game published by LucasArts[8] in 2010.[9]
Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Landing at Point Rain" (First mentioned) (Indirect mention only)