Clone navigation officer

"Sir, enemy fleet's coming out of hyperspace!"
―A naval officer, to Obi-Wan Kenobi[4]

Clone navigation officers were clone troopers who staffed or commanded starships in the Galactic Republic Navy.



A clone navigation officer wearing a cap

Clone navigation officers assisted in crewing Star Destroyers and other starships in the Republic Navy during the Clone Wars[2] in a command or staffing role.[5] Many served onboard Venator-class Star Destroyers, controlling the ship's systems.[2] Clone navigation officers wore gray uniforms with black boots and gloves as well as a belt. They also wore rank insignia plaques on their chests.[2] Some also wore kepi caps[5] or a headset.[6] During the early days of the Galactic Empire, they also wore black uniforms and caps, similar to other Imperial officers.[3]

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