Clone sharpshooter/Legends

"One shot, one kill."
―Anonymous clone sniper[6]

Clone sharpshooters, also known as clone snipers, were a specialized variant of clone troopers who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars.


Clone Sniper

A Phase II clone sniper of the 501st Legion during the Raid on the Jedi Temple.

Unlike the snipers in any traditional army, called from the best shooters, all clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic possessed the same eyesight, accuracy, steadiness and patience. However, the sharpshooters received special flash training teaching them the intricacies of being good snipers.[7] The troopers were clones of the Human male bounty hunter Jango Fett[8] who were born on the Wild Space planet Kamino in 32 BBY. They were part of the Galactic Republic's Grand Army.[1] Their training allowed snipers to wait and shoot enemies one at a time.[9]

Their main mission designation was to eliminate Separatist battle droid infantry from a distance to provide cover fire for other infantry units, while also using their recon droids to carry out short-range reconnaissance.[9] Phase I clone snipers were recognizable by maroon armor markings. The sharpshooters fought on a number of battlefronts throughout the Clone Wars,[4] and the 501st Legion had their own snipers,[6] as did Green Company.[10] After the establishment of the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, the Grand Army of the Republic was dissolved and its assets folded into the new Imperial Military.[1] Several sharpshooters would be deployed by the Empire during the Battle of Dantooine to eliminate rebellious civilians led by Jedi Knight Falon Grey and former Imperial soldier X2.[5]


Clone sharpshooters were equipped with specialized DC-15x sniper rifles[4] (or for late Phase II clones, a different unidentified sniper rifle),[6] DC-15Ss, R-1 recon droids[9] or autoturrets,[6] and V-1 thermal detonators.[9]

Behind the scenes[]

Clone snipers serve as the Galactic Republic's sniper class in the Star Wars: Battlefront video game series.



Notes and references[]