Crumb Bomber/Legends

The Crumb Bomber was the name of an LAAT/i gunship that served as Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi's lead gunship during the Clone Wars.


CrumbBomber GoF

The Crumb Bomber

Its nose art featured a Kowakian monkey-lizard wielding a bomb, with the inscription "Laugh This Off" in Aurebesh.


Battle of Teth[]

The Crumb Bomber was seen in the Battle of Teth and was stationed on the Resolute during the hunt for the Malevolence.[1][2]

Battle of the Rishi Moon[]

During the Battle of the Rishi moon, the Crumb Bomber was used to rescue surviving clone troopers after the destruction of the outpost.[3]

Battle of Ryloth[]

Crumb Bomber was also used to land Republic troops on Ryloth to retake Ryloth from Separatist forces and was used by Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi to land on Ryloth's surface.

Behind the scenes[]

In the "Innocents of Ryloth" Episode Guide, the trivia states that the Crumb Bomber was Obi-Wan Kenobi's lead gunship.

The nose art on the Crumb Bomber is similar to the work seen on World War II bombers.

Kowakian mascot

The Crumb Bomber logo

The nose art on a LEGO Gunship uses this design.


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Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]