DBY-827 heavy turbolaser turret/Legends

The DBY-827 heavy turbolaser turret was a turbolaser turret used on the Galactic Republic's Venator-class Star Destroyers during the Clone Wars.[1]



Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker passing by DBY-827 heavy dual turbolaser turrets

The DBY-827 was the standard requirement in naval gunnery around the time of the Clone Wars for inter-ship combat and planetary bombardment. Each turret was mounted with powerful tracking sensors as well as a large power capacitor which quickly discharged energy to the guns. Venators had eight DBY-827s. During close-range fights, the turret could rotate in three seconds with its fast-tracking mode.[1]

The DBY-827 had seven different intensity settings. This allowed the Venator's pilots and gunners to select a range of destruction, from a small strike to a vaporizing blow. As a true warship, the Venator-class Star Destroyer could divert almost all of its reactor output to its heavy turbolasers.[1]


DBY-827 heavy turbolaser turrets of a Venator-class Star Destroyer

In addition to the firing settings, the turbolaser turret had three firing patterns for different situations. The first was the one-two punch firing pattern, which worked by having the first laser knock out shields or heavy armor protecting the target, then have the second laser hit the target itself. This pattern was often combined with a medium firing setting and long targeting mode to knock out a ship's vital systems before it got too close, all the while conserving energy for other maneuvers. Second was the one-two continual firing pattern, utilized against small swarming enemies by creating flak. The firing setting determined how many shots could be fired before stopping to prevent the turbolaser from overheating, so low settings were often used with this pattern. The third pattern was to fire both lasers together. This was a general purpose method; on lower power settings it could create a flak that would conserve some energy for other maneuvers. This method was faulty in the fact that it would leave gaps in between ships and allow more starfighters to come through, so it was utilized when power mattered more than rate. On medium power, it could knock out shields and allow allied starfighters to attack areas the turbolaser could not reach. On the highest power setting, this would punch through shields and incinerate their targets.


The Star Destroyer Guarlara made effective use of these turbolasers in the battle against General Grievous's flagship, Invisible Hand, during the Battle over Coruscant in 19 BBY.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

In Star Wars: Battlefront II, these turrets seem to take the form of beam cannon turrets rather than turbolasers, though this is probably game mechanics.

In LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game and its compilation re-release, these turrets appear in Episode III Chapter I. When shot, they spin around and give studs.


Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]