Del (clone trooper)
For other uses, see Del.
- "I saw a holovid like this once. All very stirring stuff. The vast enemy hordes besieging the fort were so impressed by the brave stand of the handful of troopers defending it that they sang songs of tribute to them"
"How did it end?"
"They all got shot." - ―Clone Sergeant Coric and Del, discussing the situation on Teth[4]
Del was a clone trooper during the Clone Wars who was part of the famed 501st Legion's Torrent Company.
In 22 BBY,[5] Del served under Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex during the Battle of Christophsis and later the Battle of Teth, where they assisted General Skywalker and his new Padawan, Ahsoka Tano in recovering a kidnapped Huttlet. They were one of the six clone troopers of Torrent Company to survive the mission. During the Battle of Teth, Del manned a repeating blaster with Sergeant Coric.[3]
Personality and traits[]
As a male Human clone of bounty hunter Jango Fett, Del stood 1.83 meters tall, and was born on the Wild Space planet Kamino.[1]
Behind the scenes[]
Del first appeared in the 2008 novelization of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film by Karen Traviss.[3]
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars novelization (and audiobook) (First appearance)