Fair Prey

"Fair Prey" is a short story by Daniel Wallace. It was published in Star Wars Gamer 1 in 2000 by Wizards of the Coast as a sequel to Wallace's earlier story The Great Herdship Heist. It was originally approved to run in issue 18 of the Star Wars Adventure Journal but that issue was never published.[3]

Plot summary[]

When Cecil Noone tries to unload a stolen Hapan Gun of Command on the backwater planet of Kabal, tables are turned on him by renowned hunter Tyro Viveca and Cecil is forced to run for his life in a desperate race against time, technology and the environment before Viveca hunts him down on his luxurious estate.


Behind the scenes[]

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This story is an homage to Richard Connell's short story The Most Dangerous Game.[2]


Notes and references[]