- "Sir, as the team medic, when it comes to the health of the men, including you, I outrank everyone."
- ―Kix, to Captain Rex[2]
Kix was a clone trooper medic who served in the 501st Legion, a unit in the Galactic Republic's Grand Army, during the Clone Wars. Around 21 BBY, Kix participated in a hunt for the Confederacy of Independent Systems Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies, General Grievous, on the planet Saleucami under the command of High Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi. Kix, along with troopers Jesse and Hardcase, went with Clone Captain Rex to scour through the planet's wetlands on BARC speeders in search for escape pods that had been jettisoned from Grievous' crashed ship. When two commando droids attacked the clones, Rex was shot in the chest. Kix, Jesse and Hardcase took the injured Rex to a nearby homestead to recover, while they returned to join Kenobi and his team.
Sometime after Saleucami, Kix joined Rex and the 501st Legion on the planet Umbara, where he served as a medic during a battle there. During the initial assault on the native Umbarans, Kix and the team served under the command of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker. Skywalker, however, was relieved of his duties after General Pong Krell arrived, who assumed command of Kix and the 501st Legion on Umbara. During the battle, it was revealed that General Krell was secretly working against the Republic, and so Kix helped in the hunt for, and subsequent apprehension of, the traitorous Jedi.
Hunt for Grievous[]
- "Wait a minute, those critters are domesticated."
"I think we're on farmland, and where there is a farm, there is usually a farmer. Let's find his homestead." - ―Jesse and Kix[2]

Kix overlooks the injured Rex.
The clone trooper medic who took the name Kix served in the Grand Army of the Republic.[2] Like all clone troopers, Kix was a clone of the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett.[1] Around 21 BBY,[4] during the Clone Wars, Kix served the Galactic Republic under the command of High Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi. After a battle above the planet Saleucami, Confederate General Grievous used an escape pod to jettison from his starship and landed on Saleucami's surface. Chasing after Grievous, Kenobi gathered a team of clone troopers, including Kix, to hunt down the cyborg General on Saleucami.[2] The team found the wreckage of Grievous' ship,[5] and Commander Cody, told Kenobi that the ship had crashed recently. Kenobi decided to split the group into two teams and ordered Captain Rex to find the other missing escape pods with troopers Kix, Jesse, and Hardcase, while he, Cody, and Crys stayed behind to go through the remains of the crashed ship.[2]
After mounting separate BARC speeders, Kix's team rode through the wetlands of the planet's surface. Ahead of them, two commando droids were stationed on top of a hill overlooking the clones. Utilizing a blaster sniper rifle, one of the droids shot Rex, knocking the clone Captain off his speeder. Jesse ordered Kix to turn his BARC around and protect the Captain, while he and Hardcase drove toward the hill from where the shot had been fired. Jesse and Hardcase destroyed the droids while Kix examined Rex's injury, and Kix informed Jesse that Rex's injury was severe. Hardcase told Kix and Jesse that the two droid commandos might have called for backup, and they needed to find shelter for Rex.[2] After noticing domesticated eopies,[5] Jesse concluded that they were on farmland, which meant there was a homestead nearby. Kix attached a flatbed onto the side of his BARC speeder and laid Rex on it before the team drove off to find the farmer's homestead.[2]
Upon arriving at the nearby homestead, a female Twi'lek, Suu, greeted the clones warily, pointing a rifle at the intruders. Kix and Jesse informed her that they were friends and they needed a place to settle the injured Rex for the night, and Suu gave the clones permission to use the barn. After Kix placed a bacta patch on Rex's wound, he regained consciousness, and Jesse and the other troopers informed him of what had recently transpired. Kix told Rex that he was in no condition to fight and that he should rest. Before Kix and the team left to continue their search for the escape pods, Rex gave Jesse the responsibility of leading the search party. After the clones boarded their BARC speeders, Kenobi contacted the group via comlink and called for Rex. Jesse responded and informed the Jedi Master that Rex had been injured, and that the Captain had given him the duty of leading the search for the escape pods. Kenobi told Jesse that Grievous was heading for an abandoned escape pod, and ordered the troopers to drive westward, trapping Grievous between the two squads.[2]

Kix (center) and the clones, inside a barn
Later, Jesse contacted Kenobi and informed the Jedi that Kix and the clone troopers had a visual of the escape pod. Grievous was the first to arrive at the escape pod and Kenobi had already engaged Grievous' forces by the time Jesse's team arrived on their BARC speeders. As Kix, Hardcase and Jesse fired their speeder's blaster cannons at Grievous' battle droids, Jesse spotted an approaching Confederate shuttle in the sky and warned Kenobi via comlink. After a clone trooper onboard an AT-TE walker told Kenobi that the walker's guns were overheated, Kenobi ordered Cody and Jesse to cover him as he raced toward Grievous. Kenobi and Grievous engaged in a lightsaber duel as the Confederate shuttle approached them, eventually coming to a stop as it hovered above the escape pod. Grievous fired his tow cable at the hull of the shuttle and fled in the vehicle. While Kix remained with Hardcase, Jesse and Cody—aboard their speeders—returned to Kenobi after dispatching the remaining battle droids. The Jedi Master told both clone troopers to contact the fleet and order them to send a transport to pick them all up.[2]
Umbara Campaign[]
- "Sir, we've been keeping this pace for 12 hours now. The men are getting worn down. We should rest."
- ―Kix to Rex[6]
Around 21 BBY, the Republic launched a massive attack on the planet of Umbara. Kix served under Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and Clone captain Rex. However, Skywalker was asked to return to Coruscant and meet Supreme Chancellor Palpatine for an unknown reason; leaving General Pong Krell in command of the 501st. As the 501st made their way to the Umbaran capital, Kix notified Rex that the battalion's troopers were getting exhausted. After Rex told Krell, the Jedi told him the clone troopers needed no rest.[6]

Kix and Tup are shocked to find they've killed their own brothers
The clone troopers are hard-pressed in holding their current position under the relentless Umbaran attacks from the ground and the air, and are unable to break through to support Obi-Wan Kenobi. Kenobi asked General Krell to assault a nearby airbase which is being used as a supply staging area for the capital's defenses. The battalion regroups and proceeds towards the airbase. Citing the urgency of Kenobi's current situation, Krell discards Rex's suggestion to scout for a secure route, ordering the troops to advance along a central gorge, despite Rex's protest that the narrow route will only allow advances by single squads. During the attack on the Umbaran airbase, Kix made an effort to take care of the injured and complained that Krell's plan would result in too many clone casualties. Rex insisted that he could aid the wounded later. After hearing this, Kix told Rex he sounded just like General Krell.[7]
When Advanced Recon Commando Fives and clone trooper Jesse betrayed General Krell's order—to not destroy the Confederacy of Independent Systems supply ship—Kix was one of the troopers that was preparing to execute Fives and Jesse. Like the other clone troopers, he purposely missed them and assisted in the apprehension of Dogma. Kix also took part in the capturing of Jedi General Pong Krell alongside his captain.[8]
Battle of Kiros[]
- "I need a medic over here!"
- ―Anakin Skywalker[9]

Kix attending to a wounded brother on Kiros
Later in the war, Kix was sent to Kiros after Roshti decided to negotiate with Count Dooku for the welfare of his people. The Republic forces landed on the planet and made their way to the headquarter, however the separatist commander, Darts D'Nar, planted bombs around the city. After the initial skirmish on Kiros, Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi received a message from the Separatist commander, the Zygerrian Darts D'Nar, who requested to talk to him alone to discuss the terms of surrender. Believing that D'Nar wanted to surrender, Kenobi went to the governor's tower alone. When Kenobi entered the main room of D'Nar's headquarters, he saw the commander talking to Dooku and the Zygerrian Atai Molec via a holoprojector, assuring them that the situation on the planet was under his control. As Kenobi entered the room, he was taken under guard by two BX-series droid commandos, and Dooku ordered D'Nar to bring the Jedi to him. D'Nar told Kenobi that in fact he wanted the Galactic Republic to surrender, revealing that he had planted thermal detonator bombs throughout the city; D'Nar was intent on activating them and killing everyone if the Republic refused to comply. To prove his point, he ordered the tactical droid, which was also present at the scene, to activate one of the bombs. The bomb detonated near the Republic encampment, injuring a number of clone troopers. A clone trooper was injured, but the trooper was cared for by Kix.[9]
Biochip Conspiracy[]
- "So... I guess the 501st are back on Coruscant."
"Oh yeah, we just got back from Ringo Vinda; the strangest thing happened out there." - ―A disguised Fives speaking to Kix[10]
In the latter part of the war, Kix participated in the Battle of Ringo Vinda, a military campaign in which the 501st, led by Jedi Master Anakin Skywalker were sent to defeat Separatist forces on a space station surrounding the planet of Ringo Vinda. In the midst of battle, clone trooper Tup fired upon, and subsequently killed Jedi General Tiplar under mysterious circumstances, forcing the Republic forces to retreat. Upon securing a safe location, they set off to determine why Tup had mercilessly murdered a commander in cold blood. Taking the volatile clone to the side, Rex noted that he had believed Tup had simply snapped, as he began spontaneously repeating that "good soldiers follow orders". Being their medic, Kix began assessing Tup and waved his hand in front of the clone's face. Tup suddenly lashed out forcing Tiplar's sister, Tiplee, to suspend him with use of the force.[11]
Following this, Tup was left to rest in a medical bay. Some time later, Kix, Fives, Rex, Tiplee and Anakin returned to check up on his condition. Tup was once again conscious, and was completely unaware of his actions, and upon being informed by Fives, he broke down, denying that it could be possible. As a result of his brash reaction, the medical droid was forced to sedate him. Anakin then asked Kix if he had checked all of Tup's medical scans, to which he replied that from his knowledge, it appeared to be a combat related stress and that he had broken down. Rex and Fives were not convinced however, noting that they as clones were engineered to withstand it. They then quizzed that it could have been the work of biological warfare, and that the enemy had drugged him into killing the Jedi. Kix then came to the conclusion that the only way they could be certain what had happened was to send Tup to Kamino, in order to be fully examined.[11]
Following the events of the Ringo Vinda campaign, the 501st legion returned back to Coruscant. On one of the nights following their arrival, Kix and Jesse were socializing at the clone bar, 79's. Clone trooper Fives had been framed for attempting to murder Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, after discovering the truth behind the reasoning that Tup had executed Jedi Master Tipar, and while on the run from Republic forces, sought refuge in the bar. Upon entering, he spotted Kix, and followed him into the bathroom. While the clone medic was looking at himself in the mirror, Fives began conversation with him, noting that the 501st were now back on Coruscant. Kix then remarked that a strange occurrence had happened while on Ringo Vinda to, which Fives then revealed himself to him, stating that he knew.[10]

Fives tells Kix of a terrible conspiracy that reaches to the highest levels of the Republic.
Kix was bewildered to see Fives, and told him that rumors had circulated of how he attempted to murder the Chancellor, and that he had been infected with the same virus that Tup had supposedly been infected with. Fives then vaguely told Kix, that the clones, and the Jedi had all been framed, and were all in grave danger. He pleaded that he needed to make contact with Rex or Skywalker immediately, to which Kix gave the advice that Fives should turn himself in. Fives exclaimed that Kix simply didn't understand, and that he had been involved in such a conspiracy that reached the highest levels of the Republic. Fives then gave Kix co-ordinates to send to Rex, and asked for him to tell the captain to meet him there. Kix agreed, and promised to pass them on. The two then parted ways, with Kix wishing him luck with whatever Fives was planning to do.[10]
Personality and traits[]
- "We gotta get these guys outta here."
"Forget it. We have to leave them."
"We can't just leave them, sir!"
"You don't have a choice. That's an order."
"You sound like General Krell."
"Look Kix, it's more important to save yourself right now. If we survive, you can patch up the wounded later." - ―Kix and Rex arguing over the injured men[7]

Clone trooper medic Kix
As a trained clone trooper medic, Kix believed that when it came to the health of his comrades, he outranked them. Instead of worrying about his enemies, Kix cared more about the welfare and livelihood of his fellow troopers.[3] During the Battle of Saleucami, Kix respected Rex when the clone told him of how he had been injured after being shot by a commando droid's sniper rifle. He took great concern for Rex's health, and advised Jesse and Hardcase that in order to see the full extent of Rex's injury, he had to remove pieces of Rex's armor. After Rex handed the leading position to Jesse, Kix cooperated with Jesse's orders that were given to himself and Hardcase.[2]
As a field medic, Kix was equipped with medpacs, as well as other first-aid commodities, to help fellow injured clone troopers during a battle. The clone trooper also carried a blaster rifle.[3] On the left side of his head, Kix had a tattoo that read, "A GOOD DROID IS A DEAD ONE," in Aurebesh.[5] His clone armor sported light blue markings.[2] After attaining Phase II armor, his 501st armor had additional red markings that signified his status as a medic.
Behind the scenes[]
Kix first appeared in "The Deserter," the tenth episode in the second season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series, which aired on January 1, 2010. Like all clones in the show, Kix was voiced by Dee Bradley Baker.[5]
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