Sever Force/Legends

"When you feel the dark side energies turned against you, you must use your Jedi abilities to take power away from an opponent, rather than to inflict harm. This technique blinds your enemy to the Force with a wall of light, a permanent blockage if you so choose, rendering him unable to use Jedi powers. It is difficult. And it is the most devastating attack possible using the powers of the light side. To block a Jedi from the Force—even a Dark Jedi—is a terrible thing."
Odan-Urr, via the Tedryn Holocron[1]

Sever Force was a non-lethal Force power by which a being's connection to the Force was temporarily interrupted or blocked from them with a wall of light side energy afflicting the targets mind. According to the ancient Jedi scholar Odan-Urr, severing an individual's Force connection was the most powerful attack a Jedi could perform.

Individuals could also withdraw from their connection with the Force by themselves involuntarily. Ben Skywalker was intimidated by the presence of Abeloth while living at Shelter as a child and found himself scared of the Force for years afterward.[3] Darth Plagueis discovered that a Force-sensitive person's capacity to channel the Force could also be inhibited by directly destroying some amount of their midi-chlorians.


"I imprison you in a wall of light. A fortress to block you from the Force…blind you to your Jedi powers…"
―Nomi Sunrider to Ulic Qel-Droma[4]

While intended to be an attack with usually irreversible consequences, severing an individual's Force connection was not always permanent. When the affected being had the Force restored to them, it returned as a painful and sudden rush of feelings, as the Force immediately allowed the individual to sense everything around them at once. This was the case with Jedi Ben Skywalker, who had his Force connection severed by his cousin and Sith Lord, Darth Caedus. Caedus had blocked his cousin's Force abilities while holding him captive in the Yuuzhan Vong torture device known as the Embrace of Pain.[5]


A Zabrak Force-user being severed from the Force

In the times of the ancient Jedi, severing Force connections was used as a means of punishment.

The Jedi Exile, Meetra Surik, believed that the Jedi Council had done this to her during her expulsion from the Order, an idea that Kreia supported and nurtured in Surik for her own reasons. However, Surik later discovered that she had actually suppressed her own connection to the Force to protect herself from the Force disturbance created by the destruction of Malachor V through the Mass Shadow Generator. Thereafter, Surik was deafened to the Force, but she continued to project the echoes of the suffering that she had witnessed, becoming a living wound in the Force.

In 3951 BBY, Jedi Masters Zez-Kai Ell, Kavar and Vrook Lamar attempted to use this power on Meetra Surik, due to the threat they felt she represented. However, Kreia stopped them by draining their connection, which killed them in their inability to let go of the Force.[6]

According to the rumors Darth Nyriss told to Scourge, when the Sith Emperor was still a child named Tenebrae, he supposedly used an apparently dark side variant of Sever Force to strip his father Lord Dramath of both his powers and his sanity.[7]

When Darth Nihilus and his fellow Sith, Darth Sion, converged on their master Darth Traya in the center of her academy, Nihilus stripped her of the Force, casting her out of the Sith Triumvirate.[6]

After nearly falling to the dark side, Jedi Knight Kyle Katarn also severed his connection with the Force before returning to his mercenary ways. However, after his partner Jan Ors was seemingly killed by the Dark Jedi Desann and his student Tavion, Katarn was driven by revenge and sought to reestablish his Force powers by any means necessary in order to present Desann as a worthy adversary. Kyle hastily revisited the Valley of the Jedi and restored his connection to the Force, allowing him to quickly relearn powers of both the light and dark side of the Force in a relatively short amount of time--though he admitted he could have regained his powers with years of study if he had not used the Valley.[8]

During her capture by the Yuuzhan Vong, the Fosh ex-Jedi Vergere used this ability on Jacen Solo. Jacen was able to regain access to the Force by submitting to his rage towards Vergere and unleashing a barrage of Force Lightning once he learned of the depth her affiliation and apparent loyalty to the Yuuzhan Vong.[9]

In a very taxing variation of this technique usable only by those with experience in battle meditation, the Force-user could use the Force to sever a target who was heavily tainted or consumed by the dark side. This technique effectively caged the user's power within their own darkness and rendered them blind to the Force, though not dead to it.[10] Nomi Sunrider used this technique on Ulic Qel-Droma after he killed his brother Cay on Ossus.[4] Darth Plagueis was able to, over the course of his experiments, discover that this version actually functioned by killing off the midi-chlorians of the target to such a degree that they could no longer access the Force--though even while so crippled it was possible for a Force user to become a Force Ghost upon their death.[11][12] A very large scale and refined known use of this power was when the living planet Yuuzhan'tar used this power to damage the bodies of all Yuuzhan Vong, leaving their species effectively permanently cut off from the Force.[13]



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