SH:Project Politics: Wookieepedia's Fifth Barn-Burner!

This page is an archive of a community-wide discussion. This page is no longer live. Further comments or questions on this topic should be made in a new Senate Hall page rather than here so that this page is preserved as a historic record. Advanced Jedi Training Droid 6 (Talk to my master) 00:38, June 18, 2013 (UTC)

The fifth Barn Burner is here! As usual, we aim to promote articles of a certain topic to status articles. We chose politics this time, and it includes anything from Senators to Mayors, or Decrees to Bills. Anybody is welcome in contributing to this Barnburner, so start pumping out those nominations!


Purpose and overview[]

Basically, the purpose of any Barn Burner is to promote as many articles relating to a specific topic to CA, GA, and FA status as we can. The topic of politics stretches over a vast area: Senators, advisors, mayors, bills, political organizations, committees, decrees, and political buildings such as the Senate Building. There is a wide range of topics, so you should have no problem finding an article that interests you. Let's try to rival the previous Barn burners with our success in this one. Good luck!

Ideas for projects[]


Bail Organa and Mon Mothma

Two famous politicians

Political buildings[]

Decrees and Bills[]

Political groups[]

Sign ups[]

Please sign up here:

501st dogma[]


Master Fredcerique[]




Cade Calrayn[]


Commander Code-8[]






The Holocron[]

Jedi Kasra[]


Current nominations[]

Whenever you nominate an article related to the project, please enter the information in the table below so that we can keep track of it. Please also remember to review other's nominations so that we can bring as many articles to status as possible.

Current Featured article nominations[]

Article Nominator(s) Notes FAN

Current Good article nominations[]

Article Nominator(s) Notes GAN

Current Comprehensive article nominations[]

Article Nominator(s) Notes CAN

Promoted articles[]

After a politics-related article passes during the Barn-burner please add it to the corresponding box below.

Politics-related featured articles (Prior to Barn-burner)
Politics-related good articles (Prior to Barn-burner)
Politics-related comprehensive articles (Prior to Barn-burner)
Politics-related featured articles promoted by the barn-burner
Politics-related good articles promoted by the barn-burner
Politics-related comprehensive articles promoted by the barn-burner

Source requests[]

Please request information for specific sources here:


Can anyone with The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia check if Transe Decar or Zaloriis are given entries. Thanks in advance. Commander Code-8 To say hi, press 42 10:41, November 2, 2012 (UTC)

CSWE requests are best placed on Forum:Entry requests. That way we can keep all the excerpts in one place under the disclaimer at the top of that page, and also it will bring it to the attention of those who actually have it, which not many do because of the price tag. —MJ— Council Chambers 17:20, November 2, 2012 (UTC)
OK I'll put this request on the right page. Commander Code-8 To say hi, press 42 21:58, November 2, 2012 (UTC)

SW:GB Prima guide[]

Can anyone who has the Prima strategy guide for Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds check to see if any information could be added to Transe Decar's article that isn't already there. Thanks. Commander Code-8 To say hi, press 42 02:50, November 3, 2012 (UTC)

The Official Star Wars Fact File 67[]

In the French version of Bail Organa's file, it is erroneously stated that Celly Organa was Bail's wife instead of his sister, and also that she was the Minister of Education on Alderaan. Could anyone check the original English version of the text and tell me if that mistake was present in it? Thanks. --LelalMekha (talk) 14:40, November 4, 2012 (UTC)

  • The english version is incorrect on both of the above. Feel free to ask for any more fact files. Commander Code-8 To say hi, press 42 09:43, November 5, 2012 (UTC)
    • Thank you. I suspected as much, but you never know what can happen with translations. --LelalMekha (talk) 15:48, November 5, 2012 (UTC)

More GB Prima guide[]

I figured I'd start a new section to keep the requests in order. Could someone who has the Galactic Battlegrounds Prima guide check if Antes Belladar is mentioned by name or just adressed as Reytha governor. Also could you check if any new information that isn't in the article could be added. Thanks. Commander Code-8 To say hi, press 42 10:35, November 20, 2012 (UTC)

Bestine election[]

It has been a LONG time since I ever did this so I was wondering if any fellow former SWG players could give me some specific information about it, like what the evidence each candidate needed actually was and details about the quests they offered after they won. OLIOSTER (talk) 14:34, November 25, 2012 (UTC)

  • OLIOSTER not knowing exactly what sources you have looked at thus far, I tracked down the details of exactly what the evidence was:here scroll down a little and it lists clues for the pieces of evidence. Details about the quests that follow can be found:here and here I'm stuck overseas at the moment otherwise I'd gladly help you write that. --Axims (talk) 09:52, December 13, 2012 (UTC)

Galactic Campaign Guide[]

Can someone with the Galactic Campaign Guide tell me if any connection be made with the creature called Copek and the Gungan Boss Copek. Thanks. Commander Code-8 To say hi, press 42 10:29, December 2, 2012 (UTC)

General discussion[]

The following section is for general discussion about this project:

Tagging articles[]

—Your Majesty, if I am elected, I promise to put an end to corruption.
SH:Project Politics: Wookieepedia's Fifth Barn-Burner! was nominated and gained status as part of Wookieepedia's fifth "Barn-burner," focusing on articles related to politics. The barn-burner ran during November and December 2012.

  • Here is our tag for the Barnburner. Any objections? 501st dogma(talk) 23:38, October 24, 2012 (UTC)
    • Looks great! ~Savage 03:02, October 25, 2012 (UTC)

Titles and governments[]

In the boxes above, I can't seem to find any featured content related to titles or offices. Can anyone suggest a well-written article I might use as a template if I want to try to do, say, Illustrious Chieftain of Junkyards? I'm not sure how much of the article should be about the office itself and how much about the known holders of that office, if that makes sense. The same goes for articles about governments. Like, if I did Squib Polyanarchy, how would I differentiate the history section from that of Squib or Skor II? Or should they be very similar? ~Savage 03:02, October 25, 2012 (UTC)

  • I think a lot of it would be at your discretion, as you'd be the one blazing the trail. A good comparison for your latter question might be the "History" section of various planet articles, with the currently FAN'd Shintel being the first one that comes to mind. Its "History" section is similar to but different than that of a mission article, and the way that Cav wrote it is just one of many possible ways to keep the focus on the planet rather than the characters or events. Another precedent to consider might be the "History" section of various organization FAs, and how they differ from the biographies of their relevant characters. Menkooroo (talk) 03:15, October 25, 2012 (UTC)
    • Yeah, basing a government article on an organization's article sounds like a good idea. I also noticed that Holy Ugor Taxation Collection Agency is a former GA, so it might offer some ideas. No time like the present to give a title or government article a shot! ~Savage 11:15, October 25, 2012 (UTC)
      • Bringing this conversation back, If i'm doing a title article can I use a picture of the most well-known (with my article only known) person to hold that title in it. Also what infobox would I use. Commander Code-8 To say hi, press 42 21:58, November 2, 2012 (UTC)
        • I just found in the above list that Prime Oligarch is a CA which doesn't have an infobox, and no one complained about it in its nomination, so they might not really need an infobox. Commander Code-8 To say hi, press 42 04:12, November 4, 2012 (UTC)
  • Quick question - would the Sith Emperor fall under the Barn-burner? Cade Calrayn 18:03, October 25, 2012 (UTC)
    • I guess, as he is politicaly oriented. However, you've already nommed him prior to the barn burner, so I'm not sure he counts. 501st dogma(talk) 20:56, October 25, 2012 (UTC)
      • We've tended to include stuff presently nommed, I think. ~Savage 21:38, October 25, 2012 (UTC)
        • Then, you're good to go! 501st dogma(talk) 21:39, October 25, 2012 (UTC)
  • New topic. I need to create an article about the Galactic Senate giving the rights to colonize Alaris Prime to the Wookiees, and I'm not sure what to call it. I'm thinking something like "Alaris Prime colonization Resolution" or "Alaris Prime rights dispensal", but does anyone have a better idea?.Commander Code-8 To say hi, press 42 07:28, October 26, 2012 (UTC)
    • The first name option sounds good, but you should not capitalize resolution. 501st dogma(talk) 11:55, October 26, 2012 (UTC)
      • I don't really see why that should have a separate article from the planet,unless there is a lot of detail to what the terms of it were. We usually only do that for legal matters when that's the case, they are officially given names, or the debates about them are depicted. Judging from the Alaris Prime article, it would be something akin to "The Republic resolved to allow the Wookiees to colonize Alaris Prime" then everything else would be in an aftermath section, saying things that could be easily covered by the planet article. NaruHina Talk 21:32, October 26, 2012 (UTC)
        • I think that it deserves a seperate article. There's more info than just that the Republic gave the rights to the Wookiees. Commander Code-8 To say hi, press 42 03:04, October 27, 2012 (UTC)
  • Another question. If i have an image i would like uploaded for the barn burner but can't get it myself, can I ask for it in the Source requests section? Commander Code-8 To say hi, press 42 06:53, November 1, 2012 (UTC)


  • I've just been thinking, would it be worth putting something up somewhere on the main page about the barn burner, in other words advertise it somewhere? Any thoughts. Commander Code-8 To say hi, press 42 22:13, November 2, 2012 (UTC)
    • We've never done it before, but it may be worth a shot. Any opinions? 501st dogma(talk) 21:21, November 3, 2012 (UTC)
      • Well, since no one else has spoken for a while I'll start. I think that "advertising" the barn burner would be good, since not every user checks the Senate Hall, and the more people who know about it the more productivity we'll get. How exactly we'd do it, I don't know. Commander Code-8 To say hi, press 42 07:01, November 21, 2012 (UTC)
        • The Main Page is primarily reader-oriented, so I think a notice there would seem out of place. However, we could put something in the sitenotice (for Monobook users) and community corner (default skin) about it if there's support for that. What would you want the notice to say (hint: shorter is better)? —MJ— Training Room 21:53, November 21, 2012 (UTC)
          • I'd just have it say "Barn burner 5 is on. Read more". If someone doesn't know what a barn burner is when the see it they'll be more likely to read it. Commander Code-8 To say hi, press 42 05:20, November 22, 2012 (UTC)