Idiot Three
- "The Idiot Three?"
"Ghor, Wungo, and The Lobber."
"Don't call him that. Don't let him think he's famous!" - ―Zilastra and "Hotwire", on the Idiot Three[1]
The Idiot Three were an inept trio of amateur pirates that operated in the Slice during the Republic Era. Consisting of Ghor, Wungo and The Lobber, the group attempted to work for several pirate gangs in the region before being reluctantly recruited by Zilastra of the Riftwalkers, who disgustedly gave them their unofficial name.
Hijacking Attempt[]
- "This ship is now under the control of the Vile!"
"The Vile? I thought we were doing this for the Skulls."
"The Skulls? We talked about this, Ghor. The Filthy Cred gang will pay more than either." - ―The Lobber, Ghor and Wungo[1]

The Idiot Three hijackers were foiled by the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi (both pictured).
In 33 BBY,[2] the Idiot Three were passengers aboard the passenger transport Regal Zephyr on the Ootmian Pabol run. The group planned to commandeer the vessel and sell it to one of the local pirate gangs, unaware that two Jedi, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi were aboard. During the voyage, Kenobi attempted to strike up conversation with Ghor, who responded poorly and proceeded to reveal a blaster. This instigated his colleagues to pull their weapons as well and join him in announcing themselves, ordering everyone aboard to be quiet and stay still.[1]
However, the group immediately ran into trouble as not only could they not agree on their respective roles in the hijacking and what to do with the passengers, but they also all had different ideas as to which gang they were seizing the ship for. The Lobber thought it was the Vile, Ghor the Staved Skulls and Wungo the Filthy Credits. On top of this, due in large part to being unable to keep their intentions clear, the trio became flustered by the barrage of questions the passengers asked them. In response to one elderly traveler's concern about what would happen to them, Lobber stated that the passengers would be left off at the next stop and that they were lucky they weren't going to be thrown out the airlock.[1]
At this point, Jinn stepped in, attempting to calm the criminals down. He was unsuccessful: they threatened him with their blasters while The Lobber and Ghor argued about who was going to head to the cockpit. They were interrupted by a passenger returning with her daughter from the galley; she was startled by the group and dropped her daughter, who was levitated by Jinn before she could reach the deck. Awed by the presence of a Force user, the trio were thrown off guard when Kenobi revealed himself to also be a Jedi. The Padawan warned them that not only was Jinn a Jedi Master, but that he had refused a seat on the High Council. With clever wordplay, the two Jedi explained to the incredulous hijackers that they were serving as commercial security and implicitly threatened them with secret and terrible powers that no one had ever survived.[1]
Reasonably cowed, Ghor and Wungo decided to surrender, even considering shooting Lobber for claiming leadership of the group. However, Jinn and Kenobi talked them down, asking for the weapons and insisting that everyone would be more comfortable with the trio locked in an empty cargo hold—away from the Jedi. The Lobber was more resistant than his companions, but eventually gave in, unwilling to face the Jedi alone. The group handed over their weapons and followed Kenobi to the hold. They remained there until the next stop, Randon, where Jinn ordered them dropped off.[1]
Joining the Riftwalkers[]
- "There were two. I think that one was a consultant."
"Councilor. If Jedi really caught you, why aren't you in custody—or dead? And don't tell me you escaped. You couldn't even get out of that tank."
"They controlled our minds."
"Somebody sure needs to." - ―The Lobber and Zilastra, on the Jedi[1]
The Idiot Three soon left the planet by stowing away aboard the freighter Morleen in an empty cargo container, which they promptly found was too tall to climb out of. They were found and liberated when the Riftwalkers captured the vessel on Keldooine.[1] Their leader, Zilastra, had heard of the trio's failed hijacking and was unimpressed by The Lobber's posturing. She impressed on the group that no one was hit ships of the Regal Voyager line. Fearing for their lives after seeing the corpse of the ship's pilot disposed of in acid container, the would-be pirates attempted to guess Zilastra's gang, insisting that their attempt had been made for her. Zilastra was unimpressed after additional demonstrations of their stupidity, reiterating that she didn't want anyone attacking Regal Voyager's ships before telling her second-in-command, Burlug to dump them in the acid. However, Zilastra changed her mind after Lobber mentioned that they had been thwarted by Jedi, deciding to keep them alive for debriefing. She proceeded to order the three to help Burlug dispose of the remaining bodies on board.[1]
Undeserved success[]
- "And they're not in the crew! I was expecting the Vile would kill them in a heartbeat. If I whack them now, people will think I don't reward performance."
"Isn't it better to keep them alive if they're accomplishing something?"
"You accomplished something. If the other bosses see those guys working for me, they'll die laughing." - ―Zilastra and "Hotwire", on the Idiot Three[1]

The Idiot Three worked with Jedi Master Depa Billaba in her guise as "Hotwire" (Billaba pictured).
Less than a week later, Zilastra and her crew left Keldooine aboard her flagship, the Randomizer. After being ignored by the Judicial vessel Assurance, another new Riftwalker, Hotwire, detected a Vile vessel in a nearby asteroid belt. The pirate leader proceeded to send Hotwire, along with the Idiot Three and several attack droids, to board the enemy ship ; they were surreptitiously joined by Zilastra's young protégé Kylah Lohmata. Zilastra's intention was to let the Vile kill off Lobber, Ghor and Wungo; however, the assault was a success thanks to Hotwire's efforts, taking the craft without a shot fired and tractoring it back with their shuttle. This turn of events forced Zilastra to keep the trio on, lest others in her gang think that she didn't reward results. Embarrassed by having them as part of the Riftwalkers, Zilastra decided to utilize the three pirates as cannon fodder at the next opportunity. In the meantime, she set course for the Riftwalker's secret base on Valboraan.[1]
While en route, Zilastra had IK-111 keep the Idiot Three occupied on a hangar deck, repetitively moving crates from one side to the other. A few transfers later, they were approached by Hotwire, who asked them how long they had been there and when the ship had jumped to hyperspace. Wungo explained that they had been there long enough for him to start naming things, an example being a barrel he called Sarla. Ghor mentioned that the jump had been two trips across the deck ago and that a number of small ships had left the opposite bay beforehand. Lobber then recognized the Regal Voyager logo on a company security valise that Hotwire was carrying and referenced their failed attempt to hijack the Regal Zephyr. The three pirates began to recap the incident and how Zilastra had told them she didn't want anyone hitting the Voyager line. At that moment, the leader in question appeared and ordered the trio to get lost, a command they quickly complied with, leaving the hangar as the Randomizer arrived at Valboraan.[1]
Billaba exposed[]
- "She doesn't look like much."
"That's what I'm telling you. The things they do can all be defeated. It just takes some smarts." - ―The Lobber and Zilastra, on the Jedi[1]
Shortly after reaching Riftwalker Headquarters, Zilastra completed her scheme to assassinate the heads of the four rival pirate gangs. Sometime after, IK-111 put the Idiot Three to work cleaning fungus out of vents throughout the complex, which consisted of a number of starship components spliced together on the floor of a large underground cavern. While they were in one section, the trio was encountered by Kylah. Ghor and Wungo were miserable with their assigned task but The Lobber was energetic. As the group prepared to move up to the trash compactor, he told the girl that she had come to the right place, that it was the nerve center because one could hear everything going on throughout the base. Kylah discussed the successful assassination with her companions and informed them that, at the same time, Zilastra had exposed Hotwire as a Jedi and captured her. She described the fight that had occurred and the trio told her she was lucky to be alive, considering that the Jedi could have turned her into a tree. The conversation was interrupted by Zilastra and the three pirates went back to work scrubbing the walls around them.[1]
However, they soon interrupted Zilastra to express their reverence at Hotwire being a Jedi, which annoyed their leader, who decided to demonstrate to them that Jedi were not gods. She led Kylah and the trio to a cell where Hotwire was being held unconscious in an immobilization beam with IK-111 standing guard. The room was filled with sustained sonic burst that Zilastra explained was to keep the Jedi from concentrating enough to use her mental powers. When Lobber stated that the Jedi didn't look like much, Zilastra added that the concept was one she wished to drive home with everyone. Satisfied that she had made an impression on three of her minions, she sent them back to work.[1]
Zilastra later learned that "Hotwire" was Depa Billaba, a member of the High Council. She mentioned this in one of a series of torture and interrogation transmissions viewed by everyone at the base, including the Idiot Three.[1]
Notes and references[]
- ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 The Living Force
- ↑ According to
"Launchpad" — Star Wars Insider 224, The Living Force takes place one year before the events of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, which corresponds to 33 BBY per Star Wars: Timelines.