- "We were lured here with promises and hope. I can't believe how dumb I was!"
- ―Luen, reflecting on her folly in returning to Dac[1]
Luen was a female Mon Calamari scientist who was lured back to Dac after the Sith genocide by reports of a renewed Dac. Darth Luft and a gang of pirates tricked the former Mon Calamari and Quarren inhabitants into returning in order to press-gang them into building a fleet of pirate ships. During their captivity, Luen and Quarren colleague Tikin encountered the junk dealer Ania Solo and the Imperial Knight Jao Assam, who were on the hunt for another rogue Sith named Darth Wredd. During an escape attempt, the group was launched into an escape pod on poisoned Dac's ocean. They were subsequently rescued by Solo's companions, the Mon Calamari Sauk and the assassin droid AG-37. Following the liberation of the Mon Calamari Shipyards by the Galactic Federation Triumvirate, Luen adopted Tilin, the son of the deceased Tikin, and they settled into the flooded Mon Calamari shipyards.
- "Luen is a master of understatement. This place is a living hell."
- ―Tikin adding to Luen's account of their enslavement and captivity[3]

Tikin was enslaved by Darth Luft's pirates.
Luen was a female[2] Mon Calamari environmental engineer who lived during the time of the Second Imperial Civil War and survived the One Sith–inspired Mon Calamari Genocide. By 138 ABY, Luen was part of the sizeable Mon Calamari and Quarren diaspora who were living as refugees offworld due to the oceans of their homeworld, Dac, remaining poisoned with viral spores.[1] Following the defeat of the One Sith, the new Galactic Federation Triumvirate faced numerous immense challenges in rebuilding the galaxy, one of which was resettling millions of displaced Mon Calamari and Quarren refugees, many of whom lived in abject state of poverty.[3]
At some point, Luen received word of a "renewed" Dac and that all kinds of workers were needed to rebuild society on that poisoned planet. With useful skills as an environmental engineer and a desire to help, Luen joined a large number of Mon Calamari and Quarren refugees in returning to Dac to fulfill this dream. However, the "renewed Dac" was a ruse created by the rogue Sith Darth Luft and his pirate associates with the intent of enslaving a labor force of Mon Calamari and Quarren to build a fleet of pirate starships. Once there, Luen and the other refugees were imprisoned aboard the Mon Calamari Shipyards above the planet Dac and press-ganged into building a fleet of warships for the pirates. To ensure their cooperation, their dependents and elderly were imprisoned by the pirates as hostages. During their captivity, the enslaved workers were routinely beaten and maltreated by their pirate captors.[1]
- "Look, you know what this is? I'm an Imperial Knight! We're here to help!"
- ―Luen's first meeting with Jao Assam[1]

Luen and Tikin meet their rescuers.
During their captivity, Luen befriended a Quarren named Tikin whose wife was killed by the pirates; Tikin's son, Tilin, remained imprisoned as well. In 138 ABY, Tikin and Luen were cornered by the Imperial Knight Jao Assam and the junk dealer Ania Solo; the pair were on a quest to hunt down another rogue Sith, Darth Wredd, who had instigated an insurgency against the One Sith. Mistaking Solo and Assam for pirates due to their disguises, Luen produced a knife and attempted to fight them off. However, Assam defused the situation by revealing that he was an Imperial Knight and that he had come to help them. When Solo asked what was going on in the Mon Calamari Shipyards, Luen described their situation and how they had been lured by false promises and hope.[1]
After hearing Luen's story, Jao Assam got his communications droid to send a distress signal to the Galactic Triumvirate authorities in Coruscant informing them of the pirate presence in the Calamari system. Tikin also revealed what was happening with the hostages, but at that point, they were interrupted by a group of armed pirates who pursued them through the shipyard's hangars.[1]
At the end of a tunnel, Luen, Tikin, and their rescuers were cornered by Darth Luft and his associates. After Luft confirmed that Darth Wredd was not in the Calamari system as his late henchmen Dieben had led Solo and Assam to believe, Luft dumped the group of four into an escape pod that was then jettisoned into Dac. Darth Luft hoped to kill his unwanted guests in the poisoned oceans of Dac, where one drop was enough to kill a sentient being. The waters of Dac were littered with the corpses of countless sentient beings and animals, which had perished towards the end of the Genocide.[1] As their escape pod dived deeper into the poisoned depths of Dac's oceans, Luen commented that they had a slim chance of survival since their escape pod was only designed to withstand atmosphere pressures; in response, a despondent Tikin told Luen to keep quiet. Assam's Imperial comm droid managed to reconfigure his antennae to transmit a distress signal to Solo's friends, the assassin droid AG-37 and the Mon Calamari engineer Sauk, who quickly traveled in their freighter to Dac.[3]
As the escape pod descended deeper into Dac's oceans, Luen commented that they would soon be in the aphotic zone, the portion of the ocean where no sunlight could reach. When Luen pondered about whether the ship's hull would be able to withstand the oceanic pressure, Tikin merely responded that he did not want to know. Solo attempted to take control of the escape pod's directional thrusters. However, Tikin revealed that the pirates had forced them to strip all propulsion systems from the pods for use in their new fleet.[3] Tikin and his companions were rescued by Sauk and AG-37, who plucked their escape pod from Dac's oceans and used AG-37's freighter to tow it into an abandoned section of the Mon Calamari Shipyards.[3]
Once aboard the space station, Luen and Tikin met Sauk and AG-37 and further discussed conditions in the shipyard. A disagreement quickly broke out between Jao Assam and Ania Solo over how to deal with the threat posed by the pirates and Darth Luft. While Assam wanted to take the fight to the Sith immediately, Solo insisted that they depart and wait for reinforcements to arrive. Tikin strongly objected to Assam's plan due to the risk of his son's death. Worried about his son and unwilling to risk provoking Darth Luft, Tikin returned to the shipyards to beg for his son's life; however, the Sith killed Tikin. Meanwhile, Luen joined Solo and her companions aboard AG-37's freighter.[3]
The fight for freedom[]
- "Those monsters opened the space doors on them! We got to do something!"
- ―Luen, witnessing the pirates exposing the detention cells to zero-gravity space[2]

Luen, Tikin, Ania Solo, and Jao Assam hurtled towards the depths of Dac's poisoned oceans.
Luen was present aboard AG-37's freighter during a joint Fel Empire and Galactic Alliance assault on the pirate–occupied Mon Calamari Shipyards. Jao Assam's mentor Yalta Val and Admiral Gar Stazi had received word of the pirate presence on Dac from Jao Assam.[3] The assembled force of warships, seatroopers, and Imperial Knights assaulted the shipyards, wiping out the pirate starfighter and pirate droid defenses. During the fighting, the Alliance tanker Trand Cappa flooded the orbital shipyards with seawater, overwhelming the pirates and allowing the Mon Calamari and Quarren slaves to gain the upper hand over their captors. Under Darth Luft's orders, the pirates exposed the detention blocks housing the slaves' relatives to zero-gravity space, killing several Mon Calamari and Quarren civilians. Luen was one of the witnesses when an ice plume formed outside the space doors of the detention block, plugging the hold and saving many more from being killed. There was a narrow window of opportunity to save the captives; Luen, Solo, and Sauk attempted to close the space doors but were unable to because the controls were covered in ice. Instead, they shepherded the Mon Calamari and Quarren refugees out of the chamber as the frozen plume began cracking. Solo managed to get Assam's comm droid to access the shipyards control bay and shut the doors remotely, saving numerous Mon Calamari and Quarren.[2]
- "I think Tikin would be proud to know that you're raising his son [Tilin]."
- ―Sauk, meeting with Luen following the Liberation of the Mon Calamari Shipyards[2]

Luen swims with Tilin and Sauk.
Following the liberation of the Mon Calamari Shipyards, Luen and the surviving Mon Calamari and Quarren refugees settled into the flooded interiors of the shipyards and established a new community. Luen also adopted the late Tikin's son Tilin as a gesture of respect; despite never imagining having a child, Luen took pride in becoming Tilin's foster parent and adopted the title "Aunt". Luen also tried to encourage Sauk to settle with their fellow Mon Calamari in the shipyards. Knowing that Sauk was a qualified engineer, Luen pointed out that the shipyard could make use of the services of several top–notch engineers to make the Shipyards hospitable. There was also news that several Whaladons, another sentient species indigenous to Dac, were planning to settle in the shipyards. However, Sauk politely declined Luen's offer, citing that his friends need him. Luen and Tilin settled into their new home, secure in the knowledge that the threat of Darth Luft and his pirate associates had been vanquished.[2]
Personality and traits[]
- "Yeah, funny, that. Never would have pictured myself with a kid. But here I am."
- ―Luen coming to terms with her newly-found role as a foster parent[2]

Luen wields a knife in self-defense.
Luen was a blue–skinned female Mon Calamari who was trained as a marine engineer. As with many Mon Calamari and Quarren, Luen was greatly affected by the Mon Calamari Genocide and the destruction of Dac. Despite the odds, Luen harbored the hope of returning to a restored Dac that was free of viral spores. While not previously having an interest in raising children, Luen was still compassionate enough to adopt and raise the Quarren Tilin, the orphaned son of Tikin, after the former was killed by Darth Luft.[2]
Skills and abilities[]
After being fooled by the scam perpetuated by the rogue Sith Darth Luft and his pirate associates, Luen's engineering skills were put to work building a fleet of starships for the pirates. Luen also knew how to wield a knife in self defense.[1]
Behind the scenes[]
Luen first appeared in the eighth issue of the Star Wars: Legacy Volume 2 comic series. The issue was written by Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman, illustrated by Brian Albert Thies, and published by Dark Horse Comics[1] on October 23, 2013.[4]
- Legacy (2013) 8 (First appearance)
- Legacy (2013) 9
- Legacy (2013) 10
Notes and references[]
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