Mari Amithest
For other uses, see Mari.
- "Hello, Master Obi-Wan."
- ―Mari Amithest and their classmates, to Obi-Wan Kenobi[2]
Mari Amithest was a Force-sensitive human female and a member of the Jedi Order as a child during the last years of the Galactic Republic. Raised within the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Amithest began their training in the ways of the Force and lightsaber combat among other Jedi younglings as a member of the Bear Clan. In 22 BBY, while practicing their lightsaber skills under the supervision of Grand Master Yoda, Amithest's class was visited by Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, who sought the ancient Jedi Master's help in locating the planet Kamino.
The Grand Master decided to use Kenobi's inquiry to engage his students' problem-solving skills. Amithest's classmate, J. K. Burtola, deduced that the Kaminoan homeworld's location was erased from the Jedi Archives.
Mari Amithest was a child;[2] born at some point between 30 BBY and 26 BBY,[1] they lived during the final years of the Galactic Republic.[2] Having joined the Jedi Order at a young age, they became a member of the Bear Clan[3]—a class of younglings who trained together in the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant.[2] In 22 BBY,[4] Amithest and the rest of the Bear Clan were practicing with training lightsabers under the tutelage of Jedi Grand Master Yoda in one of the Temple's classrooms when the Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi interrupted the lesson to seek Yoda's guidance.[2]
Yoda halted the class, and Amithest and the others greeted Kenobi, who explained that he was looking for the planet Kamino, but could not find it in the Jedi Archives. Yoda instructed Amithest's classmate Liam to lower the classroom's blinds so that Kenobi could show the class a holographic star map and indicate where the planet should be. The ancient Jedi Master asked the class if they had any thoughts on why the planet might be missing. Ultimately, J. K. Burtola, another classmate of Amithest, suggested that it was erased from the archives. Satisfied with this answer, Yoda moved away from the younglings to speak briefly with Kenobi about this troubling idea.[2]
Personality and traits[]
Mari Amithest was a human female who had black hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. They conducted themselves in an appropriate manner, greeting the more senior Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi upon his visit to their classroom.[2]
Powers and abilities[]
- "Use your feelings, you must."
- ―Yoda, to Mari Amithest and their classmates[2]
Amithest was Force-sensitive and therefore possessed the powers of the Force. As a youngling, they received an introductory course in lightsaber techniques from Yoda, who taught Amithest to let their intuition guide their actions.[2]
While training with Yoda, Amithest wore tan Jedi robes, a brown belt, and a gray training helmet. They used a training lightsaber to practice their skills at blocking simulated blaster bolts.[2]
Behind the scenes[]

Mari Amithest was portrayed by Phoebe Yiamkiati.
Mari Amithest was portrayed by Phoebe Yiamkiati in the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones and was identified in the film's credits.[2] The character was identified as simply "Jedi Child May" in the film's script[5] and originally responded to Yoda's question with "If the planet blew up, the gravity would go away."[6]
- Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones (First appearance)