Mixer was a clone trooper who lived during the Clone Wars. He was stationed aboard the Coronet to protect Duchess Satine Kryze from assassination attempts. While he was in the cargo bay, he, R2-D2, and fellow trooper Redeye were attacked by assassin probes. Redeye was killed first and Mixer was killed soon after discovering Redeye's dropped blaster. Mixer had two blue crescent markings on his helmet, which was discovered by R2 before he ran into Cody and Rex.
Behind the scenes[]
Mixer first appeared in "Voyage of Temptation." Like all clones, he was portrayed and voiced by Dee Bradley Baker. In "ARC Troopers," a clone trooper with similar markings can be seen. However since Mixer died in "Voyage of Temptation", it's definitely not him.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Voyage of Temptation" (First appearance)