Ovolot Qail Uthan

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"I could be a patriot who doesn't... didn't want my planet to be run by Coruscanticentric dictatorship, and so used her skills to target its army."
―Ovolot Qail Uthan to Kal Skirata[2]

Doctor Ovolot Qail Uthan was a scientist working for the Confederacy of Independent Systems.


Doctor Uthan led the research on a clone-killing nanovirus, FG36, stationed on Qiilura. After the attack by Jedi Etain Tur-Mukan and Omega Squad, she was abducted and her research facility destroyed.[1]

As of 18 months after the Battle of Geonosis, Dr. Uthan was reportedly held in a Republic maximum-security prison. During her incarceration, she wondered whether or not the cloaked man who had commissioned her research tried to contact her. The man was most likely the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious, who kept her work as an insurance policy against the clones if they ever turned against him.

In order to not lose her sanity, Dr. Uthan bred Soka flies inside her cell even without proper laboratory facilities. During the Battle of Coruscant, she was rescued from the madhouse at Valorum Center by Kal Skirata, Bardan Jusik, Ordo and Fi. She was brought to Mandalore where she agreed to Kal's offer of finding a cure to the clone's accelerated aging.

While living on Mandalore, Uthan became romantically involved with Mij Gilamar, and bonded with Padawan Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy, a Jedi survivor living in Kyrimorut, making the young Jedi her lab assistant.

Sometime after Order 66, Emperor Palpatine used her FG36 virus on her home planet of Gibad who was rebelling against the new Empire. The virus was not clone specific at the time it was released on her homeworld, killing every humanoid on the planet. Crushed by virtually destroying her whole home planet and the people she loved, she decided to retaliate by recreating the virus to release personally on Coruscant. Kal Skirata reasoned with her before she could to create a antivirus first, as a different way to fight Palpatine and protect themselves. The antivirus was then tested on herself to see if it worked, then it was spread all through Mandalore. It is assumed that she began work on returning the aging gene in clones to normal after FG36 was finished.

Personality and traits[]

Doctor Uthan was able to convey strong emotion by whispering fiercely, or, when she was tied up by clone commandos, simply writhing and wriggling. She had wild hair that was mainly blue and black, with red stripes, and she was also fond of septsilk clothes. Ghez Hokan in particular was impressed by her subtle political skill, knack for dressing well and carrying herself like an empress.



Notes and references[]