Republic strategy conference/Legends
- "The worst part about our job are these boring strategy conferences."
"Cheer up, Anakin. This is your chance to voice all your complaints about military protocol. And it looks as though we can finally get underway. I will inform Master Windu the last straggler has arrived, while you work on your attitude."
"Isn't that ship coming in a little too fast?" - ―Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi[4]
The Republic strategy conference, also referred to as the Republic Valor strategy conference, was held in 20 BBY during the Clone Wars aboard the Valor space station. Officers from the Republic Navy and members of the Jedi High Council and Jedi Order convened to discuss their ongoing efforts against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. However, before at least one stage of the conference began, it was interrupted when the CIS-stolen Venator-class Star Destroyer Renown, filled with explosive rhydonium, was sent out of hyperspace to ram the station, killing important attendees. However, the attempt was foiled by D-Squad, under the command of Colonel Meebur Gascon.
The conference[]
In addition to Jedi Masters Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi of the Jedi High Council, Jedi General Anakin Skywalker also attended the conference. Also, Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin and other officers of the Republic Navy attended, as well as several clone trooper commanders, including CC-2224, CC-8826, and CC-3636.
At one point, members of the Republic military leadership were milling around in a strategic conference room, waiting for the Renown to join the multiple other Venator-class Star Destroyers gathering around the station so that at least one stage of the conference could begin. Skywalker was just voicing his complaints about conferences of the type when he noted that the Renown's approach was too fast. In fact, D-Squad, a covert military droid unit, which included Skywalker's beloved astromech R2-D2, was at work on board the ship to prevent the Renown, a Separatist-stolen ship laden with volatile rhydonium, from ramming the station and killing the conference attendees. The entirety of the unit except for R2-D2 had managed to escape the doomed ship, while he stayed behind to prevent the destruction of the Valor.
Admiral Tarkin checked a console and reported the high amount of rhydonium on board. Just as Skywalker realized that it was a bomb, R2's efforts led to its premature detonation. The ensuing detonation of a Venator-class' hangar space's worth of rhydonium pelted the station with debris. Though the conference room underwent substantial shaking and its glass was cracked, eventually no significant damage was dealt. D-Squad's commander, Colonel Meebur Gascon, managed to raise the station on comm. Skywalker promptly left the conference to oversee the recovery mission of R2-D2, which succeeded and resulted in his repair.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Point of No Return" (First appearance) (First identified as Republic strategy conference)
Notes and references[]
External links[]
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (@StarWarsTheCloneWars) on Facebook (post on January 15, 2013) (screenshot) (First identified as Republic Valor strategy conference)