Sacred spire/Legends

This article is about the mountain itself. You may be looking for the Temple Spire built around it.

The sacred spire was a natural peak around which the Jedi Temple was built on Coruscant. Once a sacred place to the native Coruscanti, the mountain contained a Force nexus which was contained within huge, black stone walls.


The sacred spire was a site of worship for the early natives of Coruscant. Following the Galactic Republic's victory during the Great Hyperspace War, the Jedi Order was granted use of the land surrounding and including the mountain. Initially, the Order only established small meditative chapels within and on the mountain. Over time however, as the Order moved to establish an academy on Coruscant, the Four Masters began to expand the Temple. As the Temple grew, the area around it also rose to a modern "ground level" which would come to be known as the Temple district over which the Jedi High Council had sovereignty. Upon the slopes of the mountain, the foundations of the Temple Ziggurat were constructed and the Temple took on its modern appearance.[1]

As the sacred spire began to be surrounded by the Precinct and the peak by the Temple Ziggurat, the Order built the Temple Spire over the summit, using that area for the training of the youngest Initiates. Suspended by repulsorlift, huge bronzium memorial statues hung over the peak for the next thousand years. On the slope of the mountain, the High Council maintained the Chamber of Conclave, a room used for annual conclaves with outlying Jedi Councils.[1]

Following the Clone Wars, the Temple was placed under siege by the Grand Army of the Republic's 501st Legion under the order of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine who, in reality, was Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious. Led by Darth Vader, the clone troopers exterminated all of the Jedi in the Temple. The edifice lay in silence over the next few decades with only a small force of stormtroopers maintaining guard.[2]

In 2 BBY Darth Vader's secret Sith apprentice, Starkiller, entered the building and quickly slaughtered the stormtrooper guard. Making his way to the High Council Tower, Starkiller passed through a hole in the floor into one of the old meditation chapels. Walking on the slopes of the sacred spire, Starkiller quickly made his way up through the ceiling to the turbolift that would access the Tower.[3]

The sacred spire would stand in silence for several more decades, slowly crumbling from disuse and lack of care. When Sith Lords Darth Sidious and Vader were slain, the Galactic Empire lost balance and was eventually driven from Coruscant by the New Republic. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Coruscant was devastated by terraforming, causing the Temple to crumble and reveal parts of the foundation, including the Spire. While occupied by the Yuuzhan Vong, the Spire was targeted by the deranged Irek Ismaren who was going by the name "Lord Nyax." Ensnaring a following of slaves through fear, Nyax brought his followers and a host of droids to the black wall that surrounded the Force-nexus in hopes that they could break into the mountain. As the wall was cracked, Nyax was confronted by three members of the reformed Jedi Order: Luke Skywalker, his wife, and Tahiri Veila. Using the nexus to enhance his Force powers, Nyax began to hurl boulders at the group. While Nyax maintained the upper hand for a time, the Skywalkers and Veila were eventually able to turn the Force against him and destroy Nyax. Before he died however, Nyax imbued the nexus with the dark side. Several weeks later, the captured Jedi Jacen Solo was led to the Temple ruins by the mysterious Vergere. While within the ruins, Vergere manipulated the recent events to portray the Order as corrupt, building their Temple over a large dark side nexus. Confused, Solo continued on with Vergere, leaving the ruined complex.[4]



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