Safari droid

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Safari droids were droids manufactured by Serv-O-Droid, Inc. designed for surveying wildlife across the galaxy. Commissioned by the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts, Safari droids were sent on particularly dangerous missions and programmed to report their findings on various creatures back to the Society.[1] One such Safari droid, SF-R3, went on several adventures throughout the galaxy.[2]


Safari droids had yellow and white plating with pink sensors.[2] Safari droids were equipped with various tools to help them with their adventures. They came equipped with rocket boosters, spinning brushes,[3] and music players.[4] Safari droids could go into low energy mode[5] and demolition mode.[6] These droids had a chest compartment in which they could store things.[3] They could speak Galactic Basic Standard,[3] fly ships,[5] and drive speeder bikes.[4] Safari droids could run quicker than voorpaks.[7]


Sometime before 233 BBY,[8] the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts commissioned the manufacturing of Safari droids by Serv-O-Droid, Inc., to go on more dangerous assignments.[1] By or after that year, Safari droid SF-R3, documented his adventures with help from his cam droid CAM.[3] Another Safari droid, M1-RE, was a specialized member of the Society. She was stationed on the Youngling Care Space Station where she cared for and studied several species of younglings.[9] She was friends with SF-R3 who asked her to show[10] viewers on the Holonet[1] how to take care of their younglings.[10]

Behind the scenes[]

Safari droids first appeared in the first two episodes of Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures, titled "Bantha" and "Porgs," released on October 14, 2021.[2] Safari droids were given their name in the accompanying activity sheet to the series.[1] When it was decided to have a droid as the lead character, the team originally wanted a pit droid. However, Matt Martin didn't like the idea of having a droid designed for a specific purpose do another. So, the safari droid was created in replacement, while still having features similar to that of a pit droid.[11]



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