Salvage droid/Legends

TEGtD SM scavenger droid

A pair of SM series scavenger droids at work

"Blast! I really hate those scavs!"

Salvagbe droids or scavenger droids, often called scavs and alternatively known as retrieval droids, were small automated droids, generally operating in gangs, which were deployed at accident sites to scavenge for usable parts.


The Trade Federation employed a large number of these droids to search through the remains of their battle droids after battles, to seek out any parts which could be used again in new droids, therefore cutting costs. They were also used by salvagers to aid their exploits.


A scavenger droid on board the Prosecutor

Another variant, used by Trandoshan mercenaries and slavers, was built to attach to a clone trooper's helmet, drill through the visor, eliminate the trooper, and then carry them away. This type was also equipped with a beam weapon capable of draining the personal shields used by clone commandos. Their programming included a suicide ramming attack in case of sustaining significant damage. They could also attach themselves to walls and cut through cables, waiting silently for their prey and then attacking. Afterwards, the droids would pick up the bodies and carry them to dump sites.


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