Scions of Zakuul

"Before Arcann's betrayal, Zakuul was protected by two orders: the Knights, and Scions who see visions of the past and future."
"Fate is a tale whispered to us by the Force. But the voices are silent about you. We must know why."
―Senya Tirall and Heskal[1]

The Scions of Zakuul, commonly known simply as the Scions, was a division of the Knights of Zakuul who possessed the ability to see the future through the Force and were infatuated with the idea of destiny.[3] They believed in their visions to the point of fanaticism, as opposed to Jedi, who believe that the future is constantly in motion and only comes in pieces.


Heskal reveals a secret

Heskal reveals that Valkorion still lives within the Outlander's mind.

Early in his reign over the Eternal Empire, Valkorion developed the Scions within the Knights and used their visions to locate the dormant Eternal Fleet.[9] Scions were often paired with standard Knights to form a team with both physical and mental prowess, but after Valkorion's son Arcann—who detested the Scions—became Emperor, he ordered the mass slaughter of the Scions, nearly wiping them out.[3] Heskal and a group of Scions were among those who survived, and they took refuge on Asylum until they aided the Outlander. The Scions put the Outlander through a series of combat tests and questioned their intentions before ultimately learning that Valkorion had survived within the Outlander's mind.[1] However, Heskal later killed most of his group after they discovered he had summoned Arcann to Asylum in order to fulfill his vision; nonetheless, the remaining Scions remained loyal to the Outlander and planned to aid the Outlander's Alliance when it was necessary.[10]

The Scions would only reappear on the world of Iokath, helping the Outlander defeat the machine god Tyth.[4] Several of them also joined the Order of Zildrog against the Alliance. After the Outlander defeated the Order, the Scions offered their apologies for the actions of their rogue comrades.

During the events of the third Galactic War, the Scions, lead by Minazar, had enacted upon Heskal's prophecy, and sough to resurrect Valkorion. They had managed to track down Kira Carsen's ship and arrived via a Zakuulan shuttle. However, the ship had already been uncovered by the rogue Sith group the Servants, fanatical remnants of the Emperor's Hand. The two conflicting parties, serving the same Emperor but having differing views as to his will, broke out into conflict aboard the vessel, with the Scions being overpowered by the Servants. By the time Task Force Nova had arrived, Minazar died at the hands of Servant Four, and the remaining Scions were wiped out never to be seen on the face of the galaxy again. In the end, the Scions joined their master and faded into oblivion.



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