Sith Empire expansion

"I confirmed the Sith indeed struck the Republic world of Draethos, though the time frame remains murky. They raided Quermia, and Felucia, and other worlds such as Gand and Florn known to scouts and smugglers."
―Sorzus Syn, Book of Sith[1]

At some point after an invasion by the Infinite Empire of the Rakata species[1] and a civil war[2] on their homeworld Korriban around 27,700 BBY,[3] the Sith Empire led by the successors to King Adas undertook an expansion of its territories using captured Rakatan technology. The Massassi warriors were unleashed to conquer neighboring worlds, destroying the homes of disobedient people. The Sith were believed to have reached the natural edge of their space[1]—including worlds such as Jaguada,[4] Krayiss II, Khar Delba, Rhelg—conquering worlds beyond the Stygian Caldera, such as[1] Malachor V,[3][1] Tund,[3][1][4] Thule,[1] and Arorua.[1] They attacked the Galactic Republic-controlled planet Draethos, and engaged in raids at Quermia, Felucia, Gand, and Florn.[1]

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History of the Sith

Incursion of Korriban · Reign of the Ax · First Sith Empire · Invasion of Korriban · Korriban civil war · Sith Empire expansion · Second Great Schism · Hundred-Year Darkness · Reign of Dathka Graush · Sith Empire · Great Hyperspace War
Post–Great Hyperspace War counterinvasion · Sith exodus · Reconstituted Sith Empire · Old Sith Wars (Great Sith War · Jedi Civil War · Dark Wars/First Jedi Purge/Sith Civil War)
Sith Wars (Great Galactic War · Cold War · Galactic War · Third Galactic War)
Fourth Great Schism · New Sith Wars (Sith civil war · Republic Dark Age)
Order of the Sith Lords (Grand Plan) · Lumiya's Sith · Lost Tribe of Sith · Lost Tribe of Sith emergence
One Sith · Sith–Imperial War · Second Imperial Civil War
