Spreading the Rebellion

Spreading the Rebellion was a Rebel Alliance military campaign designed to win the support of the Airam sector that turned into a quest to destroy Imperial Task Force Vengeance. The Imperial force had been sent to pacify the sector, as well as to destroy the Rebel shipyard established in the Nocto system. The campaign occurred at roughly the same time as the Sepan campaign.


The campaign was planned in order to counteract the formation of Task Force Vengeance by the Galactic Empire, which was deployed in neighboring Elrood sector. The Alliance, being no match for a task force of this size, ultimately decided to give up their permanent assets in Elrood in favor of the more remote and less strictly controlled Airam sector.

Withdrawal from Elrood[]

In the opening days of the campaign, many assets in Elrood sector were evacuated, most notably XQ5 Platform-turned-hospital Hormuuz in the Gelgelar system. Most places were able to avoid Imperial attention, but Hormuuz attracted the attention of Admiral Senn, who deployed a strike team to capture any Rebels in the system.

Even when the wounded escaped with the help of Rogue and Gold Squadrons, they were not safe, as Senn ruthlessly pursued the escaping transports and the assisting medical frigate Redemption. Eventually, the Rebel Forces managed to regroup in the border regions of Airam sector. Rebel High Command decided this area to be of increased strategic importance and directed more equipment towards the sector fleet around Calamari Cruiser Liberty.

The first convoy would be a shipment of B-wing starfighters, increasing the overall strike capability of the Rebel Fleet in Airam sector, with material for construction and maintenance of a capital-class shipyard following in the subsequent weeks. At some point the Alliance tried to regain the initiative over Task Force Vengeance and struck at their former base at Gelgelar to retrieve vital supplies left behind during the evacuation.

The gravity well technology[]

Stocked up on consumables and warheads, the Alliance went on to find out their enemies strength—many reconnaissance missions were flown by Rogue Squadron in order to scan the ships of Task Force Vengeance and destroy any freighter carrying warhead supplies. This culminated in a diversionary strike by the Cruiser Liberty herself, intended to lure away some of the Imperial warships into an ambush set in the Goff system.

The ambush nearly became a trap when the Imperial warships were accompanied by the Interdictor Cruiser Compellor, pinning the Alliance ships in realspace. Once the Interdictor had been driven off, however, the Alliance ambush prevailed, and Rebel High command had a new goal in their sights: getting their hands on the gravity well technology.

Rogue Squadron led a strike team to capture the Interdictor while it was undergoing repairs. The attempt was successful, and despite the Empire's attempts to scuttle the Compellor, the Rogues were able to bring the ship safely to the Mobetta system.

By maintaining tight patrols around the factory, Gallofree, the Rebels managed to keep the modifications performed on the Strike Cruiser Peregrine a secret, prepping the Compellor for its final mission as well. The baptism of fire for the Peregrine came shortly thereafter in the Derilyn system, where it assisted Liberty in pinning down and destroying a reinforcement and resupply fleet headed for Task Force Vengeance.

Meanwhile, an Imperial strike force "found" the Compellor - which blew up in full view of the Star Destroyers Titan and Juggernaut, according to Rebel plan, leading the Imperials to believe that neither they nor the Alliance had access to gravity well technology anymore.

The end of Task Force Vengeance[]

The destruction of the Compellor caused the two Star Destroyers to attack the factory which had assisted in the modification of the Peregrine, and Alliance forces responded to the distress call, helping in the evacuation process. Being grateful for the quick rescue of his people, clan leader Tamaron of the Airam sector agreed to supply the Alliance with much-needed warheads. The transfer was accomplished with relatively little interruption in the Kuras Drift.

In the closing days of the campaign, Task Force Vengeance was already showing the effects of raids against their supply lines. In a last ditch effort, Senn tried to acquire supplies from the traitorous Airam clan leader Ilay, but was foiled by the efforts of Rogue and Green Squadrons.

The Alliance, intent on wearing down the remainders of the Imperial Task Force slowly but steadily, did not expect Admiral Senn to know the location of their most crucial asset in the Airam sector by this time: The shipyard Calenz. The Super Star Destroyer Vengeance, accompanied by the Star Destroyer Rage, launched a direct attack against the facility (Battle of Nocto). The ultimate outcome is unclear, although it is believed that both the shipyard and the Super Star Destroyer were destroyed in the climactic battle.

Timeline of battles[]


Notes and references[]

Major campaigns of the Galactic Civil War

Operation Domino · Fresian campaign · Operation Strike Fear
Operation Skyhook · Blockade of Yavin · Dark Trooper Project · Seerdon Campaign · Aftermath of Hoth
Spreading the Rebellion · Operation Earplug · Nagai–Tof War · Hevvrol Sector Campaign · Stenax Massacres
Trioculus affair · Delvardus campaign · Core Campaign · Bacta War · Hunt for Zsinj · Post–Zsinj campaigns
Thrawn campaign · Pre–Shadow Hand campaign · Operation Shadow Hand · Empire Reborn campaign · Orinda campaign
Disciples of Ragnos crisis · Black Fleet Crisis · Imperial Skirmishes · Caamas Document Crisis · Hand of Thrawn Crisis
