Star map/Legends
This article is about the map type. You may be looking for the ancient artifacts known as Star Maps.
Star maps, star charts or star-charts were cartographic representations of the positions of stars in the galaxy. They were essential to astrogation.
The Jedi Order maintained many star-charts which showed the location of legendary Force vergences, though by the time of the Galactic Empire, many of the known vergence star-charts were clever fakes. Authentic star-charts that were recovered during the era were thousands of years old, rendering them nearly impossible to interpret.[1]
During the Galactic Civil War, the Empire programmed Bledsoe's disease to carry among symptoms a "window-effect" in the afflicted's eyes (resembling stars in people's eyes), with an ocular scan to retrieve the window-effect's star charts. This was to act as a subtle means of supplying intel on Rebel bases to various Imperials so they could locate and take them out.[2]
Hugo Bartyn managed to delete the coordinates of the Lamaro system from most star-charts.[3]
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