Tomb of the Spark Eternal

"Though few know it, the Ascendant built their main temple on Bar'leth. This is where they crafted their inventions in hope of mimicking the dark side. This was their sanctum, but the whole school is built on their ruins."
―Iglan'tine Nos, to Kho Phon Farrus[2]

The Tomb of the Spark Eternal[1] was the main temple of the Ascendant cult. It was built by the Ascendant on the[2] planet[3] Bar'leth. One location within the temple was a sanctum known as the Unyielding Heart. At some point, the University of Bar'leth was built over the ruins of the temple.[2] The location of the tomb was sought by the archaeologist Kho Phon Farrus, who desired to find the Spark Eternal. During an enounter with fellow archaeologist Chelli Lona Aphra on the[1] planet[4] Midarr, Farrus came to understand where they needed to go to find the Spark and traveled to Bar'leth.[1] After Farrus arrived at the university, they had Sava Iglan'tine Nos lead them to the Unyielding Heart, though Farrus was surprised to learn that the temple was built underneath the university and that the Heart was not a physical relic, but a sanctum instead.[2]

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