Tor Skirata
Tor Skirata was the eldest child and son of Mandalorian mercenary Kal Skirata and the Corellian Ilippi Skirata. He was also the eldest brother of Ijaat and Ruusaan "Ruu" Skirata.
Although he bore a Mandalorian name ("Tor" meant "justice"), Tor was raised by his mother, and disowned his father in the formal Mandalroian custom of declaring their father "dar'buir", along with Ijaat.[1]
Years later, in 20 BBY, Tor contacted, via comlink, his father to let him know that he had lost contact with Ruusaan and asked Kal to look for her. During the conversation, Tor said he was sorry for what he and Ijaat did to Kal.
After Kal was able to locate his lost daughter, he sent an ecnrypted message to his son to let that Ruu is fine, but they won't hear from them or see them for a while.
Behind the scenes[]
Tor Skirata is said to be thirty-nine and his hologram is described as being "dark-haired, thickset, smartly dressed" in Order 66: A Republic Commando Novel. His birthdate can therefore be extrapolated as being circa 58 BBY.
- Republic Commando: Triple Zero (First mentioned)
- Republic Commando: True Colors (Mentioned only)
- Order 66: A Republic Commando Novel (First appearance) (Appears in hologram)
- Imperial Commando: 501st (Mentioned only)