

"But good news, Toshara is a great place for someone with your skills."
―Waka to Kay Vess, after seeing her shoot three bandits[1]

Toshara was an arid moon that orbited the planet Toshaal in the Toshaal system located in the Outer Rim Territories covered in windswept plains and canyons with veins of amberine. The native human population, the Tosharans, lived in isolation until the Clone Wars, when a Galactic Republic officer named Sefin Garoby crash-landed on the moon.

In the decades that followed, the moon was controlled by the Galactic Empire and became a hive of criminal activity, with the Pyke Syndicate's underboss Gorak Palas exerting significant influence.


Due to solar winds and the size of its parent satellite, the winds of the moon were so strong that they eroded most of the landscape of the world in little time.[2] The moon was home to a wide range of fauna including the Robuma, an oft domesticated herd animal used for leather, milk, and more. Flora included the Rathcana reedgrass, a fragrant, flowery reed which grew across the Tosharan savanna.[1] Despite the picturesque scenery, Toshara's landscape offered hideouts and shelters to pirates and bandits.[2]


"I'm a broker for every job on this moon."
" Not many syndicates where I'm from."
" Hey, this is legitimate business. Mirogana is special, kid. Empire keeps this cantina neutral, but beyound these walls, it's war. You want to survive? Know the players. Look there... The Pykes have the most say. Thanks to Gorak. Cut- throat. Political. They pay up to play favorites with the Empire. Then Crimson Dawn. Hungry for Gorak's kingdom. Crafty. Sneaky. Unlike the Hutts. With them, what you see is what you get. Out here, you live and die by your reputation.
―Danka Orsato and Kay Vess[1]
Pyke syndicate

The Pyke Syndicate was very influential in Toshara, with almost the entire moon being syndicate territory.

Toshara was known as the "gem of the underworld",[2] and the moon was considered a hive of criminal activity. Despite the moon being under the Galactic Empire control, the local governors of Toshara, notably Thorden, leaned into corruption, making special deals and arrangements with crime lords, syndicates, and criminals. Although the Pyke Syndicate was the most powerful criminal organization on Toshara, with its operation in the world being commanded by Gorak Palas, other syndicates began plotting to weaken the Pykes' hold on the moon. The criminal Kay Vess, having been hired by the Hutt Clan and Crimson Dawn to act against the Pykes, was hired by Jabba the Hutt to obtain compromising information about Governor Thorden, which Jabba intended to use to force the Governor to use his control over the world to favor the Hutts.[1]

Galactic Civil War[]

"ND, this place has got fuel, weapons, spare parts, food..."
"If the Empire does fall, Toshara will be cut off from the Core Worlds supply routes."
"Thorden must really believe it's gonna happen.
―Kay Vess and ND-5[1]

In 3 ABY, Governor Thorden believed that it was almost certain that the Galactic Civil War would end with the victory of the Alliance to Restore the Republic over the Galactic Empire, which led him to prepare for it. Thorden began gathering resources on Toshara, as the moon would be cut off from the Core Worlds supply routes following a possible fall of the Empire. Thorden intended to ensure the creation of his own government in Toshara.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Toshara was first introduced in Star Wars Outlaws. Its biome was inspired by east African savanna.[2]




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