
This article is about the alien species. You may be looking for their language.

"I should also note that the Vratix are neither male nor female—those roles are played at different times in the life cycle, so referring to Qlaern as 'he' or 'she' is inappropriate. Moreover:, since the Vratix do constitute something of a low-grade hive mind, they are more comfortable with a plural pronoun, so they and them will have to suffice."
―Winter on the Vratix[5]

The Vratix, also known as Thyferrans, were native to the planet of Thyferra. They were the species that invented bacta. They were led by a Canir, their elected ruler, and utilized hermaphroditic reproduction.

Biology and appearance[]

"The Vratix find both sound and vision to be deceptive senses. As Qlaern reports it, both sight and sound are things that are of the past the moment you perceive them. Only touch reports information that is concurrent with the gathering."
―Mirax Terrik on the Vratix[6]

Vratix were an insectoid species with large compound eyes, long thin necks, and six limbs sprouting from a cylindrical thorax. The pair closest to their heads, extending from their "shoulders," were triple jointed with tridactyl hands, and served as "arms," but they also sported a hook-claw near the second articulation to assist in climbing. The second, middle pair, sprouting from above the abdomen, were massive, strong "legs," allowing a Vratix to perform impressive leaps. The last pair, situated at the end of the abdomen, were vestigial, as they served only to prevent the abdomen dragging on the ground (Wedge Antilles once compared the third pair of legs of Qlaern Hirf to his X-wing's landing gear.). Small, thin hairs covered their bodies and changed color to express emotion. Vratix excreted denin, a chemical that altered the color of their skin to reflect their mood, and was connected to their speech patterns of clicks also known as Vratix.[7] Despite this, they could communicate with other beings via Basic when regarding trade.[7] They were also slightly telepathic, capable of sending thoughts with other Vratix that they related to.

Vratix with bacta SWJ3

A Vratix with containers of bacta

Vratix were a logical and straightforward species that had trouble grasping abstract concepts like art and music. However, they could solve a complex problem by examining every detail and angle. Culture was centered on the hive mentality. They generally referred to themselves as the plural we rather than I, and usually under their hive name. They were generally a sociable species, preferring all information to be delivered personally.

The Vratix kept Knytix, a smaller insectoid species, as pets and for the creation of dwellings (their saliva was used to make a mud-like paste that was then dried to make bricks). The Vratix also ate the Knytix on certain occasions, when the owner of the Knytix offered his pet to another Vratix as a sign of high respect.


"Because of their desire—even need—to produce bacta, the Vratix welcomed the influx of humans who were willing to set up and run businesses that created a demand for more bacta, allowing and even compelling the Vratix to do more of what they enjoyed doing. While individual Vratix are part of the corporate ownership for both Zaltin and Xucphra, Imperial laws made it necessary to remove them from active leadership and decision-making roles in the companies. Zaltin and Xucphra were given Imperial monopolies on the production of bacta, presumably in return for bribes paid to the local Moff and the Emperor. This has made Thyferra a very rich planet and the humans who live there very wealthy. The Vratix, on the other hand, live very modest lives in tribal groups within the rain forests."
―Winter on the Vratix[5]


Vratix used bacta for thousands of years, and were not hesitant to share their secret with the galaxy at large. During the Galactic Republic, a thriving business evolved around the sale and distribution of bacta. They tolerated the relationship with the off-worlders who wished to exploit bacta, and preferred to work the kavam fields from their villages.[1]

Feeling that they had lost control of their destiny, a Vratix resistance group, the Ashern ("Black Claw" in the native language), was formed. In 32 BBY, the Ashern helped orchestrate a coup; revealing that Xucphra Corporation had sabotaged the supply to drive up prices of the Stark Hyperspace War gave the Vratix governmental control and ushered in freewheeling trade.[1]

A famous Vratix was Yopaxtul, who won the "six-legged being" category at the Mobquet Presents: Fastest Land Beings event held on Teyr in 22 BBY. It won the 100-meter race in a record-breaking 6.132 seconds.

During the Clone Wars, Xucphra and Zaltin again seized control of Thyferra, and during the New Order, Palpatine eliminated all but those two bacta producers. These two cartels would be the Galactic Empire's bacta supply. During this time some Vratix resorted to terrorism to beat out competition in the bacta market.

With the help of Rogue Squadron and Ashern, the Vratix defeated the pro-Imperial Xucphra and broke Ysanne Isard's hold. The Vratix then asked the New Republic for admission as a member world.

During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Verachen sect of Vratix controlled bacta production, supplying the galaxy with the vital bacta.

During the Swarm War, the Vratix became Joiners to the Dark Nest Killiks and led a revolt against the Bacta Cartels on Thyferra, bringing production of the healing liquid to a halt and causing a major blow to the forces of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.


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