Zena Antilles

"You didn't marry a stupid woman!"

Zena Antilles was a Human female who was the wife of Jagged Antilles and the mother of Wedge Antilles and Syal Antilles Fel. Zena and Jag owned and operated outer Gus Treta, a fueling depot and spaceport located in the Corellian sector.


Zena was killed a few years before the Battle of Yavin, when a group of criminals attempting to escape CorSec deliberately ''forgot'' to release their docking clamps. The resulting explosion threatened to destroy most of the spaceport, so Zena and her husband sacrified their lives to separate the burning tanks from the station, but they were unable to escape, and the explosion took both lives.

An enraged Wedge Antilles, right after his parents' deaths, pursued the Bonestar Pirates, blowing their ship and killing them all, avengim his fathers. However, unknown to them, the pirates' leader, Loka Hask, survived.

Both her children went on to become famous across the galaxy. Her son Wedge became a famous fighter pilot for the Rebel Alliance and later a general in the New Republic and her daughter Syal was a famous holodrama star in the Galactic Empire.



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