The Bioconductor April 2005 Archive by subject
April 2005 Archives by subject
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Starting: Fri Apr 1 00:58:48 CEST 2005
Ending: Sat Apr 30 20:49:04 CEST 2005
Messages: 420
- [BioC] Piotr K
- [BioC] (no subject) Howard Schumacher
- [BioC] (no subject) Seth Falcon
- [BioC] (no subject) Jiuzhou song
- [BioC] (no subject) Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] *.Rd question concerning special characters Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Rainer
- [BioC] *.Rd question concerning special characters Seth Falcon
- [BioC] A question regarding the mean of M-values. marcus
- [BioC] A question regarding the mean of M-values. Johan Lindberg
- [BioC] A question regarding the mean of M-values. Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] A question regarding the mean of M-values. Henrik Bengtsson
- [BioC] Adaptive background correction error Anja Schiel
- [BioC] Adaptive background correction error Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] affy quality analysis Dansen, Ing. M.C.
- [BioC] affy quality analysis Paul Grosu
- [BioC] affy SNP chips Dick Beyer
- [BioC] affy SNP chips James MacDonald
- [BioC] affy.pdf missing under Release 1.5 Marcus Davy
- [BioC] affy.pdf missing under Release 1.5 Seth Falcon
- [BioC] affy.pdf missing under Release 1.5 Marcus Davy
- [BioC] affy.pdf missing under Release 1.5 Seth Falcon
- [BioC] ALL dataset by Chiaretti et al. Heike Pospisil
- [BioC] ALL dataset by Chiaretti et al. Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] ANN: Bioconductor short course June 1-3 in Seattle Seth Falcon
- [BioC] ANN: Bioconductor short course June 1-3 in Seattle Fangxin Hong
- [BioC] ANN: Bioconductor short course June 1-3 in Seattle Seth Falcon
- [BioC] annaffy annotation problem (hgu133plus2) Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Rainer
- [BioC] annaffy annotation problem (hgu133plus2) John Zhang
- [BioC] annaffy annotation problem (hgu133plus2) Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Rainer
- [BioC] annaffy annotation problem (hgu133plus2) Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Rainer
- [BioC] annaffy annotation problem (hgu133plus2) sdurinck at
- [BioC] annaffy annotation problem (hgu133plus2) aedin culhane
- [BioC] annaffy annotation problem (hgu133plus2) Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Rainer
- [BioC] annaffy annotation problem (hgu133plus2) Glynn, Earl
- [BioC] Another tcltk problem Vsevolod (Simon) Ilyushchenko
- [BioC] Another tcltk problem Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] Another tcltk problem Vsevolod (Simon) Ilyushchenko
- [BioC] Arabidopsis annotation package Dion Whitehead
- [BioC] Are you a Bioc package maintainer? Seth Falcon
- [BioC] arrayQuality: Error: recursive default argument reference vijayaraj nagarajan
- [BioC] ath11 annotation files lettieri at
- [BioC] ath11 annotation files Fangxin Hong
- [BioC] backgroundCorrect(method="normexp") problems Palmer, Lance
- [BioC] backgroundCorrect(method="normexp") problems Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] Binary CDF file andrew.w.wooster at
- [BioC] Binary CDF file James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Binary CDF file andrew.w.wooster at
- [BioC] Binary CDF file James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] bioconductor affy lib with R 2.0.1 Susan J. Miller
- [BioC] bioconductor affy lib with R 2.0.1 Seth Falcon
- [BioC] bioconductor affy lib with R 2.0.1 Seth Falcon
- [BioC] bioconductor affy lib with R 2.0.1 Seth Falcon
- [BioC] Bioconductor and R_LIBS Seth Falcon
- [BioC] Bioconductor and R_LIBS Steve Taylor
- [BioC] Bioconductor or R courses Brooke-Powell, Elizabeth
- [BioC] Bioconductor or R courses Seth Falcon
- [BioC] biomaRt question Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Rainer
- [BioC] biomaRt question Steffen Durinck
- [BioC] biomaRt question Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Rainer
- [BioC] biomaRt question Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Rainer
- [BioC] biomaRt question Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Rainer
- [BioC] biomaRt question Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Rainer
- [BioC] Cannot install Bioconductor Jonathan Arthur
- [BioC] Cannot install Bioconductor Seth Falcon
- [BioC] Cannot install Bioconductor Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] CDF file for Rhodobacter Yue Pan
- [BioC] CDF file for Rhodobacter James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Cho et al.'s Expression Dataset in Yeast Ho-Joon Lee
- [BioC] Cho et al.'s Expression Dataset in Yeast xpeng
- [BioC] Clustering non-biological replicate chips Ken Termiso
- [BioC] Clustering non-biological replicate chips Naomi Altman
- [BioC] computing SD using a list of gene expressions Lana Schaffer
- [BioC] computing SD using a list of gene expressions Norman Pavelka
- [BioC] convert a Binary CEL file to txt James MacDonald
- [BioC] convert a Binary CEL file to txt Mohammad Esad-Djou
- [BioC] convert dat to cel files Auer Michael
- [BioC] covariance structures for limma Jacob Michaelson
- [BioC] covariance structures for limma Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] covariance structures for limma Jacob Michaelson
- [BioC] Cox MTP question Katherine Pollard
- [BioC] Cy3 Cy5 mixup? Dennis Hazelett
- [BioC] Cy3 Cy5 mixup? Matthew Hannah
- [BioC] decideTests and topTable Humberto Ortiz Zuazaga
- [BioC] decideTests and topTable Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] Detection call for Hu6800 Claire Wilson
- [BioC] Detection call for Hu6800 Christian.Stratowa at
- [BioC] Detection calls - non-Affy (was "loged data or not loged") Naomi Altman
- [BioC] Detection calls - non-Affy (was "loged data or not loged") Rafael A. Irizarry
- [BioC] drosophila2 source question Cyrus Harmon
- [BioC] drosophila2 source question James MacDonald
- [BioC] drosophila2 source question Cyrus Harmon
- [BioC] Eisen-formatted expression data Steffen Moeller
- [BioC] Eisen-formatted expression data Sean Davis
- [BioC] error in genefilter? Lana Schaffer
- [BioC] error in genefilter? Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] Error in initialize Soumyaroop Bhattacharya
- [BioC] Error loading 'affy' / 'reposTools' Belooussov, Anton
- [BioC] Error loading 'affy' / 'reposTools' Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] Error loading some BioC packages ! Giulio Di Giovanni
- [BioC] Error loading some BioC packages ! Seth Falcon
- [BioC] Error loading some BioC packages ! Giulio Di Giovanni
- [BioC] error messages when opening R Lana Schaffer
- [BioC] error messages when opening R Seth Falcon
- [BioC] error messages when opening R Ting-Yuan Liu (FHCRC)
- [BioC] Error with lmFit Sara Rollinson
- [BioC] error with plot in simpleaffy Larry.Lapointe at
- [BioC] error with plot in simpleaffy Larry.Lapointe at
- [BioC] error-"couldnt find tkrplot"-kindly-help vijayaraj nagarajan
- [BioC] expanding factors for lm Arne.Muller at
- [BioC] experiment-design-advice-request vijayaraj nagarajan
- [BioC] exprSet Jiuzhou song
- [BioC] exprSet James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] FW: Error loading 'affy' / 'reposTools' Belooussov, Anton
- [BioC] FW: Error loading 'affy' / 'reposTools' Seth Falcon
- [BioC] FW: Error loading 'affy' / 'reposTools' Belooussov, Anton
- [BioC] FW: reading imagene data into limma ben
- [BioC] FW: reading imagene data into limma Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] FYI from apple employee RE: [R] Memory error in Mac OS X stefano iacus
- [BioC] FYI from apple employee RE: [R] Memory error in Mac OS X David Williamson
- [BioC] GCRMA computing affinities error length(prlen) == 1 andrew.w.wooster at
- [BioC] GCRMA computing affinities error length(prlen) == 1 Zhijin Wu
- [BioC] gcrma problem Wenqiong Chen
- [BioC] gcrma problem Zhijin Wu
- [BioC] gcrma problem Wenqiong Chen
- [BioC] gcrma problem James MacDonald
- [BioC] gcrma problem under Debian Stefano Calza
- [BioC] gcrma problem under Debian Ting-Yuan Liu (FHCRC)
- [BioC] Gene selection: association with linear response and correction for multi test david neil hayes
- [BioC] genes variances E Motakis, Mathematics
- [BioC] genes variances Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] genes variances Naomi Altman
- [BioC] Genes with Low-expression Fangxin Hong
- [BioC] Golub's 1999 article CEL files Eric Paquet
- [BioC] Help for GI numbers acess from LLids ? and How BioC will handle LocusLink? Saurin Jani
- [BioC] help on cdf file Jianping Jin
- [BioC] help on cdf file Ben Bolstad
- [BioC] Help on using read.Agilent from marray library Archana Sharma-Oates
- [BioC] help with Limma Ilhem Diboun
- [BioC] How does limma handle missing values? He, Yiwen (NIH/CIT)
- [BioC] How does limma handle missing values? Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] How extract F.p.value and lods values from a eBayes object in limma??? Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] How extract F.p.value and lods values from a eBayes object in limma??? Marcelo Luiz de Laia
- [BioC] How extract F.p.value and lods values from a eBayes object in limma??? Marcelo Luiz de Laia
- [BioC] How to analysis the this kind of data set? Xiao Shi
- [BioC] How to analysis the this kind of data set? Rhonda DeCook
- [BioC] How to analysis the this kind of data set? Fangxin Hong
- [BioC] how to do with global shift Dapeng Cui
- [BioC] how to do with global shift Adaikalavan Ramasamy
- [BioC] how to keep R as the latest version in the simple way? Yanqin Yang
- [BioC] how to keep R as the latest version in the simple way? Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] How to start? Malik Yousef
- [BioC] Integrating Codelink data with bioconductor (using affyand limmafunctions) Diego Díez Ruiz
- [BioC] Integrating Codelink data with bioconductor (using affyand limmafunctions) Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] Integrating Codelink data with bioconductor (using affy and limmafunctions) Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] Integrating Codelink data with bioconductor (using affy and limmafunctions) Diego Díez Ruiz
- [BioC] Integrating Codelink data with bioconductor (using affyand limmafunctions) Diego Díez Ruiz
- [BioC] is-normalisation-really-required vijayaraj nagarajan
- [BioC] is-normalisation-really-required Sean Davis
- [BioC] is-normalisation-really-required Adaikalavan Ramasamy
- [BioC] is-normalisation-really-required Stephen Henderson
- [BioC] is-normalisation-really-required Gorjanc Gregor
- [BioC] is-normalisation-really-required Sean Davis
- [BioC] is-normalisation-really-required Gorjanc Gregor
- [BioC] is-normalisation-really-required Adaikalavan Ramasamy
- [BioC] is-normalisation-really-required Gordon Barr
- [BioC] is-normalisation-really-required vijayaraj nagarajan
- [BioC] Job: Statistical Analyst - Affymetrix, Inc. Higgs, Debi
- [BioC] Jobs: Post-doctoral research in Statistical Genomics, Oxford University Chris Holmes
- [BioC] justGCRMA and binary .CDF file andrew.w.wooster at
- [BioC] LIMMA : design (1, 2, 3, 3 ) , I got EXCITING results, what could be the logic, since i have 2 replicates for 3rd group only ? Naomi Altman
- [BioC] LIMMA : design (1, 2, 3, 3 ) , I got EXCITING results, what could be the logic, since i have 2 replicates for 3rd group only ? Saurin Jani
- [BioC] LIMMA : design (1, 2, 3, 3 ) , I got EXCITING results, what could be the logic, since i have 2 replicates for 3rd group only ? Saurin Jani
- [BioC] LIMMA : design (1, 2, 3, 3 ) , I got EXCITING results, what could be the logic, since i have 2 replicates for 3rd group only ? Sean Davis
- [BioC] LIMMA : design (1, 2, 3, 3 ) , I got EXCITING results, what could be the logic, since i have 2 replicates for 3rd group only ? Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] LIMMA : design (1, 2, 3, 3 ) , I got EXCITING results, what could be the logic, since i have 2 replicates for 3rd group only ? Adaikalavan Ramasamy
- [BioC] LIMMA : design (1, 2, 3, 3 ) , I got EXCITING results, what could be the logic, since i have 2 replicates for 3rd group only ? Adaikalavan Ramasamy
- [BioC] LIMMA : design (1, 2, 3, 3 ) , I gotEXCITINGresults, what could be the logic, since i h Marcus Davy
- [BioC] Limma : Problem with lmFit() and block Laetitia Marisa
- [BioC] Limma : Problem with lmFit() and block Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] limma and files with separate channels Guoneng Zhong
- [BioC] limma and files with separate channels Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] limma and files with separate channels Guoneng Zhong
- [BioC] limma and files with separate channels Sean Davis
- [BioC] limma package Costa Catalana
- [BioC] limma package : Error in sigToEnv(signature, fdef) : Trying to ge t slot "signature" from an object of a basic class ("NULL") with no slots He, Yiwen (NIH/CIT)
- [BioC] limma package : Error in sigToEnv(signature, fdef) : Trying to ge t slot "signature" from an object of a basic class ("NULL") with no slots James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] limma package : Error in sigToEnv(signature,fdef) : Tr ying to get slot "signature" from an object of a basic class ("NULL") wi t h no slots He, Yiwen (NIH/CIT)
- [BioC] limma package : Error in sigToEnv(signature,fdef) : Tr ying to get slot "signature" from an object of a basic class ("NULL") wit h no slots He, Yiwen (NIH/CIT)
- [BioC] limma package : Error in sigToEnv(signature,fdef) : Tr ying to get slot "signature" from an object of a basic class ("NULL") wit h no slots Seth Falcon
- [BioC] limma package : Error in sigToEnv(signature,fdef) : Tr ying to get slot "signature" from an object of a basic class ("NULL") wit h no slots James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] limma topTable question Cyrus Harmon
- [BioC] limma topTable question Sean Davis
- [BioC] limma topTable question Cyrus Harmon
- [BioC] limma topTable question Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] limma topTable question Sean Davis
- [BioC] limma topTable question Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] limma topTable question Cyrus Harmon
- [BioC] limma topTable question Jenny Bryan
- [BioC] limma topTable question Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] Limma: genes with B<0 Wu, Xiwei
- [BioC] LIMMA:design (1, 2, 3, 3 ) , I got EXCITING results what could be the logic, since i have 2 replicates for 3rd group only? Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] LimmaGUI discards spots with no signal on one channel? Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] LimmaGUI discards spots with no signal on one channel? J.delasHeras at
- [BioC] LimmaGUI discards spots with no signal on one channel? Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
- [BioC] LimmaGUI discards spots with no signal on one channel? Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] LimmaGUI discards spots with no signal on one channel? Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
- [BioC] LimmaGUI discards spots with no signal on one channel?? J.delasHeras at
- [BioC] linear models and intercepts with LIMMA Ramsi Haddad
- [BioC] linear models and intercepts with LIMMA Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] linear models and intercepts with LIMMA James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] linear models and intercepts with LIMMA Ramsi Haddad
- [BioC] Linear response gene selection techniques david neil hayes
- [BioC] Linear response gene selection techniques James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] lmFit: how method I use in non-Affy single channel Marcelo Luiz de Laia
- [BioC] lmFit: how method I use in non-Affy single channel Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] local pooled error Lana Schaffer
- [BioC] local pooled error A.J. Rossini
- [BioC] loged data or not loged previous to use normalize.quantile Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] loged data or not loged previous to use normalize.quantile Marcelo Luiz de Laia
- [BioC] loged data or not loged previous to use normalize.quantile Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] loged data or not loged previous to use normalize.quantile Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] loged data or not loged previous to use normalize.quantile Naomi Altman
- [BioC] loged data or not loged previous to use normalize.quantile Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] loged data or not loged previous to use normalize.quantile Fangxin Hong
- [BioC] loged data or not loged previous to use normalize.quantile Naomi Altman
- [BioC] loged data or not loged previous to use normalize.quantile Rhonda DeCook
- [BioC] loged data or not loged previous to use normalize.quantile Naomi Altman
- [BioC] loged data or not loged previous to use normalize.quantile Marcelo Luiz de Laia
- [BioC] MA plot (using fitted M values) Choon Wei Wee
- [BioC] MAGE-ML reading Vincent Carey 525-2265
- [BioC] MAGE-ML reading Sean Davis
- [BioC] makecdfenv error Ambika Sundaresan
- [BioC] makecdfenv error Seth Falcon
- [BioC] makecdfenv error James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] MAPlot Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] MAplot Mohammad Esad-Djou
- [BioC] MAplot Mohammad Esad-Djou
- [BioC] marray, weights and normalizations.. Henning Redestig
- [BioC] marray, weights and normalizations.. Henning Redestig
- [BioC] marray, weights and normalizations.. Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] marray, weights and normalizations.. Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] marray, weights and normalizations.. Henning Redestig
- [BioC] marray, weights and normalizations.. Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] median values kfbargad at
- [BioC] Memory issue Salil
- [BioC] Memory issue Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Memory issue James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] missing AnnBuilder parser Francois Pepin
- [BioC] missing AnnBuilder parser John Zhang
- [BioC] missing AnnBuilder parser John Zhang
- [BioC] missing AnnBuilder parser Francois Pepin
- [BioC] Multifactorial affy data Jonathan Arthur
- [BioC] Multifactorial affy data Sean Davis
- [BioC] multtest and Cox regression Benjamin Haibe-Kains
- [BioC] multtest and Cox regression Benjamin Haibe-Kains
- [BioC] multtest and Cox regression James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] multtest problem... Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Rainer
- [BioC] multtest problem... Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] multtest problem... Sean Davis
- [BioC] multtest problem... Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Rainer
- [BioC] multtest problem... Katherine Pollard
- [BioC] NetAffx annotation order conflicts with RMA Marie Chehani Alles
- [BioC] no BioConductor posting guide Adaikalavan Ramasamy
- [BioC] no BioConductor posting guide A.J. Rossini
- [BioC] no BioConductor posting guide Seth Falcon
- [BioC] no BioConductor posting guide Adaikalavan Ramasamy
- [BioC] no BioConductor posting guide Adaikalavan Ramasamy
- [BioC] no BioConductor posting guide Adaikalavan Ramasamy
- [BioC] no BioConductor posting guide Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] no BioConductor posting guide Matthew Hannah
- [BioC] no BioConductor posting guide Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] no BioConductor posting guide Adaikalavan Ramasamy
- [BioC] no BioConductor posting guide Liaw, Andy
- [BioC] no BioConductor posting guide A.J. Rossini
- [BioC] Non parametric control chart Carla
- [BioC] opinions on posting guide draft Adaikalavan Ramasamy
- [BioC] Pearson correlation and p-values for a matrix Dren Scott
- [BioC] Pearson correlation and p-values for a matrix xpeng
- [BioC] Pearson correlation and p-values for a matrix Naomi Altman
- [BioC] PID,x,y Hrishikesh Deshmukh
- [BioC] Pointers on importing peptide (protein) expression data Jamie Sherman
- [BioC] Pointers on importing peptide (protein) expression data Sean Davis
- [BioC] possible problems with call.exprs for mas, mas-R, and justPlier Dick Beyer
- [BioC] probe alignment clustering Stan Smiley
- [BioC] probe alignment clustering Sean Davis
- [BioC] probe level analysis of Nimblegen arrays Mikko Arvas
- [BioC] problem deriving expression values Salil
- [BioC] problem deriving expression values Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] problem with getGOOntology Sean Cory
- [BioC] problem with getGOOntology Sean Davis
- [BioC] problem with getGOOntology Francois Pepin
- [BioC] problem with getGOOntology Sean Davis
- [BioC] problem with getGOOntology Francois Pepin
- [BioC] problem with getGOOntology Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] problem with getGOOntology Sean Cory
- [BioC] problem with getGOOntology Francois Pepin
- [BioC] problem with getGOOntology Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] problem with impute.knn in the impute package He, Yiwen (NIH/CIT)
- [BioC] Puzzled with htmlpage Fatima Nunez
- [BioC] Puzzled with htmlpage James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] qc.affy problem Steve Taylor
- [BioC] qc.affy problem Crispin Miller
- [BioC] Quantile normalization without using affyBatch Shinhan Shiu
- [BioC] Quantile normalization without using affyBatch James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Quantile normalization without using affyBatch Ben Bolstad
- [BioC] Quantile normalization without using affyBatch Suresh Gopalan
- [BioC] Quantile normalization without using affyBatch Shinhan Shiu
- [BioC] Question about Correlation (Limma package) yzou1971 at
- [BioC] Question about Correlation (Limma package) Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] question about multtest v.1.5.2 ivan.borozan at
- [BioC] Questions about limma He, Yiwen (NIH/CIT)
- [BioC] Questions about limma He, Yiwen (NIH/CIT)
- [BioC] Questions about limma Sean Davis
- [BioC] Questions about limma Sean Davis
- [BioC] R and BioC package installation Gregor GORJANC
- [BioC] R and BioC package installation James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] R and BioC package installation Seth Falcon
- [BioC] R and BioC package installation Gregor GORJANC
- [BioC] R and BioC package installation Gregor GORJANC
- [BioC] R and BioC package installation Jeff Gentry
- [BioC] R and BioC package installation Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] Rdbi.PgSQL Hrishikesh Deshmukh
- [BioC] RE: Bioconductor Digest, Vol 26, Issue 5 Jiuzhou song
- [BioC] Re: Detection calls - non-Affy (was "loged data or not loged") Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Re: Fw: problem with GEO parser Saurin D. Jani
- [BioC] Re: justGCRMA and binary .CDF file James MacDonald
- [BioC] Re: possible problems with call.exprs for mas, mas-R, and justPlier Dick Beyer
- [BioC] Re: Rghraphviz Seth Falcon
- [BioC] Read PDB files Burkhard Heil
- [BioC] ReadAffy for moe430acdf Margaret Gardiner-Garden
- [BioC] ReadAffy for moe430acdf Seth Falcon
- [BioC] ReadAffy for moe430acdf Seth Falcon
- [BioC] Reading micrroaray data Malik Yousef
- [BioC] Reading STDEV in CEL files Mayte Suarez-Farinas
- [BioC] remove probes - code Ariel Chernomoretz
- [BioC] remove probes - example script Ariel Chernomoretz
- [BioC] remove probes - GCRMA 1.1.3 weird behavior Ariel Chernomoretz
- [BioC] reposTool package: permission problems on liblisting.Rda file rue
- [BioC] reproducing dChip expression measure Adaikalavan Ramasamy
- [BioC] reproducing dChip expression measure Adaikalavan Ramasamy
- [BioC] reproducing dChip expression measure Naomi Altman
- [BioC] reproducing dChip expression measure Adaikalavan Ramasamy
- [BioC] reproducing dChip expression measure Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] retrieve raw data from soft file Sean Davis
- [BioC] Rgraphviz error bernard-michel caroline
- [BioC] Rgraphviz error Seth Falcon
- [BioC] Rgraphviz error Seth Falcon
- [BioC] RMA + loess normalisation and filtering Katleen De Preter
- [BioC] RMA + loess normalisation and filtering Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] RMA + loess normalisation and filtering Naomi Altman
- [BioC] RMA + loess normalisation and filtering Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] RNA deg plot Jianping Jin
- [BioC] RNA deg plot Jianping Jin
- [BioC] RSJava on Windows Vincent Carey 525-2265
- [BioC] sam analysis question lettieri at
- [BioC] sam analysis question James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Siggenes SAM analysis with unequal # of control and exp chips Stefano Calza
- [BioC] Siggenes SAM analysis with unequal # of control and exp chips Ken Termiso
- [BioC] simLL method in GOstats Maria Persico
- [BioC] simLL method in GOstats Seth Falcon
- [BioC] simLL method in GOstats Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] simLL method in GOstats Maria Persico
- [BioC] Single Channel Analysis in Limma using lmscFit Brett Abrahams
- [BioC] Single Channel Analysis in Limma using lmscFit Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] SNPs tool ??? Mayte Suarez-Farinas
- [BioC] SNPs tool ??? James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] solicitation for Affy bovine cdf environment Anjanette Watson
- [BioC] solicitation for Affy bovine cdf environment James MacDonald
- [BioC] SpikeIn and rma, MAS5 and dChip Mohammad Esad-Djou
- [BioC] SpikeIn and rma, MAS5 and dChip Ben Bolstad
- [BioC] Spot quantitation Jason Skelton
- [BioC] Strange signal Log-Ratios with MA.RG Giulio Di Giovanni
- [BioC] Strange signal Log-Ratios with MA.RG Sean Davis
- [BioC] Strange signal Log-Ratios with MA.RG Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Strange signal Log-Ratios with MA.RG Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] Strange signal Log-Ratios with MA.RG Giulio Di Giovanni
- [BioC] tcltk problems Vsevolod (Simon) Ilyushchenko
- [BioC] tcltk problems Seth Falcon
- [BioC] tcltk problems Vsevolod (Simon) Ilyushchenko
- [BioC] tcltk problems Seth Falcon
- [BioC] tcltk problems Vsevolod (Simon) Ilyushchenko
- [BioC] technical replicates and spots in limma Ron Ophir
- [BioC] technical replicates and spots in limma Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] technical replicates and spots in limma Ron Ophir
- [BioC] Thank you for guidance, I highly appreciate that Saurin Jani
- [BioC] Tiling array application Shinhan Shiu
- [BioC] Tiling array application James MacDonald
- [BioC] Tiling array application Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] Tiling array application Naomi Altman
- [BioC] Tiling array application Shinhan Shiu
- [BioC] Tiling array application Shinhan Shiu
- [BioC] Tiling array application Zhijin Wu
- [BioC] Tiling array application Shinhan Shiu
- [BioC] Tiling array application Zhijin Wu
- [BioC] tkrplot-error-help vijayaraj nagarajan
- [BioC] tkrplot-error-help James Wettenhall
- [BioC] U133plus2.0 memory problem kfbargad at
- [BioC] U133plus2.0 memory problem James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Using perl in R Shafagh Fallah
- [BioC] Using perl in R Seth Falcon
- [BioC] Using perl in R Vincent Carey 525-2265
- [BioC] where to start? Malik Yousef
- [BioC] where to start? Sean Davis
- [BioC] where to start? michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] where to start? Sean Davis
- [BioC] where to start? michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] where to start? Seth Falcon
- [BioC] where to start? Malik Yousef
- [BioC] Wilcoxon test [was loged data or not loged previous to use normalize.quantile] Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] Wilcoxon test [was loged data or not loged previous to use normalize.quantile] Claus Mayer
- [BioC] Wilcoxon test [was loged data or not loged previous to use normalize.quantile] Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] Wilcoxon test [was loged data or not loged previous to use normalize.quantile] Matthew Hannah
- [BioC] Wilcoxon test [was loged data or not loged previous to use normalize.quantile] A.J. Rossini
- [BioC] Wilcoxon test [was loged data or not loged previous to use normalize.quantile] Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
- [BioC] xy2i in SNps... Mayte Suarez-Farinas
- downloading an entire repository (was Re: [BioC] (no subject)) Adaikalavan Ramasamy
- Fw: [BioC] retrieve raw data from soft file guillaume deplaine
- How to average over duplicate spots [Was: Re: [BioC] technical replicates and spots in limma] Gordon Smyth
Last message date:
Sat Apr 30 20:49:04 CEST 2005
Archived on: Sun May 1 17:37:47 CEST 2005
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