
For the term used to define matches where both players choose the same character, see Ditto match.

Ditto (メタモン, Metamon in Japan), is a fictional creature in the Pokémon media franchise.

In Super Smash Bros. Melee[]

As a removed Poké Ball Pokémon[]

Ditto is a Pokémon that was removed from Super Smash Bros. Melee just prior to its release. Its supposed purpose was to transform into AI copy of the user's character, which would aid them in battle. However, processing problems forced its removal.

It can be accessed using a cheating device, such as Action Replay, but its Transform ability is not present. Instead, it simply says "Meta!" then disappears. It also deals around 7-8% damage to whoever touches it.

As a Tournament Mode element[]

In Tournament Mode, in either Winner Out or Loser Out style tournaments, when selecting a character for these events, simply hold down L+R and then press A. The character will appear as Ditto, and will be a random character and color when each match begins.

As a trophy[]

A trophy of Ditto is among the 290 trophies to appear in the game. It can be collected randomly during normal play, such as in the Trophy Lottery and throughout the various Single-player Regular Matches. It reads as follows:

Image Title List How to unlock
Ditto Pokémon Red & Blue
Every Ditto has the ability to copy a Pokémon's entire cell structure in an instant and become its exact replica. They're terrible at remembering techniques, but when they use Transform, they temporarily learn all of their foe's moves. If a Ditto starts to laugh, it weakens and can't hold its transformation.

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[]

Ditto was finally implemented in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. As was planned in Melee, it transforms into a copy of the user's character and assist them in battle.


Ditto as a placeholder in Tournament Mode.

Ditto in Super Smash Bros. Melee

Ditto in Super Smash Bros. Melee

Falco and Mewtwo looking at Ditto in Super Smash Bros. Melee

Falco and Mewtwo looking at Ditto in Super Smash Bros. Melee

Ditto as it appears in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Ditto transformed as Inkling

Ditto transformed as Donkey Kong.


  • In the official Super Smash Bros. Melee strategy guide, Ditto is still listed as being able to appear from a Poké Ball, suggesting the guide was made while the game was still in development, or the developers forgot to edit it out.
  • Ditto is the only Pokémon that can be KO'd and can be trapped in any trapping Final Smashes in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

External links[]

v • d • e

Non-Playable Pokémon in Super Smash Bros. Melee
Poké Ball

Articuno · Bellossom · Blastoise · Celebi · Chansey · Charizard · Chikorita · Clefairy · Cyndaquil · (Ditto) · Electrode · Entei · Goldeen · Ho-oh · Lugia · Marill · Mew · Moltres · Porygon2 · Raikou · Scizor · Snorlax · Staryu · Suicune · Togepi · Unown · Venusaur · Weezing · Wobbuffet · Zapdos

Poké Floats
Trophy only

Bulbasaur · Cleffa · Crobat · Ditto · Eevee · Heracross · Igglybuff · Meowth · Poliwhirl · Steelix · Totodile

v • d • e

Poké Ball Pokémon in the Super Smash Bros. series
Introduced in Smash 64
Introduced in Melee

Articuno · Bellossom · Celebi · Chikorita · Cyndaquil · Electrode · Entei · Goldeen · Ho-oh · Lugia · Marill · Moltres · Porygon2 · Raikou · Scizor · Staryu · Suicune · Togepi · Unown · Venusaur · Weezing · Wobbuffet · Zapdos

Introduced in Brawl
Introduced in 3DS/Wii U

Abomasnow · Arceus · Chespin · Darkrai · Dedenne · Eevee · Fennekin · Fletchling · Genesect · Giratina · Gogoat · Inkay · Keldeo · Kyurem · Meloetta · Oshawott · Palkia · Snivy · Spewpa · Swirlix · Victini · Xerneas · Zoroark

Introduced in Ultimate