Fil:Van Gogh - Vase mit Kornblumen und Klatschmohn.jpeg – Wikipedia

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Vincent van Gogh: Vase with Cornflowers and Poppies  wikidata:Q20015091 reasonator:Q20015091
Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890)  wikidata:Q5582 s:en:Author:Vincent van Gogh q:en:Vincent van Gogh
Vincent van Gogh
Alternativa namn

Vincent Willem van Gogh

Beskrivning nederländsk målare, tecknare och gravör
Datum för födelse/död 30 mars 1853 Redigera detta på Wikidata 29 juli 1890 Redigera detta på Wikidata
Födelseort/dödsort Zundert Redigera detta på Wikidata Auvers-sur-Oise
Arbetsperiod cirka 1880 till juli 1890

Nederländerna (Etten, Haag, Nuenen, …, före 1886

Paris (1886–1887), Arles (1888–1889),
Saint-Rémy-de-Provence (1889–1890), Auvers-sur-Oise (1890)


image of artwork listed in title parameter on this page


Deutsch: Vase mit Kornblumen und Klatschmohn

English: Vase with Cornflowers and Poppies

Objekttyp målning Redigera detta på Wikidata
Genre stilleben Redigera detta på Wikidata
Datum juni 1890
Teknik/material olja på duk
Mått höjd: 66 cm; bredd: 51 cm
Samling Privat ägo
Place of creation Auvers-sur-Oise Redigera detta på Wikidata
Föremålets historia
  • (probably) Dr. Paul Gachet, Auvers-sur-Oise [per Sotheby's sale catalogue and following]
  • Gaston Alexandre Camentron, Paris
  • Paul Cassirer, Berlin (acquired from the above in November 1911)
  • Antoine Albert, Wiesbaden (acquired in 1914)
  • Mrs. A. Albert, Munich (widow of the above; acquired in 1918)
  • Georg Caspari, Munich
  • M. Knoedler & Co., Inc., London (acquired on April 24, 1926)
  • James Carstairs, Philadelphia (acquired in December 1926)
  • M. Knoedler & Co., Inc., New York (acquired in October 1928)
  • Anson Conger Goodyear, Long Island, New York (acquired in October 1928)
  • George F. Goodyear, Buffalo, New York (acquired by decent from the above in December 1941)
  • Albright Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York (acquired in part from the above)
  • Acquired from the Goodyear family in 1991
  • Sale Sotheby's, New York, 4 November 2014: Price realized $61,765,000 includes Hammer Price and Buyer's Premium
  • Berlin, Paul Cassirer, Vincent van Gogh, 1914, lot 27a [per Sotheby's sale catalogue and following]
  • New York, The Museum of Modern Art, First Loan Exhibition: Cézanne-Gauguin-Seurat-van Gogh, 1929, illustrated pl. 92
  • Buffalo, Albright Art Gallery, Catalogue of Exhibition Commemorating the Twenty Fifth Anniversary: An International Group of Paintings of Flowers, 1930, no. 67 (titled Flowers-Still Life)
  • New York, The Museum of Modern Art, Modern Works of Art: Fifth Anniversary Exhibition, 1934-35, no. 15 (titled Poppies)
  • New York, The Museum of Modern Art ; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Museum of Art; Boston, Museum of Fine Arts; Cleveland, Museum of Art; San Francisco, Palace of the Legion of Honor; Kansas City, The William Rochill Nelson Gallery of Art; Minneapolis, The Institute of Arts; Chicago, The Art Institute; Detroit, Institute of Arts; New York, The Museum of Modern Art, Vincent van Gogh, 1936-37, no. 14 (titled Poppies)
  • Washington, D.C., The Washington Gallery of The Museum of Modern Art, Flowers and Fruits, 1938, no. 22 (titled Poppies)
  • Buffalo, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Paintings, Sculpture, Drawings, Prints Collected by A. Conger Goodyear, 1966, no. 16 (titled Flowers of the Fields)
  • Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, Paintings from the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York, 1968, illustrated in the catalogue
  • Buffalo, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, on long-term exhibition, 1962-90

Catalogues raisonnés:

  • F280: Faille, Jacob Baart de la (1970) [1928] The Works of Vincent van Gogh. His Paintings and Drawings, Amsterdam: J.M. Meulenhoff, nr 280 .
  • JH2032 : Jan Hulsker (1980), The Complete Van Gogh, Oxford: Phaidon, nr  2032.
  • There are no mentions of this painting in Vincent's letters. De La Faille assigned the painting to his Paris era, but later editors to his last year at Auvers because of its stylistic resemblance to Vase with Field Flowers and Thistles (F763), which can be dated to around 17 June 1890 from the letters (Hulsker (1977) p. 466).
  • The painting realized $61,765,000 at a Sotheby's sale 4 November 2014, New York. This was a record price for a van Gogh still-life.[1]
  • Naifeh, Steven and Smith, Gregory White. Van Gogh: the Life, New York: Random House, 2011. ISBN 978-0-375-50748-9
  • Julius Meier-Graefe, Vincent van Gogh, Munich, 1918, illustrated p. 11 (titled Blumenstrauss) [per Sotheby's sale catalogue and following]
  • Jacob-Baart de la Faille, L’Oeuvre de Vincent van Gogh, Paris and Brussels, 1928, vol. I no. 280, catalogued p. 82; vol. II, illustrated pl. 77 (dated incorrectly Epoque de Paris)
  • “Fruits & Flowers: Spring in the Capital,” The Art News, New York, April 2, 1938, illustrated p. 11 (titled Poppies)
  • Jacob-Baart de la Faille, The Works of Vincent van Gogh: His Painting and Drawings, Amsterdam, 1970, no. 280 , pp 309 and 622 illustrated, p. 308 (titled Still life Vase with Daises and Poppies)
  • Paul Aletrino, Tout van Gogh, 1888-1890, La Peinture, Paris, 1982, no. 67, illustrated p. 80 (titled Fleurs de Champs)
  • Alain Mothe, Vincent van Gogh à Auvers-sur-Oise, Paris, 1987, illustrated in color p. 81
  • Walter Feilchenfeldt, Vincent van Gogh and Paul Cassirer, Berlin, The Reception of van Gogh in Germany from 1902-1913, Amsterdam, 1988, illustrated p. 86 (titled Still life: Vase with Daises and Poppies)
  • Ingo Walter & Rainer Metzger, Vincent van Gogh, The Complete Paintings, Cologne, 1990, illustrated p. 661
  • Jan Hulsker, The Complete van Gogh, Paintings, Drawings, Sketches, New York, 1996, no. 2032, illustrated p. 466
  • The Real Van Gogh, The Artist and his Letters (exhibition catalogue), Royal Academy of Arts, London, 2010, discussed p. 272
  • Walter Feilchenfeldt, Vincent van Gogh, The Years in France, Complete Paintings 1886-1890, London, 2013, illustrated in color p. 250
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  • High resolution image from Sotheby's 2014 sale

    High resolution image from Sotheby's 2014 sale